The Municipal Housing Target dashboard is now available, tracking the City’s quarterly progress to achieve the Municipal Housing Target to 2031.

2024 – Ward Profiles

The Ward Profiles contain the latest demographic information available from the 2021 Census about the City’s 25 Wards. Community Council Area Profiles are also available.  These Profiles provide demographic information on population by age, households and dwelling types, families, language group, household tenure and period of construction; immigration, mobility, ethnic origin and visible minorities; education and labour force; income and shelter cost.

2021 – Right-Sizing Housing and Generational Turnover

The Right-Sizing Housing and Generational Turnover bulletin examines housing suitability, right-sizing, turnover, and downsizing in Toronto. This bulletin estimates how much new housing stock may be needed in the future if recent trends continue, and how much additional population could be housed in older generations’ dwellings when those dwellings turn over to younger generation households.

2019 – Housing Occupancy Trends

This study is about past housing demand patterns using the 1996, 2001, 2006 and 2016 Census and the 2011 National Household Survey.

2012 – Living in Downtown and the Centres

The Living in Downtown and the Centres Survey was conducted to learn more about those who live in these areas.

2024 – Municipal Housing Target tracking

This dashboard reports quarterly City Planning metrics on the City’s progress to achieve Provincial housing targets including annual Building Faster Fund target and the Municipal Housing Target to 2031. The PDF also summarizes Development Pipeline activity that falls in the Municipal Housing Target window from 2021 to the end of the latest quarter.

In 2023, Council approved 168.5 per cent of the 2023 target; Final Planning approval was issued to 119.5 per cent of the 2023 target; and units started were 149.8 per cent of the target; units built were just above the target at 101 per cent.

2024 – Development Pipeline

The Development Pipeline bulletin provides an overview of where and how the City is growing. This bulletin profiles all planning and development activity in the city over a five-year period covering about 2,400 development projects at any stage of the approvals and development processes including application submission, development review, development approval, Building Permit application, Building Permit issuance, construction, ready for occupancy and completion.

2023 – Mall Redevelopment Tracker

Across Toronto, owners of existing malls are seeking to intensify these sites by introducing a broader mix of uses, including residential and additional commercial space. Large scale mall redevelopment applications could contribute towards significantly increasing Toronto’s housing supply.

The Mall Redevelopment Tracker shows the distribution of active applications across Toronto with information on each site and the site’s name hyperlinked to the application on the Application Information Centre.

2023 – Land Needs Assessment

The Land Needs Assessment is a component of the Municipal Comprehensive Review of the Official Plan with regards to A Place to Grow: the Provincial Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2020 (“Growth Plan”). The Land Needs Assessment is a provincially mandated study to determine the quantity of land required to accommodate forecasted population and employment growth to 2051. The work undertaken through the Land Needs Assessment is a critical component essential to informing the City’s growth management and intensification strategy.

For additional detailed information about the Land Needs Assessment, please consider the following direct links:

2021 – Neighbourhood Change and Intensification

Toronto’s history of growth and amalgamation have created a broad diversity of neighbourhood types, densities and residential zoning categories. This bulletin examines the characteristics and current intensification of Toronto’s Neighbourhoods to better understand the existing conditions and potential changes that could occur with increased as-of-right permissions for ground-oriented units.

2020 – Condominiums: Two Decades of New Housing

Why Monitor Condominium Activity?

This bulletin reports on Toronto’s condominium development trends since 2002 including units built and proposed through development applications. It examines condominium tenure, occupant demographics, geographic location, building type, and unit type (number of bedrooms) in these developments. It also reviews condominium sales prices, rental rates, and maintenance fees. The former City of Toronto previously published the Condominium Monitor series in 1984, 1985, and 1988, documenting the rapid growth of this form of housing in Toronto.

2002 – Flashforward

The Flashforward research paper projected population and employment for the city and for smaller areas within it from 1996 to 2031.

2024 – Toronto Employment Survey

A summary of the results of the annual survey, which offers analysis of the changes in the City’s economy over the past decade.

2024 – Floor Space per Worker Ratios

A Floor Space per Worker ratio (FSW) is a metric that estimates the average amount of gross floor area occupied per employee. City Planning staff have conducted a detailed city-wide analysis to calculate updated FSW ratios to support the City of Toronto’s Land Needs Assessment, a provincially mandated study to determine the quantity of land required to accommodate forecasted population, household, and employment growth to 2051. The results of the FSW analysis are presented in the Floor Space per Worker Ratios bulletin.