Once you submit your permit application to Toronto Building, the following process takes place:
The Zoning By-law sets out rules governing land use and the placement of buildings on a lot. It states exactly:
The Zoning Examiner will also confirm that your application complies with Applicable Law. These include:
If you are unable to comply with the provisions of the Zoning By-law, you may submit an application to the Committee of Adjustment for a minor variance. If the Committee of Adjustment approves the variance, you may submit a Building Permit application, subject to the terms established by the Committee of Adjustment.
A Building Code Examiner will review your building plans, in order to determine compliance with the requirements of the Ontario Building Code.
The Ontario Building Code is a set of minimum provisions regarding the safety of buildings:
If applicable, your plans and drawings are reviewed to ensure compliance with heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC), plumbing, drainage and private sewage system requirements of the Ontario Building Code.
In the case of some multi-family residential, commercial, industrial and institutional applications with fire protection systems, these will be reviewed for compliance with the Ontario Fire Code.
If compliance with the building code, zoning and other applicable regulations is determined, the application is approved and a permit is issued. If compliance is a problem, you will be issued a notice documenting why your project does not comply.
Examination of your permit documents may identify that additional information is required. To submit revised drawings or additional documents, please email bldresubmit@toronto.ca and include the following information:
If the resubmission does not address all deficiencies, a new notice will be issued.
For files exceeding 25 MB, you may upload link in the body of your email. Please do not request an SFTP link for files with a total size less than 25 MB, they should be attached directly to your email submission.