The public consultation period for Phase 1 of the Oakridge Neighbourhood Streets Plan is now closed.

In consultation with the local community, the City is developing a Neighbourhood Streets Plan (NSP) for the Oakridge area that identifies, prioritizes and recommends short and long-term improvements to traffic operations and road design to support safety for all modes of transportation.

The Neighbourhood Streets Plan aims to address three main areas of community concern in the project area:

  1. Road safety for vulnerable road users (e.g. seniors, school children, pedestrians or people cycling)
  2. Excessive speeding
  3. Excessive motor vehicle traffic on local streets

The project area is located between Victoria Park Avenue to the west, the Bloor-Danforth subway line, Leyton Avenue, and Burn Hill Road to the north, Warden Avenue to the east and the Lakeshore East GO rail corridor to the south.

Map showing the project area for the Oakridge Neighbourhood Streets Plan - located between Victoria Park Avenue to the west, the Bloor-Danforth subway line, Leyton Avenue , and Burn Hill Road to the north, Warden Avenue to the east and the Lakeshore East GO rail corridor to the south

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What is a Neighbourhood Streets Plan?

Neighbourhood Streets Plans (NSPs) identify and recommends traffic operations and street design measures to create safer streets in the neighbourhood.

The Oakridge Streets Plan will:

  • Consider the needs of all road users in the neighbourhood including vulnerable road users (e.g. seniors, school children, and pedestrians or people cycling).
  • Assess network-wide transportation needs throughout the neighbourhood, and coordinate with existing and planned future connections.
  • Develop solutions that, together, support local and City of Toronto objectives for mobility and safety.
  • Identify opportunities for short-term action that can be implemented with quick-build materials.
  • Identify opportunities for long-term changes alongside planned road resurfacing or reconstruction.

Public consultation on the Oakridge Streets Plans will take place in two phases.

The participation of local residents and community groups is essential to identifying appropriate actions and effective changes for the Oakridge neighbourhood.

  • Fall 2023: Project planning
  • Winter 2024: Background reporting and initial data collection
  • Spring-Summer 2024: Phase 1 public and community consultation on local issues & ideas (we are here)
  • Summer 2024: Develop actions & changes to address issues
  • Fall 2024/Winter 2025: Phase 2 public consultation – community feedback on proposed changes
  • Early 2025: Finalize plan and Staff report to Scarborough Community Council
  • Spring 2025: Implement short-term actions
  • Ongoing: Monitor, evaluate, and update community on future changes


NSPs will result in short-term actions (1 to 2 years) which can be made using temporary, flexible materials like signs, paint, and bollards, and will identify longer term changes which can be accomplished alongside future programmed road work.

The outcomes of each NSP will be different based on local conditions and the needs of each neighbourhood. Generally, NSPs will recommend actions related to motor vehicle speed and volume management, and traffic safety conflicts on local streets. NSP recommendations are informed by the City’s Traffic Calming Guide Vision Zero Action Plan, and Complete Streets Guidelines. Some examples of actions that may be considered include:

  • Turn prohibitions
  • Changes to the location of street parking
  • Traffic calming measures (e.g. speed humps)
  • Intersection safety improvements (e.g. reduced curb radii, curb extensions, enhancements to pedestrian crossings)
  • Changes to road designs (e.g. reduced lane widths and bikeways)

The City of Toronto is inviting local residents, businesses and organizations to learn more and provide feedback on the Oakridge NSP project. Public and Interest Group opinions, along with technical and policy considerations will be used to inform City staff recommendations and decisions to be made by City Council.

    Phase 1 – Summer 2024

    In this phase, the project team will present background information and consult the community on issues commonly experienced in the neighbourhood and ideas for actions and changes.

    Public Drop-In Event

    Date: Monday, June 10, 2024
    Time:  6 to 8 p.m.
    Address: Samuel Hearne Middle School, 21 Newport Avenue, Toronto, ON, M1L 4N7

    View the public event materials below:

    Social Pinpoint

    See feedback received using the project’s digital interactive map. The comment deadline was June 28, 2024. 

    Phase 2 – Winter 2025

    In this phase, the project team will consult the community on proposed short-term actions (1 – 2 years) which can be made using temporary, flexible materials like signs, paint and bollards and will identify longer term changes which can be accomplished alongside future programmed road work.

    To be added to the project mailing list, please email