Toronto Paramedic Services is the largest municipal Paramedic Service in Canada. It provides 24-hour pre-hospital emergency and non-emergency care and transportation to and between hospitals for ill or injured individuals, and also offers public education programs to promote rapid and appropriate use of emergency medical resources in time of need.
Our paramedics, emergency medical dispatchers and support staff are trained professionals who are highly skilled in all aspects of pre-hospital emergency medicine. Toronto Paramedic Services treats a wide variety of injuries and medical conditions and at the same time provides supportive patient care and safe transportation to an appropriate medical facility. An advanced computer-aided dispatch system linked to a 9‑1‑1 system means the time from receiving a call to the arrival of a paramedic crew is only a matter of minutes. In many instances, the initial emergency care rendered by a paramedic is the deciding factor between life and death, temporary or permanent disability, a brief stay or prolonged hospitalization for a patient. In critical situations, paramedics are required to demonstrate leadership, well-developed human relations and social skills, rapid decision-making, and a high degree of empathy for both the patients and their families.
Bikram Chawla