Transcription of Letter from Mr and Mrs Reynolds of Hamilton, Ontario


31 Beulah Ave
Hamilton Ont

May 3.30

Dear Friends CKGW

My wife and I feel the least we can do is write and express our appreciation of the programmes you broadcast.

Frankly we are Canadians and yet have absolutely no ear for any Canadian Station on the air, we prefer the U.S.A Stations.

Your programmes are put on the air with such snap and pep we tune in only when we know you are broadcasting and listen in on nothing else Canadian.

Might say, we also could not ever drink anything else but G and W feeling we not only know it’s the finest we can buy, but also we are trying to show you our appreciation of the entertainment you place in our home.

Being a salesman your distilled product and your snappy music enables me to give the best I have in putting over my sales talk.

Thanks. Thanks. Thanks.

Very Truly Yours

Mrs. J.B. Reynolds
J. B[?] Reynolds
Her Husband

City of Toronto Archives
Series 1661, File 11, Item 1


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