To achieve Toronto’s climate goals, the city must accelerate the retrofit of approximately 400,000 low-rise residential buildings. The design-build sector is essential in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving resiliency in the housing sector.

The technology exists to reduce emissions from heating equipment in Toronto homes efficiently and effectively. Electrification is the most cost-effective and efficient approach to decarbonizing Toronto’s housing stock. Moving away from fossil fuel heating equipment toward alternatives such as heat pumps is essential in reducing operational emissions from buildings.

To support Toronto’s design-build sector’s transition to a low-carbon, the City will promote and host workshops and training to improve access to professional development for this sector.

2025 Workshops and Training

Virtual Training



CHBA Net Zero Renovators Training

Net Zero Renovator Training, presented by EnerQuality, highlights the latest approaches to net zero/net zero-ready renovations focused on ensuring customer comfort and satisfaction. Attendees will review net zero-net zero ready design principles, equipment options, emerging technologies, construction practices and learn to identify the performance gap between “existing” homes and new net zero homes.

Audience: Energy Advisors, Renovators, Contractors, Municipal Government Employees,

January and February 2025 Expression of Interest

LEEP Heat Pump Capacity Building Workshop

This workshop series provides contractors with best practices for sizing and selecting heat pumps for retrofit installations. Regional interests may vary from oil furnaces or oil boilers to heat pump conversions, mini split applications, and hybrid heat pump gas furnace systems.

Audience: HVAC Designers, HVAC Contractors, Home Builders, Homeowners

Winter/Spring 2025 Expression of Interest

LEEP Heat Pump Sizing and Selection App

This new web application for heat pump sizing and selection supports the industry in properly sizing and selecting heat pumps in new and retrofit housing. Aimed primarily at HVAC contractors and designers, it guides users through a series of steps to consider homeowner and builder objectives, ductwork options, heat pump selections, and the implication of those selections. It can also enable key stakeholders to collaborate on decision-making or quickly communicate the decisions’ results. Key outputs of the tool are comparing heat pumps on GHG emissions, energy consumption, and operating cost.

Audience: HVAC Designers, HVAC Contractors, Home Builders, Homeowners

Winter/Spring 2025

LEEP Home Archetype Project

The Home Archetype Dashboard fills a recognized gap in analysis in the renovation sector. This project leverages CanmetENERGY’s Canadian archetypes database of energy models and selects representative homes across Canada to conduct deep parametric cost and energy analysis. This analysis can help readers determine the retrofit potential of these houses and the practical renovation sequencing for a deep energy retrofit.

Audience: Energy Advisors, Renovators, Homeowners, Contractors, Municipal Government Employees, Manufacturers, Policy Makers

Winter 2025