Chapter 6 contains the Secondary Plans, which are more detailed local development policies to guide growth and change in a defined area of the City.

Map 35 – Secondary Plan Key Map: This map illustrates the location and boundary of the Secondary Plan Areas of the Toronto Official Plan and the proposed new or amendments to existing Secondary Plan Areas that are yet to be approved by the Ontario Municipal Board.

 1. Agincourt  18. Railway Lands Central  35. Mimico-Judson
 2. Highland Creek Community  19. Railway Lands West  36. Dufferin Street*
 3. Morningside Heights Community  20. University of Toronto  37. Sheppard Lansing Area
 4. Port Union Village Community  21. Yonge-Eglinton  38. ConsumersNext
 5. Scarborough Centre  22. Central Finch Area  39. Rail Deck Park
 6. Yonge-St. Clair  23. Sheppard West/Dublin  40. Don Mills Crossing
 7. Downsview  24. Central Don Mills  41. Downtown Plan
 8. North York Centre  25. Swansea  42. Unilever Precinct
 9. Sheppard East  26. Emery Village  43. Sherway Area*
 10. York University  27. Davenport Village  44. Keele Finch*
 11. Motel Strip  28. Regent Park  45. Golden Mile*
 12. Etobicoke Centre  29. Sheppard Willowdale  46. Christie’s
 13. Fort York Neighbourhood  30. Warden Woods  47. Keele-St. Clair*
 14. Garrison Common North  31. Central Waterfront  48. Mount Dennis*
 15. King-Parliament  32. Lawrence-Allen  49. Yonge Street North*
 16. King-Spadina  33. Mimico-by-the-Lake  50. Jane Finch*
 17. Railway Lands East  34. Queen-River * Not yet approved