All Toronto Building forms are available in fillable format. Search the forms index by the A-Z list.
Forms should be completed and signed electronically. Please refer to instructions on how to create an electronic signature and view the Electronic Submission Guidelines.
Required when applying for construction or demolition permits, including swimming pool enclosure and sign applications. Please refer for Schedule D of the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 363 for drawings and submission requirements. Please refer to the fee schedule for applicable current fee. Mechanical, plumbing applications related to a building permit are considered to be the same project and their fees are covered under the building permit, however the building permit has to be applied for first or at the same time – indicate the (9- digit) project number on your application. For multiple discipline/applications pick the appropriate combination in the description box on the form. For multiple residential project, fill-in one application for each building type or each block of attached row houses together Schedule A: Multiple Residential Application Form
Required when applying for access to building plans.
Required when applying for a Solar Domestic Hot Water permit for a single family residential building where the product has not been certified by Toronto Building.
Where the permit drawings and/or documents submitted with a building permit application for a design of a new house or material alteration to an existing house bear the seal of a professional engineer, the professional engineer who sealed drawings and/or documents shall confirm the content for which the engineer is assuming professional responsibility by completing the
Based on site conditions, the following drawings may be used to apply for a plumbing permit for the installation of premises isolation backflow prevention devices.”
MAPAC-006-2009: Premises isolation backflow preventer installation up to 1″ size with thermal expansion relief valve.
MAPAC-007-2010: Premises isolation backflow preventer installation up to 2″size with suspended expansion tank.
MAPAC-008-2010: Premises isolation backflow preventer installation up to 2″ size with floor mounted expansion tank.
MAPAC-009-2010: Premises isolation backflow preventer installation up to 2″ size with suspended expansion tank and multiple hot water tanks.
Required for all new and addition buildings (Part 9 or Part 3), to establish compliance with the Ontario Building Code. The OAA (Ontario Architects Association) Matrix could be used as a substitute.
Required for all buildings where professional design and field review is required by the Ontario Building Code. This Commitment form must be signed by the owner or agent and the professional architect, engineer, or consultant.
A Consent to Enter form is required when installing a backwater valve and sump pump to assist Toronto Water in determining eligibility for Basement Flooding Protection Subsidy Program.
The form provides City staff permission to enter the property and verify the existence of a sump pump.
The Declaration of Use may be required by an examiner to clarify the use of a building to supplement the information shown on the plans. If requested by the examiner, the Registered Property Owner must complete and sign the form, clearly indicated the proposed use.
To submit a Zoning Applicable Law Certificate as part of a complete building permit application, the owner is required to complete a Declaration Form – Use of Zoning Applicable Law Certificate.
Required when applying for a demolition permit to establish that demolitions will take place in compliance with the Building Code Act and will proceed in an environmentally safe and sound manner. Use the checklist to determine if a structural engineer is required and if additional environmental requirements and fees apply. As a general rule, buildings with a history of industrial use have a high probability of containing one or more contaminated substances.
Required when an application for a permit is made between January 1, 2025 and March 31, 2025 AND the working drawings, plans, and specifications were substantially completed on or before December 31, 2024, AND the application is to be reviewed against the 2012 Ontario Building Code.
Required documentation when applying to certify a solar domestic hot water product for a single family residential building. Refer to submission requirements on the second page. (Note application for certifications of SDHW products to be coordinated through the Toronto Energy Office).
Required when applying to certify a house, tent or a portable classroom. Please refer to fee schedule for applicable current fee.
Required when applying for Earth Energy Systems such as open loop or closed loop geothermal systems
Required when applying to construct a new Part 9 non-residential building or an addition to an existing Part 9 non-residential building, to establish compliance with the energy efficiency requirements stipulated in Supplemental Standard SB-10 of the Ontario Building Code.
For applications prior to December 31, 2017 – Download Form
For applications after January 1, 2018 – Download Form
Required when applying to construct a new building, or for an addition to an existing building, to establish compliance with the energy efficiency requirements stipulated in Supplemental Standard SB-10 of the Ontario Building Code.
For applications prior to December 31, 2017 – Download the Form
For applications after January 1, 2018 – Download Form
Required when applying to construct a new Part 9 residential building or an addition to an existing Part 9 residential building, to establish compliance with the energy efficiency requirements stipulated in Supplemental Standard SB-12 of the Ontario Building Code.
Compliance using performance and other acceptable compliance methods Download Form
Compliance using prescriptive method Download Form
Required for most alteration/renovation applications. (Part 9 or Part 3 other than houses), to reveal information about the building’s life safety system in the building. “The Building Design Information Form” could be used as a substitute.
Required when applying for a permit to erect, modify, or restore a First Party Sign. An application for a Building Permit is also required except for most painted and window signs. A sign structure fee would be applicable. Application form.
Required to be completed for projects located in the Hospital Heliport flight path areas described in by-law 1432-2017
Please see the guide Applications for Development within the Hospital Helicopter Flightpath for more information.
Required for all new buildings or building additions applications with a gross floor Area exceeding 2000 m², or where a green roof is proposed to be constructed. The form contains a declaration by the applicant and designer. Designer self-checklist is intended to assist Designers in reviewing their project by providing a summary of Code and bylaw provisions.
Required upon completion of the installation of the green roof. This site review report is to be submitted by the designer to the inspector, verifying that the green roof installation is in conformance with City of Toronto Bylaw No.583-2009, Section 492-9 “Toronto Green Roof Construction Standard: Mandatory Provisions.”
This is a declaration form to be submitted to Toronto Building in order for the Owner or authorised agent of the owner to request an electronic copy of the Residential Infill Public Notice from Toronto Building
Required when requesting an inspection, mainly for multiple inspection requests like subdivisions. Requests to be submitted to the local district inspection office.
Required when applying for a written confirmation of an inspection status. A fee is applicable as per fee schedule (one hour of inspection fee/status). Requests to be submitted to the local district inspection office.
Required for all buildings where Electromagnetic Locking Devices are installed. “Commitment to General Reviews By Architect and Engineer” form could be used as a substitute, however all permit application drawings must then bear the seal and signature of an architect and/or a professional engineer.
Required for building permit applications where zoning for the site does not permit its current use, but this use was permitted and in existence prior to the enactment of the current Zoning By-law.
Required when applying for permits for new housing which are not subject to Sub-division or Site Plan Approval.
Required when applying for permits for new housing which are not subject to Subdivision or Site Plan Approval.
Required for all projects involving exterior work, except Residential FASTRACK type jobs or if the project is subject to Site Plan approval with City Planning. Applicant/owner is required to pay a damage deposit as a protection guarantee against damage to the curb, sidewalk, road, public laneway, boulevard and other services as well as tracking mud on City streets, or failing to clear snow and ice from sidewalks while construction is in progress. Return of deposits after completion of construction is administered by Right-of-Way Management, Transportation Division, in relevant district.
Required to be submitted for all projects located in Transit Corridor Lands where a Corridor Development Permit is required to be issued by Metrolinx.
Required as part of a Third Party Sign Tax dispute under Section 771-33 of Chapter 771 of the Municipal Code. Must be filled out within 60 days of the date of the invoice that is being disputed.
Required when applying for a Demolition Permit to demolish a residential building/unit associated.
Required when applying for a plumbing permit relating to plumbing work on private property or within buildings or structures.
Required when applying for business licence approval of public garages, restaurants, adult entertainment parlours, body rub establishments, holistic centres, and entertainment establishments/night clubs.
Required when applying for a written confirmation of property information for active building permits and applications, outstanding orders or violation files, building and Municipal Licensing & Standards, active sign permits and applications, active Committee of Adjustment applications. A fee is applicable as per fee schedule (Routine Compliance fee search). Please direct your request to address on the form.
Required for residential demolition or renovating of any residential building when the land has 6 or more dwelling units and one or more is a rental unit to ensure compliance with Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion Bylaw.
If screening suggests that a Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion Application is required, you need to fill-in the Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion Application form and submit it to City Planning for approval.
Download Form City Planning
Required for all designers, except Engineers and Architects when applying for any Construction Permit. Property Owners, if exempted, from Qualification / Certification, they must fill-in the form to specify the reason for exemption.
Required when applying for a plumbing permit to replace or expand a septic tank and/or weeping bed.
Required when applying for a Solar Domestic Hot Water permit for a single family residential building for both certified and non-certified SDHW Systems.
Required upon completion of the installation of the Domestic Hot Water Solar System. The reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device (RP BFP) must be tested by a Certified Backflow Prevention Tester in accordance with the CSA B 64 standard requirements. This test report must be submitted to the building inspector for the project.
Required upon completion of the installation of the Domestic Hot Water Solar System. The certified installer or a professional engineer must submit to the inspector the verification that the installation of the system is in conformance with CSA F-383-87 “Installation Code for Solar Domestic Hot Water systems”.
Required when applying for an amendment to the sign bylaw to erect a sign type that is not permitted, to enact a signage master plan, or to establish a special sign district. A fee is applicable as per fee schedule.
Sign Variance Appeal Application can be used to appeal the decision of the Chief Building Official with respect to a variance from the sign by-law.
Required when applying for sign bylaw variance, if proposed sign does not comply . Preliminary project review is mandatory before submitting for the sign variance. No plans are required, the response will be in a letter format.
Required when applying for a Signage Master Plan or where three or more signs on a property require a variance from Chapter 694.
Required for all site service applications where this permit is applied for prior to the completion of the Site Plan Application process with City Planning.
Required to request Toronto Building to conduct an inspection that cannot occur during regular business hours.
Required for documenting a transfer of ownership for a sign or sign structure. A fee is applicable as per fee schedule.
Required for all projects where there is a potential for damage to private or City trees. Applicant is also responsible to comply with other tree protection bylaws: Tree & Ravine Protection.
Required when applying for a permit to erect, modify, or restore a Third Party Sign. A fee is applicable as per fee schedule. An application for a Building Permit is also required except for most painted and window signs. A sign structure fee would be applicable.
Required when submitting the annual third party sign inventory as per Bylaw 197-2010.
The Transfer of Permit Form is to be used to transfer the ownership of a permit between property owners.
Required for all projects except Part 9 residential to detail construction activities which may result in vibration and the necessary pre-construction and preventative measures which will be taken.
Required when applying for alternative solution evaluation under the objective based code. Please attach all reference documents to this form, and submit your application as a single PDF file. Only a qualified designer may apply for an Alternative Solution evaluation.
If you are using the Word (docx) version, please convert the form to a PDF format before submitting it to Toronto Building.
Preliminary review of the submitted plans to confirm zoning and applicable law compliance, allowing a complete application for a building permit. Highly recommended for submission with Committee of Adjustment Applications. One full set of Architectural plans are required.
Required when applying for an assessment as to whether the use is a listed permitted use at the specific location, under the current applicable zoning bylaw.
The review will not include parking, loading, built form standards, or any other qualifications or conditions related to that use. A fee is applicable as per fee schedule.