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The public expects the highest standards of conduct from citizen members who are appointed to adjudicative boards by Council.  The standards are set out in the Code of Conduct for Members of Adjudicative Boards and the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.

The Integrity Commissioner is available to members of Adjudicative Boards to answer questions and provide advice about meeting the standards.

Adjudicative Board appointees can seek advice by calling or emailing the Integrity Commissioner or her Office as follows:

Political Activity Rules for Members of Local Boards and Members of Adjudicative Boards (April 2022)

Political Activity Rules for Members of Local Boards and Members of Adjudicative Boards (April 2022)

Use of Social Media and Websites by Members of Local Boards and Members of Adjudicative Boards (April 2022)

Use of Social Media and Websites by Members of Local Boards and Members of Adjudicative Boards (April 2022)

Identifying and Declaring Pecuniary Interests at Meetings (February 2019)

Identifying and Declaring Pecuniary Interests at Meetings 

Article XI of the Code of Conduct (Business Relations) (March 2018)

Article XI of the Code of Conduct (Business Relations)

Adjudicative Boards

  • Administrative Penalty Tribunal
  • Committee of Adjustment
  • Committee of Revision
  • Compliance Audit Committee
  • Dangerous Dog Review Tribunal
  • Multi-Tenant House Licensing Tribunal
  • Property Standards Committee
  • Sign Variance Committee
  • Toronto Local Appeal Body
  • Toronto Licensing Tribunal


Updated: May 17, 2024

The Advice and Case Summaries tool allows you to search for sample advice and case summaries. The tool contains information taken from the Office’s annual reports and investigation reports to Council.

Advice and Case Summaries