To make general inquiries, locate a Toronto Building customer service location, make an over-the-phone payment, book an inspection, or for development application inquiries, please review the following information:
General Customer Service Inquiries can be made by calling 416-397-5330 Monday to Friday from 8:30a.m. to 4:30p.m.
As part of the reopening of the City of Toronto’s in-person services, Toronto Building is providing general Zoning By-law information at our four District offices, by appointment only.
Appointments will take place at one of the following locations:
To use the Toronto Building Fee Payment Line service, please call 416-397-5222.
Before you make your call:
Toronto Building will process the payment for the authorized credit card holder and he/she will receive a receipt by email.
Payment of any applicable Parkland Dedication, Development Charges, Educational Development Charges, or Planning Benefits, including other development related fees, must be made via Electronic Funds Transfer. To arrange an EFT payment, please contact 416-397-5330
The Toronto Building Payments Online service allows applicants of Building Permits or other Toronto Building services to pay the required fees online, by credit card, at any time of the day.
Development application inquiries are for property owners, developers, builders and others interested in obtaining planning approvals for developing property in the City of Toronto. If you have questions about development application, planning approvals or developing property please contact one of the planning consultants listed below:
Toronto & East York District
Steve Prince Planning Consultant 416-395-6384
Kyle Strik Planning Consultant 416-392-7540 |
North York District
Nolan Tipping Planning Consultant 416-392-7512
Etobicoke York District
Stefano Bellissimo Planning Consultant 416-394-8239 |
Scarborough District
Ying Zheng Planning Consultant 416-396-5033 |