New Toronto Zoning MapThis information sheet lists the general requirements for each residential zone and has been prepared for convenience purposes only. For complete information, refer to Etobicoke Zoning Code as amended.


Single Family Dwellings

(Requirements listed below are for most interior lots)

Requirements Zoning Designation
R1 R2 R3 R4
Single Family Detached Dwelling Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted
Min lot frontage 7.0m 7.5m 7.0m 7.5m 7.0m 7.5m 7.0m 7.5m
Min lot area 167 m2 232 m2 167 m2 232 m2 167 m2 232 m2 167 m2 232 m2
Gross floor area 40% 40% 40% 60% 40% 100% 40% 150%
Min. front yard 4.5m 6.0m* 4.5m 6.0m* 4.5m 6.0m* 4.5m 6.0m*
Min. side yard
front yard is equal to or less than 9.0m 0.6m 0.6m 0.6m 0.6m 0.6m 0.6m 0.6m 0.6m
when the front yard is greater than 9.0m 0.9m 0.6 0.9m 0.6 0.9m 0.6 0.9m 0.6
when adjacent to a street 1.5m 1.5m 1.5m 1.5m 1.5m 1.5m 1.5m 1.5m
The shaded areas the regulations that would apply to the re-building of Single Family Dwellings on existing lots and building on small vacant lots with a frontage less than 7.5m
Min. rear yard 25% of the lot depth, but not less than 7.5m
Max. height 9.5m to the highest point on the roof
Landscape open space 40% 40% 40% 40%


Requirements Zoning Designation
R1 R2 R3 R4
Semi-Detached Dwellings Not permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted
Min lot area 464m2 464m2 464m2
Min lot frontage 15.0m 15.0m 15.0m
Gross floor area 60% 100% 150%
Min. front yard 6.0m * 6.0m * 6.0m *
Min. side yard 1.2m 1.2m 1.2m
Min. side yard adjacent to street 1.5m 1.5m 1.5m
Min. rear yard 25% of the lot depth, but not less than 7.5m
Max height 11m 11m 11m
Landscape open space 40% 40% 40%


* Front yard set back – where there is an established front yard the front yard set back will be the established front yard


Accessory Buildings and Structures (Garages / Carports / Sheds / Pools)

Max. coverage No individual structure is permitted to exceed 2% coverage of the lot area except that a private garage, carport or swimming pool (including a pool enclosure) may cover up to 10% of the lot area. 12% of the lot area for all accessory buildings and structures. 35% of the rear lot area for all accessory buildings and structure Note: swimming pools not more than 0.3m above the average natural ground level shall not be included in this calculation
Min. floor area for a private garage and carport Minimum 18m2of floor space – For Parking Space Size Requirements, refer to By-law # 497-2007
Setback Any accessory structure in the rear yard is required to be maintained a minimum of 1.0m from main building.
Side yard setbacks for a garage on a corner lot. 6.0m from flanking street to garage door or wall that contains the garage door.
Side yard All accessory buildings in the side yard require a side yard setback of not less than the minimum required for the main building.
Rear and side yard setbacks 0.5m from the rear and side lot line
Rear yard setbacks when there is a lane abutting the rear lot line 0.5m from the rear lot line but no closer than 7.5m from the opposite boundary of the lane.
Rear and side yard setbacks Overhang projections (i.e. soffits and eavestroughs) are required to be 0.15m from property lines.
Max. height 3.7m to a point halfway up the surface of a pitched roof and 2.5m to the top of the walls or supporting posts. Flat roofs not to exceed 2.5m in height.
Corner lots Any garage or carport is required to be attached to the dwelling.



Established front yard The average setback of the existing abutting building(s) fronting on the same street frontage, measured from the main front (exclusive of any projection permitted into the front yard) of such building to the street line. When there is a proposed addition which would project beyond the main front wall of an existing building, then the minimum distance from the front lot line to the front wall of the addition shall be the established front yard depth. By-law 1982-257.
Gross floor area The total area of all floors in a building between the outside faces of the exterior walls, except for storage rooms where the floor area level is at least 0.6m below grade, or parking areas for motor vehicles and mechanical rooms. Laundry and recreation rooms located in cellars shall be excluded. Note; A floor area having a ceiling height greater than 4.6m shall be doubled for the purpose of GFA calculations.
Height The distance measured from the average natural, unaltered grade at the intersection of the side yard lot lines and the min. front yard setback to highest point of the roof or soffit of the eaves.
Landscape open space A yard or court on a lot, which is suitable for landscaping. It shall include any part of the lot occupied by accessory recreation buildings, surfaced walks, patios or similar areas, sports or recreational areas and ornamental or swimming- pools, but shall exclude driveways, ramps or motor vehicle parking areas.


Permitted Encroachments

Front yard setback 1.6m for open terrace, open and roofed porchway or veranda having columns that do not exceed 33cm in width or depth and walls, guardrails or balustrades that do not exceed 107cm in height,
Uncovered steps to grade.
0.5m for a chimney-breast.
Rear yard setback 1.6m for open terrace, open and/or roofed porchway or veranda having columns that do not exceed 33cm in width or depth and walls, guardrails or balustrades that do not exceed 107cm in height.
Side yard setback 0.5m for a chimney-breast, steps, eaves or other projections from the main side wall of a building.
Side yard setbacks for corner lots 1.6m for open terrace, open and/or roofed porchway or veranda having columns that do not exceed 33cm in width or depth and walls, guardrails or balustrades that do not exceed 107cm in height.