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The new City-wide Zoning By-law 569-2013 was enacted on May 9, 2013. It has been appealed under section 34(19) of the Planning Act. Even though it is under appeal, the City's Chief Building Official and the Committee of Adjustment will apply the new By-law to applications filed after its enactment. Please consult with your advisors to determine whether the new by-law has any impact.
Amendments to By-law 569-2013 have been incorporated into this office consolidation. The original by-law and its amendments are with the City Clerk's office.
Zoning By-law No. 569-2013, as
amended (office consolidation),
is available in PDF format from the
Zoning By-law 569-2013 homepage
City of Toronto Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended (Office Consolidation)
Version Date: July 31, 2023 - Including City-wide Amendments up to April 1, 2024
Table of Contents

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Chapter 1Administration
Chapter 2Compliance with this By-law
Chapter 5Regulations Applying to all Zones
Chapter 10Residential
Chapter 15Residential Apartment
Chapter 30Commercial
Chapter 40Commercial Residential
Chapter 50Commercial Residential Employment
Chapter 60Employment Industrial
Chapter 80Institutional
Chapter 90Open Space
Chapter 100Utility and Transportation
Chapter 150Specific Use Regulations
Chapter 200Parking Space Regulations
Chapter 220Loading Space Regulations
Chapter 230Bicycle Parking Space Regulations
Chapter 280Special Districts - Downtown
Chapter 300Special Districts - Centres
Chapter 400Special Districts - Avenues
Chapter 500Special Districts - Heritage
Chapter 600Regulations for Overlay Zones
Chapter 800Definitions
Chapter 900Site Specific Exceptions
Chapter 970Appendices
970.10Transition: Parking Space Regulations
970.10.1Transition: Parking Space Regulations
970.10.15Transition: Parking Space General Requirements
970.10.15.5Requirements Applying to all Zones
970.10.15.10Residential Zone Category Requirements
970.10.15.40Commercial Residential Zone Category Requirements
970.10.15.50Commercial Residential Employment Zone Category Requirements
970.10.15.60Employment Industrial Zone Category Requirements
970.30Transition: Bicycle Parking Space Regulations
Chapter 990Zoning By-law Map
Chapter 995Overlay Maps

Chapter 970 Appendices

970.10 Transition: Parking Space Regulations

970.10.1 Transition: Parking Space Regulations

An application submitted before February 3, 2022 that is eligible to proceed under Clauses,, and must
comply with the requirements of Clauses 970.10.15.5, 970.10.15.10, 970.10.15.40, 970.10.15.50 and 970.10.15.60, or with the provisions of By-law 569-2013, as amended, as it read prior to February 3, 2022. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]

970.10.15 Transition: Parking Space General Requirements

970.10.15.5 Requirements Applying to all Zones

(1)Application of Parking Space Rates in Policy Areas 3 and 4
A lot located entirely or partly within Policy Area 3 or Policy Area 4 on the Policy Area Overlay Map is subject to the following:
(A)if the buildings on the lot cover at least 50 percent of the area located within 40 metres of the lot line that abuts the street in the Policy Area, the parking space rates for uses in that policy area apply to the entire lot; and
(B)in cases other than (A) above, the applicable parking space rate for a use is the parking space requirements for uses not located in Policy Area 1, Policy Area 2, Policy Area 3 or Policy Area 4. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]
(2)Calculation of Required Parking Spaces - Vacant Building Space
The parking space requirement for an area of a building that is vacant is calculated as follows:
(A)the previous use of that building or part of the building;
(B)the land use identified on the issued building permit; or
(C)if a building or part of a building has never been used, and its intended use has never been identified in a building permit, the parking space requirement is based on the permitted use in the zone that has the lowest minimum parking space requirement. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]
(3)Calculation of Parking Space Requirement
If a parking space rate is expressed as a ratio of parking spaces to the gross floor area, the parking space requirement for a use is calculated by multiplying the gross floor area of the use by the applicable rate found in Table 970.10.15.5 - Parking Space Rates and Parking Space Occupancy. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]
(4)Parking Space Access
Other than stacked parking space and tandem parking spaces, all areas used for required parking spaces must have driveway access to a street or lane that is direct and unobstructed, excluding a gate, moveable barrier or similar security feature. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]
(5)Parking Space Rates
Off street parking spaces must be provided for every building or structure erected or enlarged, in compliance with Table 970.10.15.5 - Parking Space Rates and Parking Space Occupancy below: [ By-law: 89-2022 ]

Table 970.10.15.5

Parking Space Rates and Parking Space Occupancy
Notes:AM = 6 a.m. to Noon. PM = Noon to 6 p.m. Eve = 6 p.m. to 6 a.m.

Parking Occupancy Rate
Land Use
Parking Rate
Adult Education School
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1), Policy Area 2 (PA2) and Policy Area 3 (PA3) at a minimum rate of 1.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area;
(B) in Policy Area 4 (PA4) at a minimum rate of 1.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(C) in all other areas of the City, at a minimum rate of 2.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Adult Entertainment
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1) at a minimum rate of 3.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area;
(B) in Policy Area 2 (PA2) at a minimum rate of 4.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area;
(C) in Policy Area 3 (PA3) at a minimum rate of 5.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area;
(D) in Policy Area 4 (PA4) at a minimum rate of 5.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(E) in all other areas of the City, at a minimum rate of 7.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Alternative Housing
Parking spaces must be provided at a minimum rate of 0.1 for each dwelling unit.
Ambulance Depot
Parking Spaces must be provided at a minimum rate of 0.2 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Amusement Arcade
Parking spaces must be provided at the same rate as a retail store.
Animal Shelter
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1) at a minimum rate of 0.4 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area and at a maximum rate of 0.8 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in the rest of the City at a minimum rate of 1 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Artist Studio
Parking spaces must be provided at the same rate as a retail store.
Art Gallery
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1), Policy Area 2 (PA2), Policy Area 3 (PA3), Policy Area 4 (PA4) at a minimum rate of 0.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in all other areas of the City at a minimum rate of 1.3 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Assisted Housing
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1) for each dwelling unit at a minimum rate of:
 (i) 0.12 for a bachelor dwelling unit up to 45 square metres and 0.5 for each bachelor dwelling unit greater than 45 square metres;
 (ii) 0.18 for a one bedroom dwelling unit;
 (iii) 0.3 for a two bedroom dwelling unit; and
 (iv) 0.5 for a three or more bedroom dwelling unit; and
(B) in Policy Area 2 (PA2), Policy Area 3 (PA3) and Policy Area 4 (PA4), for each dwelling unit at a minimum rate of:
 (i) 0.14 for a bachelor dwelling unit up to 45 square metres and 0.5 for each bachelor dwelling unit greater than 45 square metres;
 (ii) 0.24 for a one bedroom dwelling unit;
 (iii) 0.4 for a two bedroom dwelling unit; and
 (iv) 0.75 for a three or more bedroom dwelling unit; and
(C) in all other areas of the City for each dwelling unit at a minimum
rate of:
 (i) 0.16 for a bachelor dwelling unit up to 45 square metres and 0.5 for each bachelor dwelling unit greater than 45 square metres;
 (ii) 0.3 for a one bedroom dwelling unit;
 (iii) 0.5 for a two bedroom dwelling unit; and
 (iv) 0.9 for a three or more bedroom dwelling unit.
Billiard Hall, Pool Hall
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1) at a minimum rate of 2.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area;
(B) in Policy Area 2 (PA2), Policy Area 3 (PA3) and Policy Area 4 (PA4) at a minimum rate of 3.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(C) in all other areas of the City at a minimum rate of 4.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Bowling Alley
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1) at a minimum rate of 2.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area;
(B) in Policy Area 2 (PA2), Policy Area 3 (PA3) and Policy Area 4 (PA4) at a minimum rate of 3.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(C) in all other areas of the City at a minimum rate of 4.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Bus Station
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1), Policy Area 2 (PA2) and Policy Area 3 (PA3) at a minimum rate of 0.1 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in all other areas of the City at a minimum rate of 0.2 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Parking spaces must be provided at the same rate as an eating establishment.
Parking spaces must be provided at a minimum rate of 2.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Clinic (medical)
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1), Policy Area 2 (PA2) and Policy Area 3 (PA3):
 (i) at a minimum rate of 0.4 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) at a maximum rate of 0.8 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in Policy Area 4 (PA4):
 (i) at a minimum rate of 0.6 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) at a maximum rate of 1.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(C) in all other areas of the City, at a minimum rate of 1.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1), at a minimum rate of 3.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area;
(B) in Policy Area 2 (PA2), at a minimum rate of 4.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area;
(C) in Policy Area 3 (PA3)and Policy Area 4 (PA4), at a minimum rate of 5.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(D) in all other areas of the City at a minimum rate of 7.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Community Centre
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1), Policy Area 2 (PA2), Policy Area 3 (PA3) and Policy Area 4 (PA4):
 (i) at a minimum rate of 0.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) at a maximum rate of 1.3 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in all other areas of the City at a minimum rate of 3.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Contractor's Establishment
Parking spaces must be provided at a minimum rate of 0.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Court of Law
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1), Policy Area 2 (PA2), Policy Area 3 (PA3) and Policy Area 4 (PA4) at a minimum rate of 0.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in all other areas of the City at a minimum rate of 1.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Crisis Care Shelter
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) at a minimum rate of 0.22 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) at a maximum rate of 1.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Day Nursery
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1), Policy Area 2 (PA2), Policy Area 3 (PA3) and Policy Area 4 (PA4):
 (i) at a minimum rate of 0.4 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) at a maximum rate of 0.8 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in all other areas of the City at a minimum rate of 1.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Dwelling Unit in a Detached House, Semi-detached House, Townhouse, Duplex, Triplex or
Parking spaces must be provided at a minimum rate of 1.0 for each dwelling unit.
Dwelling unit in a Multiple Dwelling Unit Buildings – Resident Parking Space
Parking spaces must be provided at a minimum rate of 1.0 for each dwelling unit.
Dwelling unit in a Multiple Dwelling Unit Buildings –
Visitor Parking Space
Parking spaces must be provided at a minimum rate of 0.2 for each dwelling unit.
Dwelling unit in an Apartment
Building (Resident requirement)
For a dwelling unit in an apartment building, parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1):
 (i) at a minimum rate of :
  (a) 0.3 for each bachelor dwelling unit up to 45 square metres and 1.0 for each bachelor dwelling unit greater than 45 square metres;
  (b) 0.5 for each one bedroom dwelling unit;
  (c) 0.8 for each two bedroom dwelling unit; and
  (d) 1.0 for each three or more bedroom dwelling unit; and
 (ii) at a maximum rate of:
  (a) 0.4 for each bachelor dwelling unit up to 45 square metres and 1.2 for each bachelor dwelling unit greater than 45 square metres;
  (b) 0.7 for each one bedroom dwelling unit;
  (c) 1.2 for each two bedroom dwelling unit; and
  (d) 1.5 for each three or more bedroom dwelling unit; and
(B) in Policy Area 2 (PA2) and Policy Area 3 (PA3):
 (i) at a minimum rate of :
  (a) 0.6 for each bachelor dwelling unit up to 45 square metres and 1.0 for each bachelor dwelling unit greater than 45 square metres;
  (b) 0.7 for each one bedroom dwelling unit;
  (c) 0.9 for each two bedroom dwelling unit; and
  (d) 1.0 for each three or more bedroom dwelling unit; and
 (ii) at a maximum rate of:
  (a) 0.9 for each bachelor dwelling unit up to 45 square metres and 1.3 for each bachelor dwelling unit greater than 45 square metres;
  (b) 1.0 for each one bedroom dwelling unit;
  (c) 1.3 for each two bedroom dwelling unit; and
  (d) 1.5 for each three or more bedroom dwelling unit; and
(C) in Policy Area 4 (PA4):
 (i) at a minimum rate of :
  (a) 0.7 for each bachelor dwelling unit up to 45 square metres and 1.0 for each bachelor dwelling unit greater than 45 square metres;
  (b) 0.8 for each one bedroom dwelling unit;
  (c) 0.9 for each two bedroom dwelling unit; and
  (d) 1.1 for each three or more bedroom dwelling unit; and
 (ii) at a maximum rate of:
  (a) 1.0 for each bachelor dwelling unit up to 45 square metres and 1.3 for each bachelor dwelling unit greater than 45 square metres;
  (b) 1.2 for each one bedroom dwelling unit;
  (c) 1.3 for each two bedroom dwelling unit; and
  (d) 1.6 for each three or more bedroom dwelling unit; and
(D) in all other areas of the City:
 (i) at a minimum rate of :
  (a) 0.8 for each bachelor dwelling unit up to 45 square metres and 1.0 for each bachelor dwelling unit greater than 45 square metres;
  (b) 0.9 for each one bedroom dwelling unit;
  (c) 1.0 for each two bedroom dwelling unit; and
  (d) 1.2 for each three or more bedroom dwelling unit.
Dwelling unit in an Apartment
Building – (Visitor requirement)
For a dwelling unit in an Apartment Building, parking spaces for visitors must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1) at a minimum rate of 0.1 for each dwelling unit;
(B) in Policy Area 2 (PA2) at a minimum rate of 0.1 for each dwelling unit;
(C) in Policy Area 3 (PA3) at a minimum rate of 0.1 for each dwelling unit;
(D) in Policy Area 4 (PA4) at a minimum rate of 0.15 for each dwelling unit; and
(E) in all other areas of the City at a minimum rate of 0.2 for each dwelling unit.
Dwelling unit in a Mixed Use
Parking spaces are to be provided at the same rate as a Dwelling unit in an Apartment Building. [1675-2013]
Dwelling unit in a Mixed Use Building - (Visitor Parking)
For a dwelling unit in an Mixed Use Building, parking spaces for visitors must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1) at a minimum rate of 0.1 for each dwelling unit;
(B) in Policy Area 2 (PA2) at a minimum rate of 0.1 for each dwelling unit;
(C) in Policy Area 3 (PA3) at a minimum rate of 0.1 for each dwelling unit;
(D) in Policy Area 4 (PA4) at a minimum rate of 0.15 for each dwelling unit; and
(E) in all other areas of the City at a minimum rate of 0.2 for each dwelling unit. [1676-2013]
Eating Establishment
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1):
 (i) at a minimum of 0; and
 (ii) at a maximum rate of 3.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in Policy Area 2 (PA2):
 (i) at a minimum of 0; and
 (ii) at a maximum rate of 4.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(C) in Policy Areas and 3 (PA3) and 4 (PA4) :
 (i) at a minimum of 0; and
 (ii) at a maximum rate of 5.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(D) in all other areas of the City:
 (i) where the gross floor area used for eating establishments in a building is less than 200 square metres no parking space is required;
 (ii) where the gross floor area used for eating establishments in a building is 200 square metres or more but less than 500 square metres, parking spaces must be provided at a minimum rate of 3.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (iii) where the gross floor area used for eating establishments in a building is 500 square metres or more, parking spaces must be provided at a minimum rate of 5.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Education Use
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1) and Policy Area 2 (PA2), at a minimum rate of 0.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area;
(B) in Policy Area 3 (PA3) at a minimum rate of 1.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area;
(C) in Policy Area 4 (PA4) at a minimum rate of 2.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(D) in all other areas of the City at a minimum rate of 3.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area
Entertainment Place of Assembly
Parking spaces must be provided at the a minimum rate of:
(A) 5.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area in Policy Area 1 (PA1) ;
(B) 8.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area in Policy Area 2 (PA2), Policy Area 3 (PA3) and Policy Area 4 (PA4); and
(C) 10.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area in all other areas.
Financial Institution
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1) at:
 (i) a minimum rate of 2.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) a maximum rate of 3.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in Policy Area 2 (PA2), Policy Area 3 (PA3) and Policy Area 4 (PA4) at:
 (i) a minimum rate of 2.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) a maximum rate of 4.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(C) in all other areas of the City, at a minimum rate of 4.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Fire Hall
Parking spaces must be provided at a minimum rate of 0.2 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Funeral Home
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1) and Policy Area 2 (PA2):
 (i) at a minimum rate of 1.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) at a maximum rate of 4.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in Policy Area 3 (PA3):
 (i) at a minimum rate of 2.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) at a maximum rate of 5.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(C) in Policy Area 4 (PA4):
 (i) at a minimum rate of 3.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) at a maximum rate of 6.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(D) in all other areas of the City at a minimum rate of 6.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Gaming Establishment
Parking spaces must be provided at a minimum rate of 25.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Golf Course
The minimum number of parking space to be provided is the greater of:
(A) 24; and
(B) 3.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area of all buildings.
Grocery Store
Parking spaces must be provided if the gross floor area used for grocery stores is greater than 200 square metres:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1), Policy Area 2 (PA2), Policy Area 3 (PA3) and Policy Area 4 (PA4):
 (i) at a minimum rate of 1.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) at a maximum rate of 4.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in all other areas of the City, at a minimum rate of 2.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(C) if the gross floor area is 200 square metres or less, no parking space is required.
Group Home
Parking spaces must be provided at a minimum rate of 2 for a group home.
Hospice Care Home
Parking spaces must be provided at a rate of 0.3 for each dwelling unit and bed-sitting room.
Parking spaces must be provided :
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1), Policy Area 2 (PA2), Policy Area 3 (PA3) and Policy Area 4 (PA4) at:
 (i) a minimum rate of 0.4 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) a maximum rate of 0.8 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in all other areas of the City, at a minimum rate of 3.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1), Policy Area 2 (PA2), Policy Area 3 (PA3) and Policy Area 4 (PA4);
 (i) a minimum rate of 0.2 per 100 square metres of gross floor area;
 (ii) a maximum rate of 1.0 per 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in all other areas of the City, at a minimum rate of 1.0 for each guest room.
Industrial Sales and Service
Parking spaces must be provided at the same rate as a retail store.
Industrial Skills and Training
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1), Policy Area 2 (PA2) at a minimum rate of 2.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area;
(B) in Policy Area 3 (PA3) at a minimum rate of 2.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area;
(C) in Policy Area 4 (PA4) at a minimum rate of 3.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(D) in all other areas of the City, at a minimum rate of 5.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Parking spaces must be provided at a minimum of 1 for each 100 square metres of pen area for animals
Parking spaces must be provided at the same rate as office.
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1), Policy Area 2 (PA2), Policy Area 3 (PA3), Policy Area 4 (PA4) at a minimum rate of 0.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in all other areas of the City at a minimum rate of 1.3 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Manufacturing Uses
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1), Policy Area 2 (PA2), Policy Area 3 (PA3) and Policy Area 4 (PA4), at a minimum rate of 0.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in all other areas of the City, at a minimum rate of 1.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Medical Office
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1) at:
 (i) a minimum rate of 0.3 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) a maximum rate of 3.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in Policy Area 2 (PA2) at:
 (i) a minimum rate of 1.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) a maximum rate of 3.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(C) in Policy Area 3 (PA3) and Policy Area 4 (PA4) at:
 (i) a minimum rate of 1.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) a maximum rate of 6.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(D) in all other areas of the City, at a minimum rate of 3.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1), Policy Area 2 (PA2), Policy Area 3 (PA3) and Policy Area 4 (PA4):
 (i) a minimum rate of 0.2 per 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) a maximum rate of 1.0 per 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in all other areas of the City, at a minimum rate of 1.0 for each guest room.
Municipal Shelter
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) at a minimum rate of 0.22 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) at a maximum rate of 1.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1), Policy Area 2 (PA2), Policy Area 3 (PA3), Policy Area 4 (PA4) at a minimum rate of 0.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in all other areas of the City at a minimum rate of 1.3 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Parking spaces must be provided at the minimum rate of:
(A) 3.0 for each 100 square metres for gross floor area in Policy Area 1 (PA1) ;
(B) 4.5 for each 100 square metres for gross floor area in Policy Area 2 (PA2);
(C) 5.5 for each 100 square metres for gross floor area in Policy Area 3 (PA3) and Policy Area 4 (PA4); and
(D) 7.0 for each 100 square metres for gross floor area in all other areas of the City.
Nursing Home
Parking spaces must be provided at a rate of 0.3 for each dwelling unit and bed-sitting room.
Office (excluding Medical Office)
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1) at:
 (i) a minimum rate of 0.35 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) a maximum rate of 0.8 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in Policy Area 2 (PA2)at:
 (i) a minimum rate of 1.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) a maximum rate 1.4 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(C) in Policy Area 3 (PA3) and Policy Area 4 (PA4) at:
 (i) a minimum rate of 1.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) a maximum rate of 2.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(D) in all other areas of the City, at a minimum rate of 1.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) for a building with a recreation use and located in the OR zone:
 (i) at a minimum 0.25 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area if it is located in Policy Areas 1 through 4; and
 (ii) at a minimum rate of 1.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area if not located in Policy Areas 1 through 4; and
(B) for an arena located in the OR zone at a minimum rate of 3.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Performing Arts Studio
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1), Policy Area 2 (PA2), and Policy Area 3 (PA3) and Policy Area 4 (PA4);
 (i) at a minimum rate of 0.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) at a maximum rate of 1.3 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in all other areas of the City, at a minimum rate of 3.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Personal Service Shop
Parking spaces must be provided if the gross floor area used for personal service shops is greater than 200 square metres:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1) at a:
 (i) minimum rate of 1.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) maximum rate of 3.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in Policy Area 2 (PA2), Policy Area 3 (PA3) and Policy Area 4 (PA4) at a:
 (i) minimum rate of 1.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) maximum rate of 4.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(C) in all other areas of the City at a minimum rate of 1.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(D) if the gross floor area is 200 square metres or less, no parking space is required
Pet Services
Parking spaces must be provided at the same rate as a retail store.
Place of Assembly
Parking spaces must be provided at the minimum rate of:
(A) 3.0 for each 100 square metres for gross floor area in Policy Area 1 (PA1) ;
(B) 4.5 for each 100 square metres for gross floor area in Policy Area 2 (PA2);
(C) 5.5 for each 100 square metres for gross floor area in Policy Area 3 (PA3) and Policy Area 4 (PA4); and
(D) 7.0 for each 100 square metres for gross floor area in all other areas of the City.
Place of Worship
Parking spaces must be provided at the greater of :
(A) if there is permanent or fixed seating in a Place of Worship and:
 (i) if it is in Policy Area 1 (PA1) at:
  (a) a minimum rate of 9.0 for each 100 square metres of worship area; and
  (b) a maximum rate of 18.0 for each 100 square metres of worship area; and
 (ii) if it is in Policy Area 2 (PA2) at:
  (a) a minimum rate of 15.0 for each 100 square metres of worship area; and
  (b) a maximum rate of 23.0 for each 100 square metres of worship area; and
 (iii) if it is in Policy Area 3 (PA3) or Policy Area 4 (PA4) at:
  (a) a minimum rate of 18.0 for each 100 square metres of worship area; and
  (b) a maximum rate of 29.0 for each 100 square metres of worship area; and
 (iv) at a minimum rate of 23.0 for each 100 square metres of worship area if it is located in any other area of the City; and
(B) if there is no seating or variable seating in a Place of Worship and:
 (i) if it is in Policy Area 1 (PA1) at:
  (a) a minimum rate of 11.0 for each 100 square metres of worship area; and
  (b) a maximum rate of 22.0 for each 100 square metres of worship area; and
 (ii) if it is in Policy Area 2 (PA2) at:
  (a) a minimum rate of 18.0 for each 100 square metres of worship area; and
  (b) a maximum rate of 27.0 for each 100 square metres of worship area; and
 (iii) if it is in Policy Area 3 and Policy Area 4 (PA4)at :
  (a) a minimum rate of 22.0 for each 100 square metres of worship area; and
  (b) a maximum rate of 33.0 for each 100 square metres of worship area; and
 (iv) at a minimum rate of 27.0 for each 100 square metres of worship area if it is located in any other area of the City; or
(C) the required minimum parking rate for all other permitted uses on the lot.
Police Station
Parking spaces must be provided at a minimum rate of 0.2 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Post Secondary School
Parking spaces must be provided at a minimum rate of:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1), a minimum of 0;
(B) in Policy Area 2  (PA2) and Policy Area 3 (PA3), 0.1 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area;
(C) in Policy Area 4 (PA4), 1.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(D) in all other areas of the City, 2.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area. [ By-law: 1276-2022(OLT) ]
Private School
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1) at:
 (i) a minimum rate of 0.15 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) a maximum rate of 0.3 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in Policy Area 2 (PA2) and Policy Area 3 (PA3) at:
 (i) a minimum rate of 0.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) a maximum rate of 1.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(C) in Policy Area 4 (PA4) at:
 (i) a minimum rate of 1.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) at a maximum rate of 2.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(D) in all other areas of the City, at a minimum rate of 1.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Production Studio
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1) at:
 (i) a minimum rate of 0.35 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) a maximum rate of 0.8 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in Policy Area 2 (PA2) at:
 (i) a minimum rate of 1.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) a maximum rate 1.4 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(C) in Policy Area 3 (PA3) and Policy Area 4 (PA4) at:
 (i) a minimum rate of 1.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) a maximum rate of 2.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(D) in all other areas of the City, at a minimum rate of 1.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Public School
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1) at:
 (i) a minimum rate of 0.15 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) a maximum rate of 0.3 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in Policy Area 2 (PA2) and Policy Area 3 (PA3) at:
 (i) a minimum rate of 0.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) a maximum rate of 1.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(C) in Policy Area 4 (PA4) at:
 (i) a minimum rate of 1.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) a maximum rate of 2.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(D) in all other areas of the City, at a minimum rate of 1.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Railway Service and Repair Yard; Railway Station
Parking spaces must be provided at a minimum rate of 0.1 per 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Recreation Use
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1), Policy Area 2 (PA2), and Policy Area 3 (PA3) and Policy Area 4 (PA4):
 (i) at a minimum rate of 0.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) at a maximum rate of 1.3 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in all other areas of the City, at a minimum rate of 3.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Religious Education Use
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1):
 (i) at a minimum rate of 0.15 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) at a maximum rate of 0.3 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in Policy Area 2 (PA2) and Policy Area 3 (PA3):
 (i) at a minimum rate of 0.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) at a maximum rate of 1.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(C) in Policy Area 4 (PA4):
 (i) at a minimum rate of 1.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) at a maximum rate of 2.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(D) in all other areas of the City, at a minimum rate of 1.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Religious Residence
Parking spaces must be provided at a minimum rate of 1.0 for each 10 bed-sitting rooms or dwelling units.
Residential Care Home
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) at a minimum rate of 0.22 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) at a maximum rate of 1.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Respite Care Facility
Parking spaces must be provided at a rate of 0.3 for each dwelling unit and bed-sitting room.
Retail Store
Parking spaces must be provided if the gross floor area on a lot is more than 200 square metres:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1) at a:
 (i) minimum of 1.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) maximum of 3.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in Policy Area 2 (PA2), Policy Area 3 (PA3) and Policy Area 4 (PA4) at:
 (i) minimum of 1.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) maximum of 4.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(C) in all other areas of the City:
 (i) if the gross floor area is more than 200 square metres and less than 10,000 square metres, at a minimum rate of 1.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) if the gross floor area is 10,000 square metres or more but less than 20,000 square metres, at a minimum rate of 3.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (iii) if the gross floor area is 20,000 square metres or more, at a minimum rate of 6.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(D) if the gross floor area on a lot is 200 square metres or less, no parking space is required.
Retail Service
Parking spaces must be provided at the same rate as a retail store.
Retirement Home
Parking spaces must be provided at a rate of 0.3 for each dwelling unit and bed-sitting room.
Secondary Suite
Parking spaces must be provided at a minimum rate of 1.0 for each secondary suite in excess of one. [549-2019]
Self Storage Warehouse
(See Warehouse, self storage)
Seniors Community House
Parking Spaces must be provided at a minimum rate of 1.0 per building.
Service Shop
Parking spaces must be provided if the gross floor area is more than 200 square metres:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1) at a:
 (i) minimum rate of 1.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) maximum rate of 3.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in Policy Area 2 (PA2), Policy Area 3 (PA3) and Policy Area 4 (PA4) at:
 (i) minimum rate of 1.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) maximum rate of 4.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(C) in all other areas of the City a minimum rate of 1.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(D) if the gross floor area is 200 square metres or less, no parking space is required.
Software Development and Processing
Parking Spaces must be provided at the same rate as an office.
Vehicle Dealership
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1), Policy Area 2 (PA2), Policy Area 3 (PA3) and Policy Area 4 (PA4):
 (i) at a minimum rate of 1.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
 (ii) at a maximum rate of 1.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in all other areas of the City at a minimum rate of 3.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Vehicle Depot
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1), Policy Area 2 (PA2) and Policy Area 3 (PA3) at a minimum rate of 0.1 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in all other areas of the City at a minimum rate of 0.2 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Vehicle Fuel Station
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1), Policy Area 2 (PA2) and Policy Area 3 (PA3) at a minimum rate of 2.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area;
(B) in Policy Area 4 (PA4) at a minimum rate of 3.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(C) in all other areas of the City at a minimum rate of 3.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Vehicle Service Shop
Parking spaces must be provided at a minimum rate of 3.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Vehicle Repair Shop
Parking spaces must be provided at a minimum rate of 3.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Veterinary Hospital
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1) at a minimum rate of 0.4 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area and at a maximum rate of 0.8 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area; and
(B) in the rest of the City at a minimum rate of 1 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Visitation Centre
Parking spaces must be provided at a minimum rate of 2.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Parking spaces must be provided at a minimum rate of 1.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area up to 2750 square metres; plus 0.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area in excess of 2750 square metres
Warehouse, Self Storage
Parking spaces must be provided at a minimum rate of 0.6 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area.
Wholesaling Use
Parking spaces must be provided at the same rate as a retail store.
[ By-law: 89-2022 ]
(6)Parking Space Rates - Multiple Uses on a Lot
If there are multiple uses on a lot, the respective parking space rate for each use on the lot applies and the total number of required parking spaces is the cumulative total for all uses. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]
(7)Shared Parking Space Calculation (Minimum)
In Policy Area 1 (PA1), Policy Area 2 (PA2), Policy Area 3 (PA3), Policy Area 4 (PA4), the minimum number of parking spaces required for a lot is determined as follows:
(A)for each of the morning, afternoon and evening parking periods Table, the minimum number of parking spaces required for each use, is calculated using the respective parking space rate and occupancy rate;
(B)the minimum number of parking spaces required for each parking period is the total of the parking spaces required for all uses during that parking period; and
(C)the minimum number of parking spaces required for the lot is equal to the largest number of parking spaces required for any parking period. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]
(8)Interpretation of Minimum and Maximum Parking Space Requirement
If Table 970.10.15.5 - Parking Space Rates and Parking Space Occupancy has a minimum and maximum number of parking spaces for a use, the number of parking spaces for that use listed on the Table may not:
(A)be less than the required minimum; and
(B)exceed the permitted maximum. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]
(9)Place of Worship Parking Rates
For the purpose of calculating parking space requirements for a place of worship, the "worship area" means 90 percent of the area in a place of worship used for the expression of worship through religious services, rites or ceremonies. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]
(10)Policy Area 1 (PA1) Parking Space Reduction for Bicycle Parking Spaces
In Policy Area 1 (PA1) the total minimum number of vehicle parking spaces required on a lot may be reduced at a rate of 1 vehicle parking space for each 5 bicycle parking spaces provided in excess of the minimum number of bicycle parking spaces required by Chapter 230 if the reduction of vehicle parking space is not greater than 20 percent of the total minimum vehicle parking spaces required. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]
(11)Parking Rates - Accessible Parking Spaces
If the total parking space requirement is 5 or more, clearly identified off street accessible parking spaces must be provided on the same lot as every building or structure erected or enlarged, as follows:
(A)if the number of required parking spaces is less than 13, a minimum of 1 parking space must comply with all regulations for an accessible parking space in Section 200.15;
(B)if the number of required parking spaces is 13 to 100, a minimum of 1 parking space for every 25 parking spaces or part thereof must comply with all regulations for an accessible parking space in Section 200.15; and
(C)if the number of required parking spaces is more than 100, a minimum of 5 parking spaces plus 1 parking space for every 50 parking spaces or part thereof in excess of 100 parking spaces, must comply with all regulations for an accessible parking space in Section 200.15. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]
(12)Accessible Parking Space Requirement for Medical Offices and Clinics
A minimum of 10 percent of the required parking spaces for a medical office or clinic established after May 26, 2017, must comply with all regulations for an accessible parking space in Section 200.15 and any accessible parking spaces lawfully existing on the lot must be retained. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]

970.10.15.10 Residential Zone Category Requirements

(1)Gross Floor Area Calculation for a Residential Building Other than an Apartment Building
In the Residential Zone category, the gross floor area of a residential building, other than an apartment building, may be reduced by:
(A)the floor area of the basement;
(B)the area of a void in a floor if there is a vertical clearance of more than 4.5 metres between the top of the floor below the void and the ceiling directly above it, to a maximum of 10 percent of the permitted maximum gross floor area for the building;
(C)the area of required parking spaces in the building; and
(D)in addition to (C) above, the area used for one additional parking space in a detached house on a lot with a lot frontage of more than 12.0 metres. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]
(2)Detached Private Garages Situated on More than One Lot
Despite regulation and (6), if an ancillary building or structure contains the required parking spaces for dwelling units on abutting lots in the Residential Zone category, it may be located on the common side lot line. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]
(3)Parking Space Location for Apartment Buildings
In the Residential Zone category, a minimum of 50 percent of the required parking spaces for an apartment building, other than required visitor parking spaces, must be in a building or underground structure. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]
(4)Parking Space for a Secondary Suite
Despite regulation, in the Residential Zone category a required parking space for a secondary suite may be in the front yard if it is on a driveway. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]
(5)Lot Coverage Requirement for Ancillary Buildings and Structures
Despite regulation, in the R zone, the area of the lot covered by ancillary buildings and structures may not exceed 5 percent of the lot area, except for the following:
(A)the water surface area of an outdoor swimming pool or other ancillary structure used to hold water, if they comply with regulation; and
(B) ancillary buildings or structures containing required parking spaces. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]
(6)Conversion of a Parking Space in a Building to Habitable Space
A parking space located inside a building on a lot in the R zone, other than an ancillary building, may be converted to habitable space and no further parking space is required if:
(A)the lot has:
(i)a lot frontage of 7.6 metres or less; or
(ii)a lot frontage greater than 7.6 metres, and the elevation of the floor of the vehicle entrance is below established grade;
(B)the required parking space is in a detached house, a semi-detached house or a townhouse;
(C) vehicle entrance to the parking space is in the front main wall; and
(D)the driveway leading to the vehicle entrance in the building is removed, and any front yard depression in the ground is filled to established grade. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]

970.10.15.40 Commercial Residential Zone Category Requirements

(1)Gross Floor Area Calculations for a Townhouse in the Commercial Residential Zone Category
In the Commercial Residential Zone category, the gross floor area of a townhouse may be reduced by:
(A)the floor area of the basement, unless the established grade is higher than the average elevation of the ground along the rear main wall of the residential building by 2.5 metres or more, in which case the gross floor area of the building may be reduced by 50 percent of the floor area of the basement;
(B)the area of a void in a floor if there is a vertical clearance of more than 4.5 metres between the top of the floor below the void and the ceiling directly above it, to a maximum of 10 percent of the permitted maximum gross floor area for the building; and
(C)the area of required parking spaces in the building. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]
(2)Policy Area 1 Parking Space Exemption
In a CR zone in Policy Area 1, no parking spaces are required for the following uses, if the interior floor area of all these uses, does not exceed 1.0 times the area of the lot:
(A) Artist Studio;
(B) Custom Workshop;
(C) Financial Institution;
(D) Funeral Home;
(E)Office ;
(F) Performing Arts Studio;
(G) Personal Service Shop;
(H) Pet Services;
(I) Retail Services;
(J) Retail Store; and
(K) Service Shop. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]

970.10.15.50 Commercial Residential Employment Zone Category Requirements

(1)Gross Floor Area Calculations for a Detached House, Semi-Detached House, Townhouse, Duplex, Triplex, or Fourplex in a Commercial Residential Employment Zone Category
In the Commercial Residential Employment Zone category, the gross floor area of a detached house, semi-detached house, townhouse, duplex, triplex, or fourplex may be reduced by:
(A)the floor area of the basement, unless the established grade is higher than the average elevation of the ground along the rear main wall of the residential building by 2.5 metres or more, in which case the gross floor area of the building may be reduced by 50 percent of the floor area of the basement;
(B)the area of a void in a floor if there is a vertical clearance of more than 4.5 metres between the top of the floor below the void and the ceiling directly above it, to a maximum of 10 percent of the permitted maximum gross floor area for the building; and
(C)the area of required parking spaces in the building; and
(D)in addition to (C) above, the area used for one additional parking space in a detached house on a lot with a lot frontage of more than 12.0 metres [ By-law: 89-2022 ]
(2)Parking Exception for Change fo Non-Residential Use
In a CRE zone in Policy Area 1 (PA1), if a change of non-residential use is proposed for a lawfully existing building or to a building that was erected pursuant to a building permit issued on or before March 7, 1983, and a minimum of 75 percent of the lot area is occupied by the building:
(A)additional parking spaces are not required for a non-residential use; and
(B)the number of lawful parking spaces on the lot may not be reduced. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]

970.10.15.60 Employment Industrial Zone Category Requirements

(1)Parking in Street Yard
In the Employment Industrial Zone category a required parking space in a street yard is subject to the following:
(A)the parking space must be at least 3.0 metres from the front lot line and side lot lines; and
(B)the parking space must be at a right angle to the driveway that provides vehicle access from the street to a parking area. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]
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