CAN-BIKE is the only accredited program that teaches courses on cycling and riding safety. Courses are taught exclusively by instructors certified by the CAN-BIKE program.

Instructors are knowledgeable about the Highway Traffic Act and teach cycling skills such as anticipating traffic dynamics, recognizing road hazards and collision-avoidance techniques.

Employers may require CAN-BIKE Level 4 certification if you are using a bike for work.

CAN-BIKE Level 4


  • Cycling Canada Online Course
  • Skills Assessment
    • must be completed up to two days before the course
    • will be scheduled by the instructor after course registration
    • up to two hours long
  • CSA-approved bike helmet
  • Multi-gear bicycle required with front and back break and functioning bell and light. Cannot use the City’s Bike Share Toronto bicycles

CAN-BIKE Level 4 courses follow the curriculum of Cycling Canada Cyclisme, and the Ministry of Transportation recognizes successful certification in Ontario. CAN-BIKE Level 4 is an 18-hour course taught over multiple visits, typically three or four visits.

Students must:

  • be able to ride confidently in traffic on busy streets
  • be able to ride confidently in all weather conditions
  • pass a Bike Handling Skills test to participate in guided rides on major streets in traffic

Successful completion of the bike handling test, written exam and road test will earn CAN-BIKE certification, which may be used for employment purposes.

Those who want to become an instructor must take the CAN-BIKE Level 5 instructor course.

CAN-BIKE Level 5


  • Minimum 18 years old
  • Current Standard First Aid certificate
  • CSA-approved bike helmet
  • Multi-gear bicycle required with front and back break and functioning bell and light. Cannot use the City’s Bike Share Toronto bicycles
  • Completed CAN-BIKE Level 4 with 80 per cent written and 90 per cent practical scores

Additionally, participants must display good organization, people and leadership skills and have some teaching experience or training.

CAN-BIKE Level 5 follows the curriculum of Cycling Canada Cyclisme, and successful certification is recognized by the Ministry of Transportation in Ontario. CAN-BIKE Level 5 is a 24-hour intensive course typically taught over four dates, that certifies participants to teach all levels of CAN-BIKE.

Passing CAN-BIKE Level 5

To pass CAN-BIKE Level 5, participants must complete the course  with both a

  • 80 per cent written score
  • 90 per cent practical score

Those wishing to become an instructor must be recommended by the National Examiner.

After successfully completing the Instructor Workshop, instructors must contact the CAN-BIKE National Office at 613-248-1353 or and make arrangements to receive the appropriate CAN-BIKE handouts and forms for courses they teach.

CAN-BIKE instructor membership

After successfully completing the CAN-BIKE Level 5 course, participants must fill out the Instructor Membership form. Once Cycling Canada receives the Membership Form, the Instructor will be sent details on next steps.

If you have further questions, contact the CAN-BIKE National Office at 613-248-1353 or email 

Each company or organization writes its own terms of employment for its in-house instructors.

City of Toronto CAN-BIKE instructor opportunities are posted seasonally on Recreation Jobs, so if you do not see any CAN-Bike Instructor jobs posted, please check back on an ongoing basis.

The City of Toronto provides insurance, handouts and forms for City-taught CAN-BIKE courses.