Toronto Building is going digital! Just in time for the Spring building season, customers can now apply for the following building permits through the new Express Services online application portal: ancillary structures (excluding laneway and garden suites), detached carports, detached garages, decks and porches. See if your project is in scope today!


A Building Permit is your formal permission to begin the construction, demolition, addition or renovation on your property. As part of the Building Permit process, Toronto Building staff must review your plans to ensure they comply with the Ontario Building Code, local Zoning By-laws and other Applicable Law.

When do I Need a Building Permit?

A Building Permit is required for the construction and/or demolition of a new building, an addition, or material alteration of any building or structure.

How to Apply for a Building Permit

Learn what drawings, documents and forms are required for each type of application.

Express Services

Learn about the transformation of Toronto Building's service delivery model starting with our Express Services pilot in January 2023

Building Permit Review Streams

Learn about the Commercial Xpress review programs, and the timelines that apply to all Complete Building Permit applications.

Plan Review Process

Find out what happens after you submit your permit application to Toronto Building.

Electronic Submission Guidelines

Detailed submission requirements for all documents, plans and drawings.

Building Permit Regulations

Your application will be reviewed for compliance with the Ontario Building Code, the Zoning By-law, and other Applicable Law.

Conditional Permit Applications

Typically used for large development applications to permit construction where there is outstanding applicable law which would result in an unreasonable delay in construction