See descriptions below for descriptions of where administrative fees may apply under the City of Toronto’s Administrative Penalty System.

Administrative Fee Amount Description
Vehicle Owner/Address Search Fee $14.87 Added if you do not pay a violation penalty or request a screening review within 15 calendar days of the date of issuance (or date of deemed service indicated on mailed violation notices)
Late Payment Fee $31.01

Added if a penalty notice is not paid or if a dispute is not initiated within 30 calendar days of the violation’s date of issuance (or date of deemed service indicated on mailed violation notices).

This fee also applies if payment is not made within 30 calendar days of the final payment date determined in a screening or hearing review.

Plate Denial Enforcement Fee $31.01 Added if a penalty notice and fees are not paid within 60 calendar days of the due date.
Screening Non-Appearance Fee $62.01 Added if you schedule an in-person screening review appointment with a screening officer and do not attend.
Hearing Non-Appearance Fee $93.02 Added if you schedule a hearing review appointment with a hearing officer and do not attend.
Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Fee $46.12 Added if you submit a payment by cheque and there are insufficient funds to cover the payment.
Photocopy/Screen Print Fee (per page) $1.21 For photocopies or screen prints of images stored in City databases.
Digital/Paper Recording Fees Various There is a fee if you would like a compact disc (CD) copy of a digital recording of a hearing review before a hearing officer (if available):

  • Single day’s digital recording: $24.81
  • Each additional day’s recording (if the request is made at the same time as a request for a single day’s recording): $12.40
  • A paper copy of a transcript: $7.44 per page
Industry Processing Fee (credit and debit payments) Various (1.5% –2.35%) Industry processing fees will be included on debit or credit card online payments made through MyToronto Pay and the Parking Violation Notice Services lookup:

  • Debit card: 1.50 per cent of the payment amount
  • Credit card: 2.35 per cent of the payment amount