A city builds parks and recreation facilities so its people can build community.

Investing in the right parks and facilities at the right times and in the right places ensures our city is meeting the needs of its residents now and for future generations.

Toronto’s construction and revitalization of parks and recreation facilities are guided by the Facilities PlanParkland Strategy and other long-term plans and strategies.

Park & Recreation Facility Projects

Find projects and improvements for parks, recreation centres, playgrounds and more.

Parks & Recreation Plans & Strategies

The City is continuously planning, studying and developing strategies to help meet the needs of Torontonians for generations to come.

Parks & Recreation Facilities Plan

The Parks and Recreation Facilities Plan is a 20-year plan to build and renew facilities in order to meet recreation needs in a changing Toronto.

Playground Enhancement Program

Each year, around 22 existing playgrounds are improved with new designs and modern equipment.

Park Design & Development Process

Understand the process for updating and designing new parks.