Parking violations can be paid online, by mail or in-person.
Note: To pay other types of violations or provincial offences, select your violation type to view the payment options.
Pay your parking violation securely online using one of the following two options:
Payments by mail must reach our office on or before the due date to avoid additional fees. Send several days before the due date to allow for mail delivery time.
To pay by mail:
To pay in person:
Note that parking violations cannot be disputed at inquiry & payment counter locations.
If a parking violation is not paid by the due date, additional fees are applied to the amount owing and the matter will be referred for collection to the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) for plate denial. Your Ontario licence plate will not be renewed, and no new licence plates will be issued to you until the penalty and all fees are paid in full. Learn more about the collection process for parking violations.
At this point, payments can only be accepted at Service Ontario Locations only. Check the status of parking violation online to view where payments can be accepted.