Mobile signs are used for advertising various events, activities and promotions. They are easily moved, with changeable letters. Mobile signs require a permit from the City.

Below you will find the documents and information you need to provide with your application submission. Additional documents maybe requested.

  • Provincial Business Name Registration or Franchise Agreement Declaration
  • Site Plan or Survey of location
  • Letter of Authorization from Property Owner (must be dated within 30 days of application submission)
  • Photo of sign

Note: Applicants must provide proof of two million dollars in Commercial General Liability (CGL) insurance. The completed Certificate of Insurance  must be signed and stamped by the insurer. The Certificate must be sent by email to directly from the Insurance Representative.

Applications need to be submitted online. You cannot apply for this licence/permit in-person.

Apply online

Please have all required documents ready to upload before starting the application, as it requires 10-15 minutes to complete and cannot be saved. Download a step by step guide  on how to submit a new application. Permit application fees can be paid online or by sending a cheque

Submit Application

If you have already submitted an application you may upload additional documents using your upload token.

Upload Documents for Existing Request

Apply in-person

In-person services are available at the Licence and Permit Issuing Office, 850 Coxwell Avenue, 3rd Floor.
You must bring hard copies of all application requirements. Applications will not be started unless all requirements are provided. Digital copies of documents will not be accepted.

Payment can only be made by debit, credit or cheque. Cash will not be accepted.

Walk-in services

Walk-in services are available once a week.

Please contact for the next weekday availability.

Please note office hours:
Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 1:30-4:00 p.m.
The office is closed from 12:30–1:30 p.m. daily.


Appointment services are available. Please contact

Please arrive 10-15 minutes early to check in and be on time for your appointment or you may be turned away and asked to re-book for another day and time, subject to availability.


Mobile signs: $169.45 for 30 days, including HST.

  • Example of a mobile sign.

    A permit is required. 30 day maximum per permit

  • Each business location can apply for a maximum of six mobile sign permits every year
  • Minimum of 30 days between permits
  • Signs must be on the property in which the business is located
  • Does not need to be located directly in front of the business the sign is advertising
  • Two sign faces maximum, five square metres each
  • Signs can have lettering in black, white and other colours
  • Cannot be within 23 metres of another mobile sign
  • No larger than 2.5 metres high x 3.05 metres wide
  • Area around sign must be kept free of litter, debris and weeds

    Your permit will expire annually on the anniversary of the date that the permit/licence was first issued. A renewal notice, identifying any documents required to renew the permit/licence, will be mailed to the address on file.

    There is no renewal fee for mobile signs. You must reapply for another 30-day permit. You may only have three, 30-day permits within one calendar year.

    If documents are not received; please note that your permit/licence may be cancelled, and a new application will be required. Please ensure you submit all renewal documentation and fees.

    Existing licensees must renew their licences via a new online renewal portal. Licence renewal fees can be paid online or by sending a cheque.

    Please have all required documents ready to upload before starting the renewal, as it requires 10-15 minutes to complete and cannot be saved. Download a step by step guide  on how to renew a licence or permit.

    Renew Licence

    Find your outstanding business licence or permit renewal invoice.

    Renew in-person

    In-person services are available at the Licence and Permit Issuing Office, 850 Coxwell Avenue, 3rd Floor. You must bring hard copies of all application requirements. Applications will not be started unless all requirements are provided. Digital copies of documents will not be accepted.

    Payment can only be made by debit, credit or cheque. Cash will not be accepted.

    Walk-in services

    Walk-in services are available once a week.

    Please contact for the next weekday availability.

    Please note office hours:
    Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 1:30-4:00 p.m.
    The office is closed from 12:30–1:30 p.m. daily.


    Appointment services are available. Please contact

    Please arrive 10-15 minutes early to check in and be on time for your appointment or you may be turned away and asked to re-book for another day and time, subject to availability.