If you have received a City of Toronto automated speed enforcement penalty order, you have 30 days from the deemed service date to dispute it. The notice can be paid online, in-person or by mail up to 60 days from the notice date with the City. You may also be able to request more time to pay or dispute a notice if there are extenuating circumstances.
Important to note:
Requests can be made easily and securely online using the Administrative Penalty Lookup. Requests for screening can also be filed at screening locations (North York and Metro Hall) but note that screening does not take place in-person at service counters and requests will still be reviewed remotely.
If you wish to dispute a penalty order you can request a screening review online using the steps below.
Go to the Administrative Penalty Lookup. You will need the Penalty Order Number and Licence Plate to lookup your penalty order.
Tell us in the online form:
A screening officer will review your online review applications, any submissions and evidence and will issue a decision to either affirm, vary or cancel the violation, or vary or cancel any fees based on rules outlined in the Administrative Penalty System.
The time required for your screening review to be processed varies based on issuance and dispute rates. The best way to check the status of your screening review is to look up your penalty online where the status will be displayed.
You will be emailed a decision with the outcome of the review. All decision documents and correspondence from screening officers will be sent from a @citycloudservices.com email or apsinquiry@toronto.ca. Please ensure you check your inbox and junk mail regularly to avoid missing your decision or responses about your dispute.
You have 30 days from date of deemed service to either pay or request a dispute. If you miss this deadline, you have up to 60 days from Penalty Notice issue date to request an extension. Between 30 and 60 days from the issue date, you can submit a request for extension online.
You must demonstrate extenuating circumstances that warrant a time extension. A screening officer will review your request and make a decision. When submitting an extension of time to review application you will also be asked to complete the request for screening components of the application.
Only one extension request can be made for consideration. Please ensure you provide all submissions and supporting documents with your application.
All screening review decisions are sent via email unless a request for accommodation is approved. An accommodation request can be made online when completing your application, or by contacting apsaccess@toronto.ca or 416-396-4277. Accommodations can include a hearing being conducted orally, either in-person or electronically, or in writing.
If you have completed a screening review and received a decision, and you are not satisfied with the result of your screening review, you can request a second and final review of the decision with an Administrative Penalty Tribunal hearing officer.
Requests can be made easily and securely within 30 days of the screening officer’s decision, by submitting a request for a hearing using the Administrative Penalty Lookup.
Requests for hearing can also be filed in person at 40 Orchard View Blvd. Suite 253. Include details about why you disagree with the screening officer’s decision.
A hearing review will be scheduled, and you will be sent a Notice of Time and Place, which outlines your appointment details.
Please note, any information you provide will be part of a public record.
If you have received a decision, you have 30 days to request an appeal/hearing review. If you miss this deadline, you have up to 60 days from the screening decision date to request an extension.
You must demonstrate extenuating circumstances that warrant a time extension. A hearing officer will review your request and make a decision about the extension. A hearing officer will only review the hearing application should they grant the extension of time to review.
Decisions of the hearing officer are final as the Administrative Penalty By-law does not allow for a secondary review.
Only one extension request can be made for consideration. Please ensure you provide all submissions and supporting documents with your application.
All reviews are held remotely online via web conferencing unless there is a request for accommodation for an in-person review.
An accommodation request can be made online when completing your application, or by contacting tribunalaccess@toronto.ca or 416-338-3412. Accommodations can include hearing being conducted orally, either in person or electronically, or in writing.
If you are the registered owner of the vehicle, you can have a representative act on your behalf. An authorized representative can include a:
Authorized representatives can request a screening review and/or a hearing review. They can also attend the screening review and/or scheduled hearing review.
For automated speed enforcement tickets with a violation date on or before January 19, 2025 or prior, use Court Case Lookup to pay, dispute or check current status. For penalty orders with a violation date of January 20, 2025 and onward, use the new Administrative Penalty Lookup.