The Master Plan and Management Plan study completed in Spring 2018 outlines long-term improvements for the gardens to elevate them to the level of other globally acclaimed gardens and cultural attractions in an ecologically and fiscally sustainable way.
City Council authorized the City of Toronto to amend and enter into agreements for the implementation of the Master Plan and Management Plan on April 24, 2018.
Reimagining the Gardens is a City initiative in partnership with the Toronto Botanical Garden.
This is a large document and has been divided into parts.
Throughout the study, there have been several opportunities for stakeholder groups and the public to provide input.
The first public open house was held on November 2, 2016 at the Toronto Botanical Garden. Residents and stakeholders from across the city were invited to hear about initial findings from the site analysis and were given an opportunity to provide feedback on current issues in the gardens and opportunities for future development.
Download Public Open House #1 – Presentation
The second public open house was held on February 23, 2017 at the Toronto Botanical Garden. This meeting included a presentation from the consultant showing the bold moves and key differences between the concepts, and was followed by facilitated table discussions with the participants. Thanks to everyone who participated.
Download Public Open House #2 – Presentation
The City presented the draft concept and heard comments from the public at the final open house on June 7, 2017.
Download Public Open House #3 – Presentation
The City consulted with the public, stakeholders and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority.