The shaded text within chapters one to five contains the policies of the Official Plan. Unshaded text and sidebars within chapters one to five are provided to give context and background and assist in understanding the intent of policies but are not policy.
The following chapters of the Official Plan are current as of June 2024 and December 2023.
Chapter 1 articulates a vision for our future and outlines the principles for a successful city upon which the Plan is based.
Chapter 2 sets out the urban structure of the City, develops the strategy for directing growth within the structure and sets out policies for the management of change, through the integration of land use and transportation.
Chapter 3 contains policies to guide decision making based on the Plan’s goals for the human, built, economic and natural environments.
Chapter 4 contains the land use designations which apply across the City, which together with the land use maps implement the strategy for managing change set out in Chapters 2 and 3.
Chapter 5 sets out a general approach to implementing the Plan, including the policies to guide local planning in the City.
June 2024 Consolidation of Chapters 1-5 of the Official Plan incorporates all citywide Official Plan Amendments approved and in effect up-to and including June, 2024.