The Oakwood-St. Clair Parks Plan will guide short and long-term improvements to the park system in the Oakwood Avenue and St. Clair Avenue West neighbourhood. These improvements include park upgrades, the creation of new parks, and better access and connections between parks and other public spaces. The Plan was developed through community input and will be implemented through continued engagement and partnerships.

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August 2022

Parks Plan Available

The Oakwood-St. Clair Parks Plan is available to the public. The Plan allows the City to take a strategic approach to creating and improving parkland in the study area. Visit the Oakwood-St. Clair Parks Plan section for more information.

November 2021

Open House

On November 24, the project team hosted an open house with the goal of sharing study outcomes and preliminary recommendations and gathering insights from the community.

Download the open house presentation.

October 2021

Summary of Community Feedback

This summary showcases the insights and feedback collected through the extensive public and stakeholder engagement process. In the spring and summer of 2021 the project team collected ideas in a variety of ways, including a virtual mapping exercise (‘Social Pinpoint’), an online survey, classroom workshops with local high schools and a local stakeholder group workshop.

Download the Oakwood-St. Clair Parkland Study Summary Report

April 27, 2021

Stakeholder Workshop

The project team held an online workshop in order to share preliminary findings of the community engagement exercises completed to date and to begin identifying key drivers and priority actions. The workshop was attended by Councillors for Davenport and Toronto-St. Paul’s and various community organizations.

February 16 to March 18, 2021

Virtual Mapping Exercise

As part of the study, the City conducted a virtual mapping exercise that allowed users to drop pins and indicate specific areas for improvement. The exercise received 700 comments and thousands of data points for the study.

Online Survey

As part of the study, the City conducted a survey to collect feedback and ideas from the community about parkland improvements in the study area. The survey received responses from 1,974 people.

The Oakwood-St. Clair Parks Plan is a roadmap for creating and improving parkland in the study area. The Plan provides direction on:

  • Parkland acquisitions;
  • Parkland dedications from development;
  • Repurposing City-owned land;
  • The creation of new park facilities and amenities; and
  • Improvements to park facilities and amenities.

The Plan was informed by community feedback collected through a variety of engagement activities, including an online survey and mapping exercise, workshops, community group meetings and an open house.

The Plan identifies seven key directions and opportunities for the improvement of parks and open spaces in the Oakwood-St. Clair area, which include:

  • Expand the parks system
  • Enhance parks and existing outdoor recreation facilities
  • Introduce new outdoor recreation facilities
  • Support climate change mitigation and adaption, including by planting more trees
  • Improve spaces for dogs
  • Improve the public realm in collaboration with Business Improvements Areas
  • Encourage and collaborate on enhancements to school yards.

Download the:

The City of Toronto Parkland Strategy (adopted by City Council in November 2019) identified that the neighbourhood around the Oakwood Avenue and St. Clair Avenue West intersection is a priority area for parkland acquisition and improvements due to the low number of existing parks in the neighbourhood. As a next step, the creation of a detailed local parks plan was recommended.

The Oakwood-St. Clair Parkland Study will assess the neighbourhood to identify opportunities to improve existing parks, create new parks, and improve access and connections between parks and other public spaces. This includes exploring ways to make parks inclusive and welcoming spaces. The findings of this study will be used to inform decision-making and budgets for improvements to the park system in the area for years to come.

This study will investigate improvements to the park system in the area shown in the following map, with a focus on improvements that provide benefit to the priority area shown in orange.

Map of Oakwood and St Clair area. Red outline describes the study area bordered by Davenport Rd. on the South, Bathurst St. on the East, Earlsdale Ave. on the North and Mc Roberts Ave/Caledonia Park Rd. on the West. The map also highlights blocks representing areas of parkland need which covers approximately 30% – 40% of the map shown.

This study complements several recent and upcoming improvements to Parks in the neighbourhood, including: