Use: This funding is allocated to support current infrastructure and promote quality environments for children. See the Minor Capitol / Health & Safety Funding page for more information.
Reference: Budget Guidelines
Eligibility: All operators who have applied and been deemed approved in accordance with the Guidelines will receive this funding.
Revenue Line for Actuals in Budget (note: also include related expense): Minor Capital
Reporting in Audit: Yes
Revenue & Associated Expense Deferred: No
2019 & Beyond: Minor Capital Funding is available annually. It is partially funded by the Province and partially funded by the City.
Payment Amount Location: Payment Summary Report
How this funding should be recognized: This funding must be recognized in the year it is received and used for the expense that it has been approved for.
Please consult with your accounting professionals to ensure that your organization is following its accounting policies
Use: Safe Restart Funding (SRF) can be used to cover expenses listed in the email for each funding announcement.
All Safe Restart Funding must be used by December 31, 2022. Unused funding will be subject to a recovery.
Reference: Q1 email, Q2 email, Q3 email, Q4 email, Budget Guidelines, Audit Guidelines
Eligibility: All child care operators with fee subsidy agreements in good standing, were paid based on the allocation calculation described in each funding announcement.
Eligible Expenses:
Safe Restart eligible expense include:
Revenue Line for Actuals (Column B) in Budget (note: also include related expense): Safe Restart
Reporting in Audit: Yes (see Audit Guidelines for details)
How should this funding be recognized? The investment of Safe Restart Funding is intended to be flexible and may continue to be used by operators in the eligible areas described above to financially support the transition to pre-pandemic levels of enrolment into 2022. Please consult with your accounting professionals to ensure that your organization is following its accounting policies.
Availability in 2022 & Beyond: This funding was in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic and based on available resources. This funding will not be available beyond the 2022 Q1 payment.
Payment Amount Location: Payment Summary Report