What is the Bulletin?

The Profile Toronto bulletin “Housing Occupancy Trends 2001-2021” analyzes patterns in housing supply and demand over a twenty year period. It examines changing household characteristics and development trends and the impact they have on housing across Toronto. Toronto’s continued population growth combined with the evolution of housing types and household composition will lead to continuing changes in the city’s housing supply, demand and occupancy rates. The demand for different types of housing will be affected by the interplay of demographic change and social trends such as the timing of household formation and household composition, as well as changes in housing supply and the interaction between supply, price and affordability. Unaffordability remains a pressing issue.

Trends & Patterns

To gain a better understanding of what types of housing will be needed in the future, the bulletin observes past housing demand patterns using the 2001, 2006, 2016, and 2021 Censuses of Canada and the 2011 National Household Survey. It examines the characteristics of households occupying the existing housing stock to determine potential challenges facing future housing demand and supply. What are the ages of the households? How does family composition affect housing? Has there been a shift in the demand for certain types of housing by households of a certain age and type? What does the rental and ownership landscape look like?


Population growth has outpaced housing supply

Toronto and the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) have experienced significant population growth, primarily fueled by migration.

Components of Annual Population Growth (GTHA), July 1 2020 – July 1, 2023
Components of Annual Population Growth (GTHA), July 1 2020 – July 1, 2023

Denser housing stock

Housing is becoming more dense, with the number of mid/high-rise apartments now nearly equaling the number of houses and low-rise units. Mid/high-rise stock is housing an increasingly diverse population with varied needs.

Proportion of Households by Dwelling Type, 2001-2021
Proportion of Households by Dwelling Type, 2001-2021

Almost as many Millennials as Baby Boomers

The population of Millennials is approaching the size of the Baby Boomer generation at its peak. Toronto needs to house similar numbers of Millennials as it did Baby Boomers when the earlier generation’s members were in their mid-to-late twenties.

Population Size by Generation, 1966-2021
Population Size by Generation, 1966-2021

Younger people continue to move to and from Toronto

There are fewer people aged 35-54 living in Toronto than there were in the past, a trend that is attributed to people in this age group migrating out of Toronto. However, this is not a new phenomenon among that age group. While this population may decline, younger people continue to move to Toronto.

Net Migration by Age Group, 2016-2021
Net Migration by Age Group, 2016-2021

The extent of downsizing remains unknown

Households aged 55 and over still predominantly live in houses and low-rise units. With aging in place becoming a more common and preferred way to grow older in one’s community, some older households may not downsize and the timing of the turnover of ground-related housing stock is uncertain.

Older households tend to live more in ground-related housing and younger households in mid/high-rises

Generally, more families live in ground-related units than mid/high-rise units, while the opposite is true for non-family households. However, ground-related family occupancy is only increasing for households 55 and over. This could represent a gradual shift in preferences of younger households to mid/high-rises, or it could be because houses and low-rises are less accessible to many younger households due to affordability issues or because most of the new housing development is not in that form.

Households by Dwelling Type and Age of Primary Household Maintainer (PHM), 2001, 2011 & 2021
Households by Dwelling Type and Age of Primary Household Maintainer (PHM), 2001, 2011 & 2021

More people are living alone

Non-family households, particularly one-person households, are on the rise, reflecting a trend towards smaller living arrangements. The number of couples with children is stable, although their proportion is declining. There has been an increase in almost all household types that live in mid/high-rise units, including couples with children.

Proportion of Households by Type, 2001-2021
Proportion of Households by Type, 2001-2021

Household sizes are declining, necessitating more units to accommodate the same population

Older households are becoming larger while younger households are shrinking. Row/townhouses continue to have the largest household size among dwelling types, while the average household sizes in mid/high-rise units are below 2 persons per household for the first time.

Average Number of Persons per Household, 2001-2021
Average Number of Persons per Household, 2001-2021

Renter households have grown faster than owner households since 2011

Mid/high-rise units are becoming increasingly popular among renters. The 55-74 age group is propelling the growth of house and low-rise unit ownership, while ownership of these units is decreasing for households under 55 years of age. Meanwhile, the increase in mid/high-rise rentals is being driven by households aged 15-34 and 55-74.

Number of Households by Tenure, Dwelling Type and Age of PHM, 2001-2021
Number of Households by Tenure, Dwelling Type and Age of PHM, 2001-2021

Increase in the construction of purpose-built rental units

Almost a quarter of all renters were renting condominium units in 2021. This situation is an ongoing concern, as both condominium rental units and other secondary rental units are less secure forms of tenure than purpose-built rentals.

CMHC Completions by Intended Market, 2001-2023
CMHC Completions by Intended Market, 2001-2023

Unaffordability affects renters more than owners

Housing prices are far outpacing income growth. In 2021, unaffordability momentarily improved for renters, however these changes appear to be a temporary situation coinciding with COVID-19 income supports. A greater proportion of renters than owners struggle with unaffordability and with core housing need, despite there being more pronounced improvements in 2021.

Proportion of Households Spending 30% and 50% or More of Household Income on Shelter Costs, 2001-2021
Proportion of Households Spending 30% and 50% or More of Household Income on Shelter Costs, 2001-2021

Changing conditions since 2021

The 2021 Census results reported in this bulletin are a lagging indicator in some respects. Economic and market conditions have changed even in the short term since 2021. Rental rates have increased and affordability has worsened for renter households, while owner households and those who want to own are impacted by higher lending rates.

Average Monthly Rent by Rental Unit Type, 2020-2023
Average Monthly Rent by Rental Unit Type, 2020-2023


In the years between 1996 and 2016, the population of Toronto grew by 346,150 people, a 14.5% increase, while the number of households increased by 23.2%, adding 209,345 new households.

This population growth combined with the evolution of household composition, introduces several housing challenges, such as increased pressure on existing stock and demand for more units, which will require further densification and creative housing solutions.

Household Growth

  • The number of households living in mid/high-rise apartments (apartment units in buildings with 5 or more storeys, whether rental or condominium) reached 493,135 households in 2016, nearly 161,205 more than in 1996. Between 1996 and 2016, this dwelling type accounted for 77.0% of all the newly occupied units.

Size of a Condominium Apartment

  • In 1997, the average size of a condominium apartment unit was 1,144 square feet. By 2017 the average size had fallen to 665 square feet. Over half of all mid/high-rise units built between 2006 and 2016 were one-bedroom units.

Occupants in Mid/High Rise Units

  • Between 1996 and 2016, there was a substantial increase in occupancy of mid/high-rise units. In 2016, there were as many households aged 15-34 as households aged 50-69 living in mid/high-rise units.

Occupants aged 50-69 years

  • The growth rate of households whose primary household maintainer was between the ages of 50-69 years increased by 139,940 households. Due to their number and their large proportion of all households, housing decisions by this group are having a profound effect on housing demand.

Families & Households

  • The number of lone-parent families and couples with children living in mid/high-rise units has increased. In 2016, there were 13,645 lone-parent families and 14,970 more couples with children living in high-rises than there were 20 years earlier. This is important as larger households tend to require units with more bedrooms or units with additional living space

Non-Family Households

  • Non-family households represent a growing share of all household types. The number of non-family households increased from 312,345 to 428,370 households. One-person households now make nearly one third of all households in Toronto.

Person per Household

  • The average size of Toronto households continues to decline. In 1996, Toronto had an average of 2.60 persons per household (PPH). By 2016, it had fallen to 2.42 PPH. However, the overall trend contains more complex changes.

Household Sizes by Dwelling Type

  • The average household size in mid/high-rise units is smaller in more recently built units, reflecting the smaller physical size of the newer units. The opposite is true of household sizes in houses and low-rise units where the household size is larger in the more recently built units. These trends are predominantly observed in family households. The average size of non-family households did not vary regardless of when the units were built.
  • The decline in average PPH in mid/high-rise apartments is anticipated to level off. Overall, the average number of persons per household will not decline in perpetuity and can be expected to rise in neighbourhoods where ground-related housing turns over from senior households to younger families

Owners and Renter Households

  • While the total number of renter and owner households increased between 1996 and 2016, owner households increased three times as much. However, this trend reversed between 2011 and 2016. Owner households have increased by 15,285 while renter households have increased by 49,730.
  • Most of the increase in renter households occurred in rented condominium units rather than in purpose-built rental units. Almost a fifth (18.4%) of all renters were renting condominium units in 2016, an increase from 12.6% in 2011.

Shelter Costs

  • In 2016, 36.6% of all Toronto households spent more than 30% or more of their income on shelter costs.

The “Housing Occupancy Trends 1996-2011” bulletin was published in October 2015 and analyzes patterns in housing supply and demand over a fifteen year period between 1996 and 2011.


In the years between 1996 and 2011, the population of Toronto grew by 229,580 people, a 9.6% increase, while the number of households increased by 16%, adding 144,195 new households. Over the next 20 years, Toronto’s population is forecasted to reach over three million people.

This population growth combined with the evolution of household composition, introduces several housing challenges, such as increased pressure on existing stock and demand for more units, which will require further densification and creative housing solutions.

Household Growth

  • The number of households in Toronto grew 16.0% to 1,047,780 households.
  • The number of high-rise apartments increased by 30% to 430,080, and accounted for 68% of all newly occupied units with a total of 98,150 households.

Age of Occupant

  • Households 45-64 years of age grew the most, adding 115,750 households for a total of 403,970 households in 2011.
  • Household growth between the ages of 30-44 years declined by 6.5%. There was a loss of 20,870 households.
    In the 30-44 age cohort there was a loss of 31,200 households in ground-related housing.

Families & Households

  • Family households increased by 66,000 households, although its share of total households decreased.
  • The share of non-families, specifically one person households, grew from 34.6% to 37.3% with an increase of 78,425 households; this accounted for 54% of the net household growth.
  • There were 10,145 more families with children living in high-rise apartments representing a 15% increase.

Person per Household

  • The average number of person per household (PPH) decreased from 2.60 to 2.46.

High Rise Buildings

  • 6 of every 10 units built were in high-rise buildings, yet only 3.8% of these apartments had 3 or more bedrooms.

Size of 3-Bedroom Apartment Unit

  • The average size of a 3-bedroom apartment unit decreased by 20% between 1996-2014. The average household size of these units remained at approximately 3.0 persons per household (PPH).


  • Household ownership increased with ownership in high-rises contributing the most, an increase of 82,375 units. The proportion of owned units grew by 11% in high-rises, but decreased by 13% in houses and low-rise apartments.

There are two previous Profile Toronto bulletins in the Housing Occupancy Trend series. These bulletins provide analysis of changes in household composition and housing occupancy between 1996 and 2006, and between 1996 and 2011. For copies of the past bulletins, please contact Hailey Toft at City Planning by telephone at 416-392-8343 or by email at cityplanning@toronto.ca.