Alderman Mowatt seconded by Alderman Ritchey moves that it be resolved, that a committee of the Council be appointed to act in cooperation with the committee lately appointed by the inhabitants at a Public Meeting in taking such measures as may seem best fitted to procure the selection of this city as the permanent seat of Government for the Province and that such committee do consist of His Worship the Mayor, Aldermen Robinson, Phillpotts, Manning and Brunel with Councillors Earl, Sproatt, Moodie, Ramsey and the mover and that the 25th rule of this council and the order of the day be dispensed with so far as relates to this motion which was ordered.
The Council resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on the Report of the Select Committee on amendments to Municipal Law, Councillor Moodie in the Chair.
The Committee rose. Councillor Moodie reported progress and asked leave to sit again.
The report was received and leave granted accordingly.
The Council then […]
A committee is appointed to procure the selection of Toronto as the seat of government for the Province of Canada
April 6, 1857
Journal of the Common Council of the City of Toronto, p. 81
City of Toronto Archives, Series 1077