If your project includes an HVAC elements, the following will also be required as part of your application.
Mechanical (HVAC) Permit
Layout of mechanical system at each floor level
Type, location & size of equipment.
Heat loss & heat gain calculations
Duct design calculations
Mechanical ventilation calculations & design.
Application to Construct or Demolish Form
Building permit application form required for all submissions
Schedule 1: Designer Information Form
Required for all designers, except Engineers and Architects when applying for any Construction Permit. Property Owners, if exempted, from Qualification / Certification, they must fill-in the form to specify the reason for exemption.
Commitment to General Reviews By Architect and Engineer
Required for all buildings where professional design and field review is required by the Ontario Building Code. This Commitment form must be signed by the owner or agent and the professional architect, engineer, or consultant.
Please note: not all projects are eligible for email submission. Review the list of eligible applications and detailed email submission process.
To submit an application by email please use the ‘Email’ button on top of the Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish.
No additional fee if submitted with building application unless there is a specialty system
Please DO NOT include any personal information on your Building Plans (e.g., the homeowner’s name or phone number). Building Plans submitted for Permit are subject to disclosure in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).