Use this tool to search for sample advice and case summaries.

The sample advice and summaries are taken from the Office’s annual reports and investigation reports to Council. The full summaries of reports can be viewed by clicking on the title of each entry in the search results.

The tool is for convenience only and does not replace full reports or advice from the Integrity Commissioner for a member’s particular circumstances.

Search tips:

  • search by Code of Conduct Article number (e.g. Article IV)
  • search by Code of Conduct Article name (e.g. Gifts and Benefits)
  • search by name of legislation (e.g. MCIA)
  • keywords (e.g. reference letter)

For a listing of the Article numbers and their corresponding titles, please review the codes of conduct for members of Council, members of local boards (restricted definition) and members of adjudicative boards.


Type Subject (Member of) Year Summary & Link to Report
Advice Council 2014-2015

Spouse’s Employment with a City Stakeholder

A member sought advice about Code of Conduct or MCIA issues that may arise because of their membership on a particular Council committee and their spouse’s employment with a City stakeholder.

Keywords: MCIA, Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence), spouse, Article V (Use of Confidential Information)

Advice Council 2014-2015

Providing Employment Reference for a Former Colleague

A member sought advice about whether the member could provide an employment reference for a former colleague.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence), reference letter

Advice Council 2014-2015

Donating a Personal Item for Use at a Charity Event

A member sought advice about donating a personal item for use at a charitable event.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Advice Council 2014-2015

Co-Hosting a Fundraising Event

A member sought advice about whether it was permissible to co-host a fundraising event for a non-profit organization.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence), fundraising, community events

Advice Council 2014-2015

Holding a Position on a Non-Profit Board

A member sought advice about whether it would be permissible to accept a position on the board of directors for a non-profit organization that uses City resources.

Keywords: conflict of duty, Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Advice Council 2015

Dealing with MCIA interests Outside of Meetings

A member sought advice about best practices for dealing with constituent inquiries relating to a matter for which the Councillor had a pecuniary interest as defined by the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act (MCIA).

Keywords: MCIA

Advice Adjudicative Board 2015

Outside Employment

A member of an adjudicative board sought advice about whether it was permissible to work in the office of an elected official from another order of government.

Keywords: outside activities

Advice Council 2015

Writing a Reference Letter for a Personal Friend

A member sought advice about writing a character reference for a long-time friend.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence), reference letter

Advice Council 2015

Councillor’s Role in Relation to Fundraising for a Non-Profit Organization

A member sought advice on the proper role of a councillor in relation to fundraising for a non-profit organization.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence), Article VI (Use of City Property, Services and Other Resources), fundraising

Advice Council 2015

Hosting of an All Candidates Debate for the Federal Election

A member sought advice about whether it would be permissible to host an all-candidates’ debate for the federal election in the Councillor’s riding.

Keywords: Article VII (Election Campaign Work), Article XV (Failure to Adhere to Council Policies and Procedures)

Advice Adjudicative Board 2016

Appearing before One’s Own Board

A member of an adjudicative board sought advice about taking a position with respect to their neighbour’s application.

Keywords: Article XVI (Independent Nature of Adjudicative Boards)

Advice Local Board 2016

Volunteer Contributions become Paid Services

A board member sought advice about how to deal with a situation that involved a board decision about certain services that would impact the member’s prior volunteer contributions of the same services.

Keywords: MCIA

Advice Adjudicative Board 2016

Receiving a Thank You Note

An adjudicative board member sought advice about how to respond to a thank you email received from a party after a hearing.

Keywords: Article XVI (Independent Nature of Adjudicative Boards), Article VI (Communications with Adjudicative Boards)

Advice Council 2016

An Unusual Donation to a Councillor-Organized Community Event

A member sought advice about whether it was permissible to accept an in-kind donation of water bottles from a local business for the member’s community event. The water bottles had the local business’ logo on them.

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts and Benefits), Community Events, Article XV (Failure to Adhere to City Policies)

Advice Council 2016

Dealing with Abuse on Social Media

A member sought advice about whether it was permissible to block anonymous social media users who engage in harassing conduct towards the Councillor.

Keywords: Dealing with difficult behaviour, social media

Advice Council 2016

Raising Awareness of a Local Fundraising Event on Twitter

A member sought advice about whether it would be permissible to distribute information about a local fundraising event through the Councillor’s Twitter account in order to promote the event.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence), Social Media

Advice Council 2016

Involvement in a Decision near a Councillor’s Home

A member sought advice about whether the Councillor’s office could facilitate a local resident’s petition for traffic calming measures in an area that could affect traffic at the Councillor’s home.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Advice Council 2016

Managing a Staff Member’s Potential Conflict

A member sought advice about avoiding any apparent or actual conflicts of interest relating to a planning application in the member’s ward as a family member of the Councillor’s staff worked for the project proponent.

Keywords: MCIA, members’ staff duties

Advice Council 2016

Dealing with Unsolicited, Anonymous Gifts

A member sought advice after unsolicited holiday gifts from unknown donors were sen to the Councillor’s office.

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts and Benefits)

Advice Council 2016

Request to Assist a City of Toronto Employee

A member sought advice about a constituent and City staffer who requested assistance with an application to be transferred to a different work location that was closer to home.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence), Article XII (Conduct Respecting Staff)

Advice Adjudicative Board 2017

Engaging in Political Activities

A member of an adjudicative board sought advice about to what extent they could become involved in a campaign respecting a community issue.

Keywords: outside activities, Article XVI (Independent Nature of Adjudicative Boards)

Advice Local Board 2017

Sitting on the Board of a Major Stakeholder

A board member asked whether it was permissible to sit on the board of a major stakeholder organization of the local board.

Keywords: outside activities, conflict of duties

Advice Local Board 2017

Sitting on the Board of a Possible Stakeholder Organization

A board member sought advice about how to meet the obligations of the Code of Conduct and MCIA respecting their duties as a board member of a corporation that could possibly be impacted by decisions of the local board.

Keywords: MCIA, conflict of duties

Advice Local Board 2017

Providing Services to the Local Board

A board member sought advice about whether they could maintain their role as both board member and provider of services to the board.

Keywords: Article IX (Business Relations), conflict of duties

Advice Adjudicative Board 2017

Attending another Board Meeting as an Observer

A member of the Committee of Adjustment sought advice about attending a hearing of the Toronto Local Appeal Body as an observer, regarding a property that the member lives near.

Keywords: Article XVI (Independent Nature of Adjudicative Boards)

Advice Local Board 2017

Seeking Employment with an Organization Overseen by the Board

A board member sought advice about whether they could apply for a job with the City organization for which she served as a board member.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Advice Council 2017

Promotion of Fundraising Campaign in an E-Newsletter

A member sought advice about whether they could include information in their e-newsletter about a volunteer and fundraising initiative for a hospital for which they had no personal connection.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence), fundraising

Advice Council 2017

Managing Constituent Concerns when Conflict of Interest Present

A member sought advice about how to manage constituent concerns about a property near the Councillor’s home.

Keywords: MCIA

Advice Council 2017

Providing a Reference Letter for a Developer

A member sought advice about whether it was permissible to provide a generic letter of reference to a developer to use in another municipality.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence), Reference Letter

Advice Council 2017

Attendance at TLAB Hearings

A member sought advice about whether it was permissible to attend and observe a TLAB hearing.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence), TLAB attendance

Advice Council 2017

Attending a Fundraiser for a Provincial Election Candidate

A member sought advice about whether they could attend a provincial candidate’s fundraising event.

Keywords: Article VII (Election Campaign Work)

Advice Council 2017

Invitation to Attend a Developer’s Marketing Event

A member sought advice about if they could accept an invitation from a developer to attend an open house regarding an upcoming development proposal.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Advice Council 2017

Appearance at the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB)

A member sought advice about whether they could appear at the OMB to make representations regarding a land-use planning matter in their ward.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Advice Council 2017

Referrals to a local business

A member sought advice about how to respond to a local business’ request that the Councillor refer constituents to the local business.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Advice Council 2017

Sponsored Travel Declarations

Several councillors sought advice about whether they could accept sponsored travel from conference organizers and other governments prior to travelling.

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts and Benefits)

Advice Council 2018

Engagement with a Development in Close Proximity to a Member’s Home

A member sought advice about the role they could play with respect to a proposed development near their home.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence), MCIA, ethical wall

Advice Council 2018

Providing Letters of Support to Constituents

A member sought advice about providing a letter of support to an individual whom the councillor had never met.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence), Reference Letter Policy

Advice Council 2018

Claims against the City

A member inquired about the role that members can play to assist a resident pursue a legal claim against the City.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Advice Council 2018

Providing Letters of Support for City-Issued Grants

A member sought advice about whether it would be a conflict of interest to provide a letter of support to a group applying for City-issued grants.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Advice Council 2018

Personal Interest in a Ward Development

A member sought advice about how to advise a staff member who wished to register for information about a rental unit in a planned development in the Councillor’s ward. The staff member learned about the registration opportunity in the course of dealings with the office.

Keywords: Human Resources Management and Ethical Framework for Councillors’ Staff

Advice Council 2018

Accepting an Honorarium

A member sought advice about whether or not he could accept an honorarium for attending an event at which he was speaking in his capacity as Councillor.

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts and Benefits)

Advice Council 2018

Participating in Fundraising Initiatives

A member sought advice about whether ot not they could participate in a fundraising auction (“Coffee with the Councillor”) for a not-for-profit group.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence), fundraising

Advice Council 2018

Receiving Unsolicited Business Proposals

A member sought advice about how they could assist a constituent who approached the Councillor with a new business venture that the constituent believed could have a broad application across the City.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence), Article XV (Failure to Adhere to City Policies and Procedures)

Advice Council 2018

Receiving Unsolicited Gifts

A member sought advice about how to forfeit a small unsolicited monetary gift that was received from an unknown sender.

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts and Benefits)

Advice Council 2018

Member-Organized Community Events

A member sought advice about accepting a donation for a Member-Organized Community Event.

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts and Benefits); Council Member-Organized Community Events Policy

Advice Council 2018

Communicating with Constituents during an Election Period

A member sought advice about whether it was permissible to send out a communication to residents advising about the ward in which the member planned to run after a ward boundary review.

Keywords: Article VII (Election Campaign Work)

Advice Council 2018

Receiving Campaign/Election Communications at City Hall

A member sought advice about how to respond to communications received at City Hall from residents regarding the election campaign.

Keywords: Article VII (Election Campaign Work)

Advice Council 2018

Using a Photo of City Hall for Election-Related Purposes

A member sought advice about using a photo of the Councillor in front of City Hall for his campaign literature.

Keywords: Article VII (Election Campaign Work)

Advice Local Board 2018

Accepting a Conference Invitation

A board member sought advice about whether they could accept a complimentary pass to attend a conference.

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts and Benefits)

Advice Local Board 2018

Providing Services to the Board

A board member sought advice about whether if was permissible for their business to bid on a Request for Proposal (RFP) issued by their Board.

Keywords: Article IX (Business Relations)

Advice Local Board 2018

Member’s Employer is the Board’s Landlord

A board member sought advice about how to manage a potential conflict of interest. The member is a representative on the Board for their employer which is an organization that leases office space to the Board.

Keywords: Article IX (Business Relations)

Advice Adjudicative Board 2018

Accepting an Honorarium

A member of an adjudicative board sought advice about whether they could accept an honorarium for their volunteer work for a City-organized event.

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts and Benefits)

Advice Local Board 2018

Working with a Spouse

A board member sought advice about about whether their spouse, who is currently an employee of the same Board, could apply to be a member of the Board.

Keywords: MCIA, Article VIII (Use of Influence), Article IX (Business Relations)

Advice Local Board 2018

Running for Elected Office

A board member sought advice about member obligations when running for elected office.

Keywords: City’s Public Appointments Policy, Article VII (Election Campaign Work)

Advice Local Board 2018

Engaging with Political Campaigns

A board member sought advice about engaging with political campaigns in a personal capacity by volunteering for a councillor’s re-election campaign.

Keywords: Article VII (Election Campaign Work)

Case Summary Council 2014-2015

Dealing with a Neighbourhood Dispute (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member violated the Code of Conduct by failing to properly represent the complainant’s interests in relation to an ongoing dispute between the complainant and their neighbours.

Keywords: manner of representation, ward matters

Case Summary Council 2014-2015

Conduct during Media Interviews (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member violated the Code of Conduct for the manner in which the member portrayed themselves in a media interview.

Keywords: insufficient information

Case Summary Council 2015

Use of Social Media during the Election (Dismissed at Intake)

A complaint was made against several members of Council who were running in the municipal election for the manner in which the members used Facebook and/or Twitter during the election period.

Keywords: social media use

Case Summary Council 2015

Conduct of a Non-Councillor Candidate (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a non-councillor candidate violated the Code of Conduct by stealing other candidates’ election signs and promised to provide additional services to the neighbourhood in exchange for the complainant’s silence.

Keywords: Jurisdiction over candidates

Case Summary Local Board 2015

Member Conduct at Meetings (Dismissed at Intake)

A member of a local board filed a complaint about other board members, alleged that their actions had prevented the complainant from being able to speak up or raise issues.

Keywords: insufficient information

Case Summary Council 2016

Alleged Contravention of the Code Preamble (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a councillor’s conduct failed to “uphold the spirit and letter” of the Toronto Municipal Code and thereby contravened the Preamble to the Code of Conduct.

Keywords: Preamble

Case Summary Council 2016

Discreditable Conduct: Social Media Use (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member contravened the Code of Conduct by posting a Tweet that contained alleged inflammatory information about individuals.

Keywords: Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct)

Case Summary Council 2016

Discreditable Conduct: Letter to Organization (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member contravened the Code of Conduct when they sent a letter to an organization requesting that the organization cease certain activities.

Keywords: Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct)

Case Summary Council 2017

Theft of Intellectual Property (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a former member contravened the Code of Conduct for when they used the complainant’s idea for a new program at a City agency without the complainant’s authorization.

Keywords: Article V (Confidential Information), Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence), Article IX (Business Relations), Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct), former members of Council

Case Summary Local Board 2017

Failure to Follow Local Board and City Policies (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a board member contravened the Code of Conduct for actions taken in relation to a building owned by the member.

Keywords: Article XV (Failure to Adhere to Council or Local Board Policies or Procedures), Non-Code of Conduct matters

Case Summary Adjudicative Board 2017

Failure to Follow Local Board and City Policies (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that members of an adjudicative board contravened the Code of Conduct on the basis of decisions rendered in their capacities as members of a City Tribunal by failing to correctly interpret and apply the City’s Official Plan and other published information.

Keywords: Article XVIII (Failure to Adhere to Council or Adjudicative Board Policies and Procedures); adjudicative tribunal decisions

Case Summary Council 2017

Lack of Constituency Representation (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member contravened the Code of Conduct by failing to take actions supporting the complainant’s position on a matter before City Council.

Keywords: Dissatsifaction with manner of representation

Case Summary Council 2018

Inappropriate Comments at a Meeting (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member contravened the Code of Conduct because of the manner in which the Councillor responded to the complainant at a Community Council meeting.

Keywords: Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct)

Case Summary Council 2018

Inappropriate Use of Social Media (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member contravened the Code of Conduct by tweeting a disrespectful photo that was profane and provocative

Keywords: Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct)

Case Summary Council 2018

Assistance with Constituent’s Complaint to Police (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member contravened the Code of Conduct when they assisted another constituent to make a complaint about the complainant to the police.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence), insufficient information

Case Summary Council 2018

Failure to Respond to Complainant Concerns (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member contravened the Code of Conduct due to the manner in which the Councillor responded (or failed to respond) to the complainant’s concerns regarding certain property standards and bylaw issues adjacent to the complainant’s home.

Keywords: Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct), Article XV (Failure to Adhere to Council Policies and Procedures), Article XVI (Reprisals and Obstruction), dissatisfaction with manner of representation

Case Summary Council 2018

Member Conduct at Meeting (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that two members contravened the Code of Conduct because one Councillor was disrespectful and the other failed to deal with the complainant objectively.

Keywords: Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct), jurisdiction over meetings

Case Summary Council 2018

Failure to Advocate (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member and their staff contravened the Code of Conduct by failing to advocate on the complainant’s behalf.

Keywords: insufficient information, manner of representation

Case Summary Council 2018

Receipt of Improper Gifts or Benefits (Dismissed at Intake)

An accountability officer requested an inquiry into whether two members contravened the Code of Conduct on the basis of documents received from an anonymous complainant.

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts and Benefits), Article XII (Conduct Respecting Staff), Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct)

Report Summary Council 2015

CC9.4 Report Regarding Conduct of Then-Mayor Rob Ford

A councillor filed a complaint alleging that the Mayor contravened the Code of Conduct when he ran across the Council Chambers and knocked her over.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article XI (Conduct at Meetings), Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct)

Report Summary Council 2015

CC5.8 Report Regarding Conduct of Then-Mayor Rob Ford

A member of the public filed a complaint alleging that the Mayor contravened the Code of Conduct when he used racial slurs in two separate incidents.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct)

Report Summary Council 2016

CC23.8 Report Regarding the Conduct of Former Councillor Doug Ford

Three members of the public filed complaints alleging that a councillor contravened the Code of Conduct with regards his interactions with City officials in relation to two companies.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts and Benefits), Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Report Summary Council 2016

CC20.2 Report Regarding the Conduct of Councillor Mark Grimes

A member of the public filed a complaint alleging a councillor contravened the Code of Conduct in relation to his role and comments made to Council regarding Section 37 funds for a condominium project and regarding his participation in a promotional video for a condominium project.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article XV (Failure to Adhere to Council Policies and Procedures), Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence), Article XII (Conduct Respecting Staff), Article IV (Gifts and Benefits), Article VI (Use of CIty Property, Services and Other Resources)

Report Summary Council 2016

CC19.15 Report Regarding the Conduct of Councillor Jim Karygiannis (Parking Enforcement)

A member of the public filed a complaint alleging that a councillor contravened the Code of Conduct because of a series of interactions he had with the complainant’s family in relation to a parking issue.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct)

Report Summary Council 2016

CC12.5 Report Regarding the Conduct of Councillor Jim Karygiannis

A member of the public filed a complaint alleging that a councillor contravened the Code of Conduct when he confronted the complainant, her parents and and an Uber driver.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct)

Report Summary Council 2016

CC12.4 Report Regarding the Conduct of Councillor Rob Ford

A member of the public filed a complaint alleging that a councillor contravened the Code of Conduct because his constituency newsletter included an advertisement for a campaign fundraiser.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article VI (Use of City Property, Services and Other Resources), Article VII (Election Campaign Work), Article XV (Failure to Adhere to Council Policies and Procedures)

Report Summary Council 2016

CC28.7 Report Regarding the Conduct of Mayor John Tory

A member of the public filed a complaint alleging that the Mayor contravened the Code of Conduct for allegedly improperly preferring and supporting Uber through public statements and by moving a motion at a City Council meeting to defer consideration of a staff report regarding amendments to standard taxicab regulations.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence), Article IX (Business Relations), Article X (Conduct Regarding Current and Prospective Employment)

Report Summary Council & Local Board 2017

CC28.7 Report Regarding the Conduct of Councillors Jon Burnside and John Campbell and a Member of the Leaside Memorial Community Gardens Arena Board of Management

A member of the public filed a complaint alleging that two councillors and the Chair of the Leaside Memorial Community Gardens Arena Board of Management contravented their respective Codes of Conduct when they participated in a decision to approve a sign bylaw amendment in relation to a sign at the Arena.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article XV (Failure to Adhere to Council Policies and Procedures)

Report Summary Council 2017

CC28.6 Report Regarding the Conduct of Councillor Josh Matlow

The CEO of Transit Alliance filed a complaint alleging that a councillor contravened the Code of Conduct when he made statements in a radio interview about the City’s Executive Director of Strategic and Corporate Policy.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article XII (Conduct Respecting Staff)

Report Summary Council 2018

CC43.7 Report Regarding the Conduct of Councillor Josh Matlow

The CEO of the Toronto Transit Commissioner (TTC) filed a complaint alleging that a councillor contravened the Code of Conduct when he made statements in a radio interview and at the City’s Audit Committee and City Council meetings questioning his integrity and that of the TTC staff in relation to the Scarborough LRT briefing note. The Commissioner found that the Councillor contravened the Code of Conduct.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article XII (Conduct Respecting Staff)

Report Summary Council 2018

CC43.6 Report Regarding the Conduct of Councillor John Filion

The Auditor General requested an inquiry into whether a councillor contravened the Code of Conduct on the basis of an anonymous letter her office received that alleged that the Councillor was involved in improperly referring matters to a particular development consultant.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Report Summary Council 2018

CC43.5 Report Regarding the Conduct of Councillor Michael Thompson

A councillor filed two complaints alleging that another councillor contravened the Code of Conduct when he made or directed his staff to make inquiries on behalf of a company whose principal he is friends with and when he subsequently spread rumours about the complainant as an act of retaliation for the first complaint.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence), Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct), Article XVI (Reprisals and Obstruction)

Advice Council 2013-2014

Producing a Novelty Item for a Corporate Fundraising Campaign

A member sought advice about producing a novelty item to support the corporate United Way fundraising that the City of Toronto participate in annually.

Keywords: Article VI (Use of City Property, Services and Other Resources)

Advice Council 2013-2014

Accepting a Gift from a Local Food Company

A member sought advice about accepting a basket of food from a company wanting to obtain business from the City of Toronto.

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts and Benefits)

Advice Council 2013-2014

Accepting a Mounted Picture of a Development

A member sought advice about accepting a mounted picture of a development in the member’s ward.

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts and Benefits)

Advice Council 2013-2014

Election Involvement While on Lieu Time

A member sought advice about working on election-related matters on a day taken in lieu of overtime.

Keywords: Article VI (Use of City Property, Services and Other Resources), Article VII (Election Campaign Work)

Advice Council 2013-2014

Providing a Letter to the Committee of Adjustment

A member sought advice about providing a letter to the Committee of Adjustment about an application in the member’s neighbourhood.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence), Reference Letter Policy

Report Summary Council 2013

CC45.2 Report Regarding MM41.25 Requesting Mayor Ford to Respond to Recent Events

City Council requested that the Integrity Commissioner report back to City Council on the concerns raised in MM41.25.

Council Decision

Keywords: Insufficient information

Report Summary Council 2013

CC37.13 Report Regarding the Conduct of Councillor Adam Vaughan

A member of the public filed a complaint alleging that a councillor contravened the Code of Conduct as a result of public comments to a variety of media outlets.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article XII (Conduct Respecting Staff)

Report Summary Council 2013

CC37.13 Report Regarding the Conduct of Councillor Adam Vaughan

A member of the public filed a complaint alleging that a councillor contravened the Code of Conduct as a result of public comments to a variety of media outlets.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article XII (Conduct Respecting Staff)

Report Summary Council 2013

CC32.3 Report Regarding the Conduct of Mayor Rob Ford

A media outlet filed a complaint alleging that the mayor contravened the Code of Conduct by directing his staff to not provide the media outlet with official mayoral communications from his office.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence); Article XVI (Discreditable Conduct)

Report Summary Council 2013

CC30.10 Report Regarding the Conduct of Councillor Doug Ford

The Divisional Court of Ontario issued a decision in the case of Magder v. Ford, and the report in item CC27.12 was brought back to City Council for decision.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article XII (Conduct Respecting Staff)

Report Summary Council 2013

CC30.9 Report Regarding the Conduct of Mayor Rob Ford

A councillor filed a complaint alleging that the mayor contravened the Code of Conduct as a result of comments on a radio program about the City’s Medical Officer of Health.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article XII (Conduct Respecting Staff)

Report Summary Council 2013

CC30.8 Report on Decision of Divisional Court in Magder v. Ford

The Integrity Commissioner and City Solicitor provided Council with information about the Divisional Court ruling to assist Council with the application of the Code of Conduct.

Council Decision

Keywords: MCIA

Report Summary Council 2013

CC27.12 Report Regarding the Conduct of Councillor Doug Ford

A councillor filed a complaint alleging that another councillor contravened the Code of Conduct as a result of comments on a radio program about the City’s Medical Officer of Health.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article XII (Conduct Respecting Staff)

Report Summary Council 2012

CC27.11 Report Regarding the Conduct of Mayor Rob Ford

A councillor filed a complaint alleging that the mayor contravened the Code of Conduct as a result of comments on a radio program about the City’s Medical Officer of Health.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article XII (Conduct Respecting Staff)

Report Summary Council 2012

CC27.10 Report Regarding the Conduct of Councillor Michelle Berardinetti

A member of staff filed a complaint alleging that a councillor contravened the Code of Conduct by discrediting the complainant on a public radio program.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article XII (Conduct Respecting Staff)

Report Summary Council 2012

CC26.2 Report Regarding Two Alleged Breaches of Confidentiality

City Council requested that the Integrity Commissioner investigate two alleged breaches of confidentiality.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article V (Confidential Information)

Report Summary Council 2012

CC16.6 Report on Compliance with Council Decision CC52.1

The Integrity Commissioner issued a report updating City Council on the Mayor’s outstanding compliance with Council’s decision.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts and Benefits), Article VI (Use of City Property, Services and Other Resources), Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Report Summary Council 2012

CC16.5 Report Regarding Councillor Doug Ford

A member of the public filed a complaint alleging that a councillor contravened the Code of Conduct by approaching the complainant in the Council Chamber and using intimidating language.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct)

Advice Council 2011-2012

Accepting Tickets to a Sporting Event

A member sought advice about accepting sports tickets and an invitation to an event in a private box from a client of a registered lobbyist.

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts and Benefits)

Advice Council 2011-2012

Accepting Sponsored Travel for a Spouse

A member sought advice about accepting accommodation and transportation for a spouse on a trip to a conference.

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts and Benefits)

Advice Council 2011-2012

Involvement in a Matter that would Impact a Family Member

A member sought advice about speaking at community meetings about a local issue that would affect a close family member.

Keywords: MCIA, Article VIII (Use of Influence)

Advice Council 2011-2012

Issuing an Apology to a Citizen

A member sought advice about how to apologize to a citizen for a thoughtless comment.

Keywords: apologies

Case Summary Council 2011-2012

Obtaining Confidential Material (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member contravened the Code of Conduct and Public Appointments Policy as a result of obtaining and distributing copies of confidential material.

Keywords:Article V (Confidential Information)

Case Summary Council 2011-2012

Failure to Disclose Office Expenses (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member contravened the Code of Conduct and Constituency Services Office Budget Policy (CSOB) by not making a full accounting of their office expenses.

Keywords: Article XV (Failure to Adhere to Council Policies and Procedures)

Case Summary Council 2011-2012

Comments Made in Public (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member contravened the Code of Conduct as a result of comments made in public.

Keywords: Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct)

Advice Council 2010-2011

Accepting Tickets to Events and Dinners

A member sought advice about accepting tickets to events and dinners.

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts and Benefits)

Advice Council 2010-2011

Employing Staff from another City Organization

A member sought advice about what steps should be taken for staff that had been seconded from another City organization.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Advice Council 2010-2011

Election Message in Newsletter

A member sought advice about thanking constituents for electing them in the member’s newsletter.

Keywords: Article VII (Election Campaign Work), Article VI (Use of City Property, Services and Other Resources)

Advice Council 2010-2011

Responding to Criticism on Spending

A member sought advice about how to handle a criticism received about an expense under the Councillor Expense Policy.

Keywords: councillor expense policy

Case Summary Council 2010-2011

Participation in the Renaming of a City Facility (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant complained about the outcome of a community consultation in which the Councillor had supported the renaming of a City facility.

Keywords: Insufficient information

Case Summary Council 2010-2011

Interacting with Staff and Constituent (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member interfered with staff decision-making over a building permit and displayed discreditable conduct when interacting with the constituent.

Keywords: Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct)

Case Summary Council 2010-2011

Complaint about a Member’s Staff (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member contravened the Code of Conduct because of actions taken by a member of the member’s staff.

Keywords: Insufficient information

Case Summary Council 2010-2011

Providing Confidential Information to Employer (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member provided confidential information to an employer which caused the complainant to be dismissed by the employer.

Keywords: Article V (Confidential Information)

Report Summary Council 2010

CC52.1 Report Regarding the Conduct of Councillor Rob Ford

A member of the public filed a complaint alleging that a councillor contravened the Code of Conduct by soliciting donations to his private foundation using his City Council letterhead.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts and Benefits), Article VI (Use of City Property, Services and Other Resources), Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Report Summary Council 2010

CC49.1 Report Regarding the Conduct of Councillor Rob Ford

City Council requested that the Integrity Commissioner investigate whether a councillor contravened the Code of Conduct after an exhchange at City Council.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article V (Confidential Information)

Advice Council 2009-2010

Providing a Reference Letter for a Constituent

A member sought advice about providing a letter of reference for a constituent who was seeking employment with the City of Toronto.

Keywords: Reference Letter Policy

Advice Council 2009-2010

Accepting an Event Invitation

A member sought advice about accepting an invitation to a corporate function valued at several hundred dollars.

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts and Benefits)

Advice Council 2009-2010

Use of City of Toronto Logo

A member sought advice about approving the use of the City of Toronto logo for letters unrelated to City business.

Keywords: Article VI (Use of City Property, Services and Other Resources)

Advice Council 2009-2010

Accepting Donations During an Election Year

A member sought advice about accepting donations and sponsorships for an annual BBQ.

Keywords: Council Member-Organized Event Policy

Advice Council 2009-2010

Social Media Use During an Election Campaign

A member sought advice about using social media during an election campaign.

Keywords: Article VII (Election Campaign Work); Article VI (Use of City Property, Services and Other Resources)

Advice Council 2009-2010

Providing Donations During an Election Year

A member sought advice about providing a donation to a local school during an election year.

Keywords: councillor expense policy, sponsorships

Advice Council 2009-2010

Advertising Environment Days During an Election Year

A member sought advice about advertising Environment Days during an election year.

Keywords: Article VII (Election Campaign Work); Article VI (Use of City Property, Services and Other Resources)

Case Summary Council 2009-2010

Attempt to Deprive Council of Quorum (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member contravened the Code of Conduct by attempting to deprive Council of quorum during a Council Meeting.

Keywords: Article XI (Conduct at Council and Committee Meetings)

Case Summary Council 2009-2010

Critical of Constituent and Family (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member contravened the Code of Conduct by being critical of the constituent and their family during a conversation with another Councillor.

Keywords: Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct)

Case Summary Council 2009-2010

Unwillingness to Discuss an Issue (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that several members contravened the Code of Conduct because of their unwillingness to discuss homelessness.

Keywords: ward matters

Case Summary Council 2009-2010

Candidate Concerns (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a candidate contravened the Code of Conduct by failing to act in accordance with a statement made to the media.

Keywords: insufficient information

Report Summary Local Board 2009

EX36.3 Report Regarding the Conduct of Former Exhibition Place Board of Governors Member Mr. Rocco Maragna

The mayor filed a complaint alleging an inference of a conflict of interest by a former board member.

Council Decision

Keywords: MCIA, former member

Report Summary Council 2009

CC38.23 Report Regarding the Conduct of Councillor Michael Walker

The Integrity Commissioner reviewed a councillor’s actions of sharing a confidential document with a forensic accountant.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article V (Confidential Information)

Report Summary Council 2009

CC31.2 Report Regarding the Conduct of Councillor Rob Ford

A councillor filed a complaint alleging that another councillor contravened the Code of Conduct by stating, on a radio broadcast, that the complainant was in a conflict of interest.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct)

Advice Council 2008-2009

Distributing Tickets to Local Charities

A member sought advice about receiving hockey tickets and distributing them to charities in the councillor’s ward. NOTE: Caution on applicability of this advice.

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts or Benefits)

Advice Council 2008-2009

Serving as a Power of Attorney

A member sought advice about serving as a Power of Attorney for a vulnerable member of the ward.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Advice Council 2008-2009

Appearing Before a Tribunal

A member sought advice about appearing before a City adjudicative tribunal to provide evidence on behalf of a constituent.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Advice Council 2008-2009

Sharing Equipment

A member sought advice about sharing equipment with other councillors for summer events.

Keywords: councillor expense policy

Advice Council 2008-2009

Decisions that Impact on a Councillor’s Own Property

A member sought advice about what steps to take when a matter arises in the ward that also affects the member’s property.

Keywords: MCIA, Article VIII (Use of Influence)

Case Summary Council 2008-2009

Indirect Receipt of Political Contribution (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member contravened the Code of Conduct when the member indirectly received a political contribution in return for support on a City lease.

Keywords: Municipal Elections Act

Case Summary Council 2008-2009

Unethical Behaviour at Committee Meetings (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member contravened the Code of Conduct by demonstrating unethical behaviour and bullied and intimidated attendees at community meetings.

Keywords: Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct)

Case Summary Council 2008-2009

Property of a Member’s Relative (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member contravened the Code of Conduct by putting forward a motion at Council that could impact on the member’s relative.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Case Summary Council 2008-2009

Providing a Confidential Document to an Outside Party (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member contravened the Code of Conduct by providing a copy of a confidential document to an outside party.

Keywords: Article V (Confidential Information), former members

Case Summary Council 2008-2009

Sending a Friend Request on Social Media (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member contravened the Code of Conduct by sending a friend request to the complainant on Facebook.

Keywords: social media

Advice Council 2008

Assisting with Matters in Other Wards

A member sought advice about assisting a constituent with an issue in another member’s ward.

Keywords: councillor representation, ward boundaries

Advice Council 2008

Acting as a Reference

A member sought advice about acting as a reference for a constituent applying for a City of Toronto position.

Keywords: Reference Letter Policy, Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Advice Council 2008

Providing Donations to Community Event

A member sought advice about providing an in-kind donation to a community organization’s event.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Advice Council 2008

Advertisements in Newsletters

A member sought advice about including an advertisement for a business in the next newsletter.

Keywords: Article VI (Use of City Property, Services and other Resources), Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence), Article IV (Gifts and Benefits)

Report Summary Council 2008

CC24.1 Report Regarding the Conduct of Councillor Adrian Heaps

A member of the public filed a complaint alleging that a councillor contravened the Code of Conduct by improperly influencing staff.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Report Summary Council 2008

CC16.2 Report Regarding the Conduct of Councillor Cesar Palacio

A member of the public filed a complaint alleging that a councillor contravened the Code of Conduct by accepting a benefit contrary to the Code.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts and Benefits)

Advice Council 2007

Using Resources to Support Candidates

A member sought advice about using their City Hall office, constituency office or Council website to convey support for a candidate in a federal or provincial election.

Keywords: Article VI (Use of City Property, Services and Other Resources); Article VII (Election Campaign Work); Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Advice Council 2007

Involvement with Community Organizations

A member sought advice about becoming an office holder in a community organization.

Keywords: MCIA, Article VIII (Use of Influence)

Advice Council 2007

Declaring a Conflict of Interest

A member sought advice about declaring a conflict on a matter before community council involving a person who contributed to the election campaign.

Keywords: MCIA

Advice Council 2007

Providing a Letter of Reference

A member sought advice about providing a reference for a member of a community organization seeking a position with the City.

Keywords: Reference Letter Policy

Advice Council 2007

Accepting a Gift at an Event

A member sought advice about accepting a gift at an event that the member is attending in their official capacity.

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts and Benefits)

Advice Council 2007

Accepting a Gift Sent to all Members

A member sought advice about accepting a gift that was sent to all members of Council from an organization seeking to renew a contract with the City.

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts and Benefits), lobbying

Advice Council 2007

Use of Private Vehicle

A member sought advice about accepting use of a private vehicle for the duration of a community event.

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts and Benefits)

Advice Council 2007

Posing for a Photo

A member sought advice about posing for a photo for a developer celebrating the completion of the development.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Report Summary Council 2007

EX15.3 Report Regarding the Office Expenses of Councillors Ford and Holyday

City Council requested that the Auditor General and Integrity Commissioner investigate the last of expenses charged to the offices of two councillors.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts and Benefits), Article XV (Failure to Adhere to Council Policies and Procedures), councillor expense policy

Report Summary Council 2007

CC15.1 Report Regarding the Conduct of Councillor Rob Ford

A member of the public filed a complaint alleging that a councillor contravened the Code of Conduct by promoting a printing company in an invitation sent using City resources.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article VI (Use of City Property, Services and Other Resources); Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Report Summary Council 2007

CC7.1 Report Regarding the Conduct of Councillor Maria Augimeri

A councillor filed a complaint alleging that another councillor contravened the Code of Conduct by telling an MP that that complainant was under active police investigation.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article XI (Discreditable Conduct)

Report Summary Council 2007

CC2.4 Report Regarding the Conduct of Councillor Sylvia Watson

A member of the public filed a complaint alleging that a councillor contravened the Code of Conduct by using City resources for election campaign purposes.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article V (Election Campaign Work)

Advice Council 2006

Hiring Relatives of Members

A member sought advice about hiring a relative of another member to work in the office.

Keywords: Article XV (Failure to Adhere to Council Policies and Procedures), hiring

Advice Council 2006

Accepting Sponsored Travel

A member sought advice about accepting an invitation to an event in another country if the organizer is paying for flight and accommodation.

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts and Benefits), sponsored travel

Advice Council 2006

Councillors Acting in Another Ward

A member sought advice about if the obligations imposed on staff by the December 2004 Staff Protocol for Notifying Councillors applies to members’ staff.

Keywords: Article XV (Failure to Adhere to Council Policies and Procedures)

Advice Council 2006

Funding Community Newsletter

A member sought advice about using the expense budget to make a contribution towards the production of a newsletter by a community group. NOTE: Policy has changed and is no longer valid.

Keywords: Article VI (Use of City Property, Services and Other Resources)

Advice Council 2006

Legal Fee Reimbursement

A member sought advice about seeking legal fee reimbursement to receive advice about a potential conflict of interest. NOTE: Effective March 1, 2019, the Integrity Commissioner has jurisdiction to provide MCIA advice at no cost to councillors.

Keywords: MCIA

Advice Council 2006

Declaring Gifts and Benefits

A member sought advice about the declaration process when a gift or benefit is received.

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts and Benefits)

Report Summary Council 2006

J(35) Reports Regarding the Conduct of Councillor Howard Moscoe

Report 1

Report 2

A member of the public filed a complaint alleging that a councillor contravened the Code of Conduct by conducting an election sign business using City resources.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article IV (Use of City Property, Services and Other Resources), Article V (Election Campaign Work)

Report Summary Council 2006

J(18) Report on a Complaint of Violation of Code of Conduct for Members of Council – Complaint 2

A staff member filed a complaint alleging that a councillor contravened the Code of Conduct by failing to show respect for the complainant’s professional abilities, treating the complainant unfairly and engaging in discriminatory and harassing conduct.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article XII (Conduct Respecting Staff); Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct)

Report Summary Council 2006

J(17) Report on a Complaint of Violation of Code of Conduct for Members of Council – Complaint 1

A staff member filed a complaint alleging that a councillor contravened the Code of Conduct by failing to show respect for the complainant’s professional abilities, treating the complainant unfairly and engaging in discriminatory and harassing conduct.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article XII (Conduct Respecting Staff); Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct)

Report Summary Council 2006

S2.5(a) Report on Complaint of Violation of Councillors’ Code of Conduct

A member of the public filed a complaint alleging that a councillor contravened the Code of Conduct by improperly supporting and voting for a member of his staff to become a councillor in a vacant ward.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct)

Report Summary Council 2005

J(7) Report on Complaint of Violation of Councillors’ Code of Conduct – Complaint 1

A member of the public filed a complaint alleging that a councillor treated the complainant unfairly in a Community Council Meeting.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct)

Report Summary Council 2005

J(8) Report on Complaint of Violation of Councillors’ Code of Conduct – Complaint 2

A member of the public filed a complaint alleging that a councillor contravened the Code of Conduct by treating the complainant unfairly in a Community Council Meeting.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct)

Report Summary Council 2005

F(2) Report on Complaint of Violation of Councillor’s Code of Conduct

A member of the public filed a complaint alleging that a councillor contravened the Code of Conduct by including his City business card in promotional material for the family business.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article IV (Use of City Property, Services and Other Resources)

Report Summary Council 2005

J(3) Report on Complaint of Violation of Councillors’ Code of Conduct – Complaint 1

A member of the public filed a complaint alleging that a councillor contravened the Code of Conduct by failing to treat the complainant fairly.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct)

Report Summary Council 2005

J(4) Report on Complaint of Violation of Councillors’ Code of Conduct – Complaint 2

A member of the public filed a complaint alleging that a councillor contravened the Code of Conduct by treating the complainant unfairly in a Council Sub-Committee Meeting.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct)

Report Summary Council 2005

J(5) Report on Complaint of Violation of Councillors’ Code of Conduct – Complaint 3

A member of the public filed a complaint alleging that a councillor contravened the Code of Conduct by treating the complainant unfairly and in a discriminatory manner, refusing to allow the complainant to make representations to the Council Committee.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct)

Report Summary Council 2005

J(6) Report on Complaint Outside the Commissioner’s Jurisdiction – Complaint 4

A member of the public filed a complaint alleging that a councillor contravened the Code of Conduct by failing to adhere to City by-laws.

Council Decision

Keywords: failure to adhere to City by-laws

Report Summary Council 2005

J(35) Report on Complaint of Violation of the Code of Conduct – Complaint 1

A member of the public filed a complaint alleging that a councillor contravened the Code of Conduct by sharing confidential information and failing to treat a constituent fairly.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article V (Confidential Information); Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct)

Report Summary Council 2005

J(36) Report on Complaint of Violation of the Code of Conduct – Complaint 2

A member of the public filed a complaint alleging that a councillor contravened the Code of Conduct by behaving inappropriately and in a discriminatory matter when opposing and trying to persuade other councillors to oppose a motion during a committee meeting.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article XI (Conduct at Council and Committee Meetings); Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct); Jurisdiction of IC over meetings

Report Summary Council 2005

J(37) Report on Alleged Leak of Name in a Nomination to the Toronto Police Services Board

The mayor requested that the Integrity Commissioner investigate the circumstances that led to a media article respecting candidates for appointment to the Toronto Police Services Board.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article V (Confidential Information)

Advice Council 2019

Accepting an Invitation to a Dinner

A member sought advice about accepting an invitation from a post-secondary institution for a dinner.

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts & Benefits)

Advice Council 2019

Accepting an Unsolicited Gift

A member sought advice about forfeiting an unsolicited gift that was presented to the member at a cultural event celebration. Once unwrapped, it was discovered to be a designer wallet with a retail value between $300 and $500.

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts & Benefits)

Advice Council 2019

Accepting an Unsolicited Gift

A member sought advice about accepting an unsolicited gift of a Bible.

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts & Benefits)

Advice Council 2019

Accepting a Gift from a City Stakeholder

A member sought advice about accepting tickets to a performance that were offered by a City stakeholder that had been assisted by the Councillor’s office.

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts & Benefits)

Advice Council 2019

Recommending a Constituent for Appointment to a Board

A member sought advice about the permissibility of recommending a constituent whom the Councillor did not know for appointment to a City board.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence); Reference Letter Policy

Advice Council 2019

Providing a Letter of Reference for a City Employee

A member sought advice about providing a reference for a staff person of a City service for a job in a different municipality.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence); Reference Letter Policy

Advice Council 2019

Supporting a Constituent at the Toronto Local Appeal Body

A member sought advice about providing a letter of support to assist with a resident’s TLAB application.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Advice Council 2019

Providing a Letter of Support in a Personal Capacity

A member sought advice about providing a letter of support for use in a legal proceeding. The letter was for an individual whose family the Councillor has known for many years. The individual was charged with an offence.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence); Article VI (Use of City Property, Services and Other Resources)

Advice Council 2019

Sitting on a Board for a Not-for-Profit Organization

A member sought advice about sitting on the board of a not-for-profit organization.

Keywords: MCIA; Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Advice Council 2019

Spouse’s Involvement in a Not-for-Profit Organization

A member sought advice about their spouse’s involvement as a board member of a not-for-profit organization with projects related to City Council’s transportation decisions.

Keywords: MCIA; Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Advice Council 2019

Item Impacts on Residence of Family Member

A member sought advice about whether to declare an interest of an item before Council that involves a demolition permit for properties on a street on which a family member resides. The Application must be considered by Community Council.

Keywords: MCIA

Advice Council 2019

Assisting Constituents with City Claims

A member sought advice about assisting someone who had filed a claim with the City. The City’s adjuster indicated that there is pending information from a City division. The Councillor sought advice about inquiring about the status of the information with the City division.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Advice Council 2019

Sitting on a Board of a Not-for-Profit Organization

A member sought advice about serving as a board member for a not-for-profit organization.

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts & Benefits); outside activities

Advice Council 2019

Former Member Involvement in a Development

A former member sought advice about making a representation to the Committee of Adjustment as an investor in a development.

Keywords: Post-employment obligations

Advice Council 2019

Participating in a Promotional Campaign

A member sought advice about whether the Councillor’s Office could participate in a promotional campaign for an IT service provider to the office.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence); Article IV (Gifts & Benefits)

Advice Council 2019

Office Staff Involvement with a Not-for-Profit Organization Involved in a Proposal

A member sought advice about an office staff member who is a board member and co-founder of a not-for-profit organization which has been approached by a planning company to be a partner in a proposal in response to the City’s call for proposals.

Keywords: Article V (Confidential Information); Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Advice Council 2019

Accepting Cash Donations for Council Member-Organized Community Events

A member sought advice about soliciting donations for a federal political party.

Keywords: Article VI (Use of City Property, Services and Other Resources); Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Advice Council 2019

A Proposed Change to Business in Close Proximity to Member’s Residence

A member sought advice about declaring an interest for an item before Council. The Councillor resides in a family property in close proximity to a property that is impacted by the item.

Keywords: MCIA

Advice Council 2019

Accepting Cash Donations for Council Member-Organized Community Events

A member sought advice about the permissibility of accepting a cash donation for a council member-organized community event.

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts & Benefits); Council Member-Organized Community Events Policy

Advice Local Board 2019

Providing Services for a BIA Event

A member sought advice about receiving payment for their band performing at an event organized by the BIA.

Keywords: Article IX (Business Relations)

Advice Local Board 2019

Relationship with Applicants

A member sought advice about whether their relationship with certain applicants under consideration for appointment to a tribunal posed any issues under the Code of Conduct.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence); Article V (Disclosure of Confidential Information);

Advice Local Board 2019

Outside Professional Relationship with BIA Staff

A member sought advice about their obligations under the Code of Conduct and MCIA because an individual who works for the member’s company and reports to the member is also providing services to the BIA for payment.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence); Article V (Disclosure of Confidential Information); MCIA

Advice Adjudicative Board 2019

Representing Clients with Matters Before the Board

A member sought advice about their obligations under the Code of Conduct and the MCIA as she had-prior to her appointment-represented a client with an application before the adjudicative board.

Keywords: MCIA

Advice Local Board 2019

Making a Personal Donation to a Candidate in Federal Election

A member sought advice about whether they could make a personal donation to a friend running in the federal election.

Keywords: Article VII (Election Campaign Work)

Advice Local Board 2019

Making a Deputation at a Council Committee

A member sought advice about the permissibility of appearing before a Council committee to make a deputation about an issue that was unrelated to the work of the Panel.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Advice Local Board 2019

Acquisition of Company that is a Vendor to the Board

A member sought advice about her obligations under the MCIA and the Code of Conduct as she is a shareholder of a company planning to acquire another company that is a vendor to the Board.

Keywords: MCIA; Article V (Confidential Information); Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence); Article IX (Business Relations); Article XV (Failure to Adhere to Council or Local Board Policies and Procedures)

Advice Local Board 2019

Landlord to Employee of BIA

A member sought advice about their obligations under the MCIA and Code of Conduct because an individual working as an employee for the Board is a tenant of the member.

Keywords: MCIA; Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Advice Local Board 2019

Client of Employer has Matter Before Board

A member sought advice about a potential conflict of interest as a client of their employer has a matter before the Board.

Keywords: MCIA

Advice Local Board 2019

Leasing Space to the BIA

A member sought advice about whether their business could lease space to the BIA.

Keywords: Article IX (Business Relations)

Case Summary Council 2019

Participating in a Press Conference with an Unregistered Lobbyist (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member contravened the Code of Conduct when they attended and participated in a press conference with a lobby group that was not registered to lobby at the time.

Keywords: Article XIII (Conduct Respecting Lobbyists)

Case Summary Council 2019

Councillor’s Response to Building Inspection Complaint (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member contravened the Code of Conduct because of the Councillor’s response to concerns that the complainant raised with her in relation to a building inspection matter.

Keywords: Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct)

Case Summary Council 2019

Appealing a Decision of an Adjudicative Board (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member contravened the Code of Conduct when they appealed or filed an appeal of the Committee of Adjustment (CoA) to the Toronto Local Appeal Body (TLAB).

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Case Summary Council 2019

Comments Made During a Council Meeting (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member contravened the Code of Conduct when they made comments during a Council meeting that the complainant believed were an attempt to bully and intimidate members by threatening to label them as racist.

Keywords: Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct); Article XI (Conduct at Council and Committee Meetings)

Case Summary Council 2019

Yelling and Prohibited Parking (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member contravened the Code of Conduct when they yelled at the complainant and parked in no parking zones.

Keywords: Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct)

Case Summary Council 2019

Failing to Act in Relation to a Fence (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member contravened the Code of Conduct when they failed to take steps to prevent a fence from being built and then failed to sufficiently deal with it once constructed.

Keywords: Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct); ward matters

Case Summary Council 2019

Granting a Scholarship (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member contravened the Code of Conduct because the organization on which the Councillor sits as a member of the board of directors, granted a scholarship to the Councillor’s family member.

Keywords: Article IV (Gifts and Benefits)

Case Summary Council 2019

Diversion of Funds, Slandering and City Legal Department (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member contravened the Code of Conduct and section 5.1 of the MCIA because of their alleged diversion of funds for the purchase of TTC tokens, slandering the complainant’s/applicant’s name to non-members of the Councillor’s ward, not completing their obligations set out in a small claims court settlement, and for using the City of Toronto’s legal department to fund her defense.

Keywords: Article XIV (Discreditable Conduct); Article VI (Use of City Property, Services and Other Resources); Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence); MCIA

Case Summary Council 2019

The Endorsement of a Candidate for the Federal Election (Dismissed at Intake)

A complainant alleged that a member contravened the Code of Conduct by using their title as City Councillor to endorse a candidate in the federal election.

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence)

Case Summary Council 2019

Toronto Local Appeal Board Appeal Case (Dismissed after Investigation)

A complainant alleged that several members of an adjudicative board contravened the Code of Conduct in relation to a TLAB appeal case.

Keywords: Article VI (Communications with Adjudicative Boards)

Report Summary Council 2019

CC9.1 Report Regarding the Conduct of Former Councillor Justin Di Ciano

A member of the public filed a complaint alleging that a former councillor contravened the Code of Conduct by using email addresses collected for his constituency mailing list to send an endorsement of a candidate from a personal email address.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article VI (Use of City Property, Services and Other Resources); VII (Election Campaign Work); XV (Failure to Adhere to Council Policies and Procedures)

Report Summary Council 2019

CC8.1 Report Responding to City Council’s Request for an Investigation into the Conduct of the Board Members of the TPA and EVBIA

City Council requested that the Integrity Commissioner investigate whether any member of the Toronto Parking Authority (TPA) or Emery Village Business Improvement Area (EVBIA) boards contravened the Code of Conduct in relation to the potential acquisition of land at Finch Ave. W. and Arrow Rd.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article VIII (Improper Use of Influence); IX (Business Relations)l XII (Conduct Respecting Staff), XIV (Discreditable Conduct), XV (Failure to Adhere to Council Policies and Procedures); Article V (Disclosure of Confidential Information)

Report Summary Council 2019

CC8.2 The Circumstances of a Breach of Confidentiality Regarding Item 2018.CC.39.10

City Council requested that the Integrity Commissioner, in consultation with the City Manager, investigate the circumstances of a breach of confidentiality in regards to Item 39.10.

Council Decision

Keywords: Article V (Confidential Information)