version française

The Court Services Division provides administrative and support services to the public using the Provincial Offences Courts in Toronto and four of the City’s adjudicative boards: Administrative Penalty Tribunal, Toronto Licensing Tribunal, Toronto Local Appeal Body and Multi-Tenant House Licensing Tribunal.

The Division operates three Provincial Offences Court locations in Toronto that provide the public with access to:

  • Payment of provincial offence fines (except parking fines)
  • Provincial offence trials and dispute resolution
  • Filing of Provincial Offences Act matters, including re-openings and extension of time to pay fines
  • General inquiries about provincial offences

The Division also supports adjudicative board hearings by providing the public with access to:

  • Tribunal hearings and dispute resolution
  • Filing of tribunal matter including request for adjournments
  • Tribunal decisions
  • General inquiries about tribunal processes


Dianne Kasias

Staff Directory