At its meeting in July 2022, City Council adopted Official Plan Amendment (OPA) 571, which establishes a Mount Dennis Secondary Plan and makes other related amendments to the Official Plan. A copy of OPA 571, adopted with amendments by City Council, can be found under By-law No.975-2022.
A new Secondary Plan and associated Official Plan Amendments have been developed for the Mount Dennis area, which are under appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal.
The recommended policies within the Mount Dennis Secondary Plan have been informed by the recommendations of Perkins&Will’s Final Report, Picture Mount Dennis Planning Framework; consultation with other City divisions and agencies, and a comprehensive consultation process that engaged Indigenous communities, residents, workers, stakeholder groups, and landowners.
The Final Report, Picture Mount Dennis Planning Framework can be found under the Information & Reports tab below. The Framework is intended to create a comprehensive vision for the future based on the input of current residents, businesses, local services and non-profit organizations and Indigenous partners. It seeks to protect what the community values about their neighborhood in Mount Dennis today, establish the parameters for new growth to fit into this context and capitalize on new investment to benefit the current and future population. The Report includes analysis and recommendations on land use and urban design, public realm and mobility, cultural heritage and environment and infrastructure.
The Mount Dennis area is anticipated to experience significant growth and development in the coming years with the opening of Line 5 Eglinton on the TTC rapid transit network. Mount Dennis station provides access to subway, GO Transit and UP Express services for area residents, businesses and institutions, making the community one of the most transit-accessible locations in the city.
On March 10, 2016, City Council directed staff to undertake a planning study for the Mount Dennis area to guide future growth and leverage community improvements through the development anticipated to follow public investment in transit infrastructure. The study began in January 2020 and consisted of three phases of work supported by a consulting team. The study was informed by a comprehensive consultation process that engaged Indigenous communities, residents, workers, stakeholder groups, business owners and landowners. Recommendations from the study are set out in the December 2021 Final Report – Picture Mount Dennis Planning Framework, which can be found under the Information & Reports tab below. Its recommendations seek to protect what the community values about their neighborhood today, establish the parameters for new growth to fit into this context, leverage new investment to benefit current and future populations, advance reconciliation with Indigenous communities, and mitigate displacement. The report includes detailed analysis, summary of findings and recommendations related to land use and urban design, public realm and mobility, cultural heritage, housing, economic development, community services and facilities, environment and servicing infrastructure.
Preparation of the Mount Dennis Secondary Plan and related community engagement began in January 2022, culminating in a statutory public meeting held on June 27, 2022 at Etobicoke York Community Council.
The Mount Dennis Study Area comprises lands generally bounded by Clouston Avenue to the north, Trethewey Drive to the northeast, the Black Creek to the east, Humber Boulevard to the southeast, Alliance Avenue to the south, Jane Street to the southwest, and the Humber River to the west.
The Picture Mount Dennis Planning Framework is intended to create a comprehensive vision for the future. The Report includes analysis and recommendations on land use and urban design, public realm and mobility, cultural heritage and environment and infrastructure. Appendix A is included in the Framework Document. The Following Appendices are available separately:
Appendix B: Community Services and Facilities Study
Appendix C: Cultural Heritage Resource Assessment
Appendix D: Master Servicing Plan Report
First Nations have a long history along the Humber River far predating the establishment of the Mount Dennis neighbourhood. Contemporary Indigenous Communities and residents continue to play important roles in the area’s present and the shaping of its future. The Picture Mount Dennis Planning Framework Indigenous Engagement Summary presents the information gathered at the three initiated Indigenous Engagement Sessions facilitated by Cambium Indigenous Professional Services along with Perkins and Will.
The Mount Dennis Framework Plan Preliminary Analysis Report presents the early analysis of the area. It will be used as a foundation for community and stakeholder engagement and the development of options and recommendations in later phases of the study.
Further information and reports will be posted here as they become available.
A City Status Report regarding the purpose, objectives, and timeline for the Mount Dennis Planning Framework Study was provided to Etobicoke York Community Council on June 13, 2018.
Considered in June 2022 by Etobicoke York Community Council as Item EY33.11, this report recommends the adoption of a new Secondary Plan for the Mount Dennis area as a result of the Picture Mount Dennis Planning Framework Study and advises on next steps required to complete the implementation of study. City Council adopted Official Plan Amendment 571 through By-law No. 975-2022 and requested staff, through a next phase of work, to prepare urban design guidelines, a zoning by-law amendment, and a Community for All Action Plan (including an anti-displacement strategy), and to carry out related community engagement.
This was the statutory public meeting for the Mount Dennis Secondary Plan. See agenda Item EY33.11 and the presentation by the community planner.
This was the Public Consultation Meeting for the Picture Mount Dennis Study Secondary Plan. The Community Consultation Meeting provided residents with an overview of the draft Official Plan and Secondary Plan policies that resulted from the work completed on the Picture Mount Dennis Framework Study.
Please email Rory McNeil to request a recording of the presentation portion of the meeting.
Consultation Meeting #1, held on November 3rd, 2020 was part of Phase 1 which assesses existing conditions and identifies opportunities and constraints in the area. Phase 2 of the Study kicks-off a more extensive engagement process which includes focus groups, interviews and further public meetings with individual residents, stakeholder organizations and Indigenous partners. The below Planning Study Engagement Streams graphic shows the ways in which we are reaching out:
This Public Roundtable Discussion was the 4th and final Public Consultation for the Picture Mount Dennis Study. At the meeting, the study team presented the draft framework and recommendations based on the study work to date and previous consultations. The meeting included breakout discussions for residents to provide their feedback on the draft framework plan for Mount Dennis.
Please email Rory McNeil to request a recording of the presentation portion of the meeting.
Community Consultation Meeting # 4 Presentation
Picture Mount Dennis Study – Draft Planning Framework – Table of Contents
Picture Mount Dennis Study – Draft Planning Framework – Executive Summary
The Mount Dennis Local Advisory Committee is a non-political advisory body with a mandate to provide a forum for feedback, guidance, and advice to the Project Team at key points during the study process. This 3rd meeting will include a presentation on the direction of the draft Official Plan and Secondary Plan policies for review by the LAC.
The Mount Dennis Local Advisory Committee is a non-political advisory body with a mandate to provide a forum for feedback, guidance, and advice to the Project Team at key points during the study process. This 3rd meeting will include a presentation on the draft planning framework and recommendations prepared by Perkins and Will for review by the LAC.
Heritage Focus Groups are advisory in nature. This meeting was the second of two meetings to inform an understanding of the historical development of the study area, including its social and community values.
Please email Pourya Nazemi, Planner Heritage, at to request a recording of the meeting.
The third Indigenous Engagement Session is study initiated Indigenous Engagement Session focused on youth facilitated by Cambium Indigenous Professional Services along with Perkins and Will to obtain input from the urban Indigenous youth on opportunities and challenges in Mount Dennis to inform the recommendations of the Picture Mount Dennis Study.
Please e-mail Rory McNeil to request a recording of the presentation portion of the meeting.
Access the complete summary of the three initiated Indigenous Engagement Sessions facilitated by Cambium Indigenous Professional Services along with Perkins and Will.
This is the second of three study initiated Indigenous Engagement Sessions facilitated by Cambium Indigenous Professional Services along with Perkins and Will to obtain input from the urban Indigenous Community on opportunities and challenges in Mount Dennis to inform the recommendations of the Picture Mount Dennis Study.
Please e-mail Rory McNeil to request a recording of the presentation portion of the meeting.
First Nations have a long history along the Humber River far predating the establishment of the Mount Dennis neighbourhood. Contemporary Indigenous Communities and residents continue to play important roles in the area’s present and the shaping of its future. This is the first of three study initiated Indigenous Engagement Sessions facilitated by Cambium Indigenous Professional Services along with Perkins and Will to obtain input from the urban Indigenous Community on opportunities and challenges in Mount Dennis to inform the recommendations of the Picture Mount Dennis Study.
Please e-mail Rory McNeil to request a recording of the presentation portion of the meeting.
The Design Review Panel (DRP) is comprised of private sector design professionals – architects, landscape architects, urban designers and engineers – who provide independent, objective advice to city staff aimed at improving matters of design that affect the public realm. The Study will be returning to the DRP on July 15, 2021 to seek feedback on the emerging visions and planning framework for Mount Dennis.
Community Meeting #3 provided an update on work in Phase 2 of the study and presented ideas reflecting comments and issues identified in previous consultations. The meeting began with a Planning 101 Session presented by City Planning and later a presentation by Perkins and Will which included breakout discussions for residents to provide their feedback on the emerging visions for Mount Dennis.
Please email Rory McNeil to request a recording of the presentation portion of the meeting.
Community Consultation Meeting #3 – Presentation
The Mount Dennis Local Advisory Committee is a non-political advisory body with a mandate to provide a forum for feedback, guidance, and advice to the Project Team at key points during the study process. LAC Meeting #2 involved a presentation that included an update on the progress of Phase 2 of the study and further refined emerging visions for Mount Dennis.
Please email Rory McNeil to request a recording of the presentation portion of the meeting.
Local Advisory Committee Meeting #2 – Presentation
While the City’s NIA tables have been suspended due to COVID-19, members of the York South Weston (YSW) NIA Planning Table joined to hear an update on the progress of Phase 2 of the study, learn about the emerging visions for Mount Dennis, and provide their feedback on the study’s direction. More information about the Neighbourhood Planning Tables is available on the City’s website.
Please email Rory McNeil to request a recording of the presentation portion of the meeting.
NIA Planning Table #2 – Presentation
The Mount Dennis Local Advisory Committee is a non-political advisory body with a mandate to provide a forum for feedback, guidance, and advice to the Project Team at key points during the study process. LAC Meeting #1 involved a short presentation updating the LAC on the progress of the study alongside discussions around guiding principles, character areas, community priorities and engagement strategies.
Please email Rory McNeil to request a recording of the presentation portion of the meeting.
Neighbourhood Planning Tables are a place-based planning approach that involves residents, community agencies, local businesses, City Councillors and City staff who work the 31 Neighbourhood Improvement Areas (NIAs), meeting regularly to identify local priorities, plan solutions, and create partnerships for a strong neighbourhood. More information about the Neighbourhood Planning Tables is available on the City’s website. While the City’s NIA tables have been suspended due to COVID-19, members of the York South Weston (YSW) NIA Planning Table joined a special meeting to hear about the progress of the Picture Mount Dennis Study and provide their feedback on the study’s direction and engagement strategies.
Please email Rory McNeil to request a recording of the presentation portion of the meeting.
NIA Planning Table #1 – Presentation
Community Meeting #2 marked the beginning of Phase 2 of the Picture Mount Dennis Study. The first half of the meeting included a presentation by Perkins & Will providing an update on the status of the study and the findings from Phase 1. The second half involved breakout discussions around the study themes and lenses where staff used information panels to facilitate conversations.
Please email Rory McNeil to request a recording of the presentation portion of the meeting.
Heritage Focus Groups are advisory in nature. This meeting was the first of two meetings to inform an understanding of the historical development of the study area, including its social and community values. The purpose of this meeting was to:
Please email Pourya Nazemi, Planner Heritage, at to request a recording of the meeting.
The Design Review Panel (DRP) is comprised of private sector design professionals – architects, landscape architects, urban designers and engineers – who provide independent, objective advice to city staff aimed at improving matters of design that affect the public realm. The Study was heard at the November 26, 2020 DRP Meeting to seek feedback on planning study best practices, issues to be mindful of, and potential outcomes.
All DRP sessions are recorded and are available on request. Please contact the Design Review Panel Coordinator for further information on the November 26, 2020 session at
The purpose of Community Consultation Meeting #1 was to introduce the project and process, review the consultant team’s preliminary findings, seek feedback on issues to be considered through the study, and
provide next steps and information on further engagement opportunities.
Please email to request a recording of the meeting. The slides for Community Consultation Meeting #1 are now available.
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