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The new City-wide Zoning By-law 569-2013 was enacted on May 9, 2013. It has been appealed under section 34(19) of the Planning Act. Even though it is under appeal, the City's Chief Building Official and the Committee of Adjustment will apply the new By-law to applications filed after its enactment. Please consult with your advisors to determine whether the new by-law has any impact.
Amendments to By-law 569-2013 have been incorporated into this office consolidation. The original by-law and its amendments are with the City Clerk's office.
Zoning By-law No. 569-2013, as
amended (office consolidation),
is available in PDF format from the
Zoning By-law 569-2013 homepage
City of Toronto Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended (Office Consolidation)
Version Date: July 31, 2023 - Including City-wide Amendments up to April 1, 2024
Table of Contents

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Chapter 1Administration
Chapter 2Compliance with this By-law
Chapter 5Regulations Applying to all Zones
Chapter 10Residential
Chapter 15Residential Apartment
Chapter 30Commercial
Chapter 40Commercial Residential
Chapter 50Commercial Residential Employment
Chapter 60Employment Industrial
Chapter 80Institutional
Chapter 90Open Space
Chapter 100Utility and Transportation
Chapter 150Specific Use Regulations
Chapter 200Parking Space Regulations
Chapter 220Loading Space Regulations
220.5Regulations Applying to Loading Spaces
220.5.10Loading Space Rates Space Exemptions
220.5.20Access to Loading Space
220.5.200Loading Exemptions Residential Zone Category Residential Employment Zone Category
220.20Regulations Applying to Loading Spaces in Heritage Buildings
Chapter 230Bicycle Parking Space Regulations
Chapter 280Special Districts - Downtown
Chapter 300Special Districts - Centres
Chapter 400Special Districts - Avenues
Chapter 500Special Districts - Heritage
Chapter 600Regulations for Overlay Zones
Chapter 800Definitions
Chapter 900Site Specific Exceptions
Chapter 970Appendices
Chapter 990Zoning By-law Map
Chapter 995Overlay Maps

Chapter 220 Loading Space Regulations

220.5 Regulations Applying to Loading Spaces

220.5.1 General

(1)Application of This Section
The regulations in Section 220.5 apply to all loading spaces and driveways leading to a loading space.
(2)Requirement to Provide Loading Spaces
A loading space must be provided and maintained for each use on a lot, in compliance with the regulations in Chapter 220. Interpretation

(1)Loading Space Requirement Calculation
The calculation of required loading spaces is based on the total gross floor area on the lot.
(2)Loading Space Calculation for Multi-unit Industrial Buildings
If a lot in the Employment Industrial Zone category has a building with more than one industrial unit, the calculation of the required loading spaces is based upon the interior floor area of each industrial unit and not on the total gross floor area of the entire building.
(3)Industrial Unit - Definition
For the purpose of calculating required loading spaces in Chapter 220, an "industrial unit", means the portion of a building used by or under the control of an individual owner or tenant.
(4)Loading Space Calculation - Gross Floor Area Exclusion
The interior floor area of an "industrial unit" in a building that is used exclusively for heating, cooling, ventilation, electrical, emergency stairwells, elevator shafts, atriums, storage in a basement, parking space, loading space, or a drive aisle used to access a parking space or loading space, is not included as gross floor area for the purpose of calculating loading space requirements. [ By-law: 451-2022 ]
(5)Required Loading Space
If one or more off street loading spaces is required to be provided on a lot, that loading space must be available for the use for which it is required.
(6)Loading Space Demarcation
Loading spaces inside a building must be clearly marked and identified.
(7)Minimum Loading Space Dimensions
If a loading space is required by this By-law for a building located in Policy Area 1 (PA1) that does not have a dwelling unit, despite the dimension requirements of Regulation 220.5.1(8), the loading space must have a minimum vertical clearance of 4.4 metres.
(8)Loading Space Standards
A loading space is subject to the following:
(A)a Type "A" loading space must have a:
(i)minimum length of 17.0 metres;
(ii)minimum width of 3.5 metres; and
(iii)minimum vertical clearance of 4.4 metres; and
(B)a Type "B" loading space must have a:
(i)minimum length of 11.0 metres;
(ii)minimum width of 3.5 metres; and
(iii)minimum vertical clearance of 4.0 metres; and
(C)a Type "C" loading space must have a:
(i)minimum length of 6.0 metres;
(ii)minimum width of 3.5 metres; and
(iii)minimum vertical clearance of 3.0 metres; and
(D)a Type "G" loading space must have a:
(i)minimum length of 13.0 metres;
(ii)minimum width of 4.0 metres; and
(iii)minimum vertical clearance of 6.1 metres.

220.5.10 Loading Space Rates General

(1)Loading Space Requirements
Loading spaces must be provided in compliance with regulations to (9).
(2)Loading Space Requirements - Building Containing Dwelling Units
A building with dwelling units must provide loading spaces as follows:

Number of Units Minimum Number of Loading Spaces Required
0 to 30 dwelling units None required
31 to 399 dwelling units 1 Type "G"
400 dwelling units or more 1 Type "G" and 1 - Type "C"
(3)Loading Space Requirements - Retail Store, Eating Establishment, or Personal Service Shop
A building with a retail store, eating establishment, or personal service shop must provide loading spaces as follows:

Gross Floor Area Minimum Number of Loading Spaces Required
0 to 499 square metres None required
500 to 1,999 square metres 1 Type "B"
2,000 to 4,999 square metres 2 Type "B"
5,000 to 9,999 square metres 3 Type "B"
10,000 to 19,999 square metres 1 Type "A" and 3 Type "B"
20,000 to 29,999 square metres 1 Type "A", 3 Type "B" and 1 Type "C"
30,000 square metres or greater 1 Type "A", 3 Type "B" and 1 Type "C"
(4)Loading Space Requirements - Grocery stores/supermarket
A building with a grocery stores or supermarket must provide loading spaces as follows:

Gross Floor Area Minimum Number of Loading Spaces Required
0 to 499 square metres None required
500 to 999 square metres 1 Type "B"
1,000 to 1,999 square metres 1 Type "A"
2,000 to 4,999 square metres 1 Type "A" and 1 Type "B"
5,000 to 9,999 square metres 1 Type "A" and 2 Type "B"
10,000 to 19,999 square metres 2 Type "A" and 2 Type "B"
20,000 square metres and greater 2 Type "A" and 3 Type "B"
(5)Loading Space Requirements - Office
A building with an office must provide loading spaces as follows:

Gross Floor Area Minimum Number of Loading Spaces Required
0 to 499 square metres None required
500 to 999 square metres 1 Type "B"
1,000 to 1,999 square metres 1 Type "B" and 1 Type C"
2,000 to 3,999 square metres 1 Type "B" and 2 Type "C"
4,000 to 27,999 square metres 2 Type "B" and 2 Type "C"
28,000 to 51,999 square metres 2 Type "B" and 3 Type "C"
52,000 square metres or greater 2 Type "B" and 3 Type "C" [By-law 451-2022]
(6)Loading Space Requirements - Hotel
A building with hotel must provide loading spaces as follows:

Gross Floor Area Minimum Number of Loading Spaces Required
0 to 4,999 square metres 1 Type "B"
5,000 to 9,999 square metres. 1 Type "B" and 1 Type "C"
10,000 to 19,999 square metres 2 Type "B" and 1 Type "C"
20,000 to 49,999 square metres 2 Type "B" and 2 Type "C"
50,000 square metres or greater 1 Type "A", 1 Type "B" and 2 Type "C" [By-law 451-2022]
(7)Loading Space Requirements - Manufacturing or Warehouse Use
A building with manufacturing use or warehouse use must provide loading spaces as follows:

Gross Floor Area Minimum Number of Loading Spaces Required
0 to 99 square metres None
100 to 499 square metres 1 Type "C"
500 to 999 square metres 1 Type "B"
1,000 to 4,999 square metres 1 Type "A"
5,000 to 9,999 square metres 2 Type "A"
10,000 to 14,999 square metres 3 Type "A"
15,000 square metres or greater 3 Type "A" [By-law 451-2022]
(8)Loading Space Requirements - Other Select Uses
A building with a passenger terminal, hospital or any other use similarly involving shipping, loading or unloading of persons, animals or goods, wares or merchandise, must provide loading spaces as follows:

Gross Floor Area Minimum Number of Loading Spaces Required
0 to less than 500 square metres None
500 to less than 2300 square metres 1 Type "B"
2300 to less than 7500 square metres 2 Type "B"
7500 to less than 14000 square metres 3 Type "B"
14000 to less than 22000 square metres 4 Type "B"
22000 to less than 30000 square metres 5 Type "B"
[ By-law: 801-2020 ]
(9)Shared Loading Space Calculations
The loading space requirement for a building in Policy Area 1 (PA1) or Policy Area 2 (PA2) and which has two or more of the following uses; Office, Retail Store, Eating Establishment, Personal Service Shop, or Hotel, is the total of (A) and (B) below:
(A)the minimum number of required Type "B" loading spaces is the largest number of Type "B" loading space required for any one of the uses listed above, plus the Type "B" loading spaces required for all other non-residential uses in the building and not listed above; plus
(B)the minimum number of required Type "C" loading spaces is the largest number of Type "C" loading spaces required for any one of the uses listed above plus the Type "C" loading spaces required for all other non-residential uses in the building that are not listed above.
(10)Loading Space Not Required
No type "G" loading space is required if a building has less than 30 dwelling units and is on a lot with a lot area of less than 1,000 square metres.
(11)Loading Space Options
An apartment building with 400 dwelling units or more, may satisfy the requirement for a Type "C" loading space by providing instead one of the following loading spaces:
(A)Type "A";
(B)Type "B"; or
(C)a second Type "G". Loading Space Exemptions

(1)Loading Space Requirements For a Lawfully Existing Building
If the lawful number of loading spaces for a lawfully existing building is less than the required number of loading spaces, the lawful number of loading spaces is the minimum number of loading spaces for that lawfully existing building. [ By-law: 420-2023 ]
(2)Loading Space Exemption for a Non-residential Change of Use
If a lawfully existing non-residential building has a change of use to other than a dwelling unit, additional loading spaces are not required if:
(A)the first storey of the lawfully existing building covers at least 75% of the lot area; and
(B)the lawful number of loading spaces is not reduced.
(3)Loading Space Requirements for the Addition or Extension to a Lawfully Existing Building
Any addition or extension to a lawfully existing building referred to in regulation must provide any additional loading spaces required by Clause or be authorized by a Section 45 Planning Act minor variance
(4)Loading Space Requirements for a Change of Use in a Lawfully Existing Building
If a lawfully existing mixed use building referred to in regulation changes use:
(A)the lawfully existing number of loading spaces may not be reduced; and
(B)any additional required loading spaces required by Clause must be provided or be authorized by a Section 45 Planning Act minor variance.
(5)Transportation Use Along Eglinton Avenue West and Eglinton Avenue East
Regulation does not apply to a transportation use along Eglinton Avenue West and Eglinton Avenue East. [103-2016] [ By-law: 1031-2014 ]

220.5.20 Access to Loading Space General

(1)Standards for Access to a Loading Space
A driveway to a loading space must have:
(A)a minimum width along its entire length of:
(i)3.5 metres for a one-way driveway; or
(ii)6.0 metres for a two-way driveway; and
(B)a minimum vertical clearance along its entire length of:
(i)4.4 metres to a Type "A" or Type "G" loading space;
(ii)4.0 metres to a Type "B" loading space; and
(iii)3.0 metres to a Type "C" loading space.
(2)Loading Space Access
The permitted maximum slope of a driveway leading to a loading space is:
(A)8% for a Type "G" loading space; and
(B)15% in all other cases.
(3)Vehicle Access to Building with Loading Space
If a loading space is inside a building:
(A)the vehicle entrance and exit for a two-way driveway into and out of the building must have a minimum width of 5.5 metres; and
(B)the vehicle entrance or exit for a one-way driveway into or out of the building must have a minimum width of 3.5 metres, if the vehicle entrance or exit is 6.0 metres or more away from the lot line abutting a street.

220.5.200 Loading Exemptions Commercial Residential Zone Category

(1)Loading Space Exemption- SS2 Area
If a lot in the CR zone is subject to Development Standard Set 2 (SS2), the loading space requirements for any non-residential uses do not apply to a lot that has lot area of less than 1,000 square metres. Commercial Residential Employment Zone Category

(1)Exemption for Existing Loading Spaces
In the CRE zone, the number of loading spaces for a lawfully existing building is the lesser of the loading spaces:
(A)that were lawful on the lot on January 1, 1997;
(B)required by a building permit issued before January 1, 1997; or
(C)permitted by regulation
©City of Toronto 1998-2024