The City of Toronto is planning a number of improvements on Scarborough Golf Club Road from Ellesmere Road to Kingston Road, providing an opportunity to improve the street for all road users.

In 2025, the City will complete road reconstruction and replace the watermain between Ellesmere Road and Lawrence Avenue East due to the poor condition of the road. Road reconstructions only happen every 50-100 years. Improvements being made as part of this work include intersection improvements for safety and accessibility for all road users, new cycle tracks, and the addition of green infrastructure.

As part of this project, the City will also implement cycling and other road safety improvements along Scarborough Golf Club Road between Lawrence Avenue East and Kingston Road.  Installation of these improvements is expected to start at a later date after the roadwork north of Lawrence Avenue East are complete.

This project is part of the Council-approved 2024 Capital Works Program to renew aging City roads and sidewalks for current and future needs.

May 2023

City Council approved the installation of cycling facilities on Scarborough Golf Club Road between Ellesmere Road and Kingston Road.  View the staff report at IE3.8.

Map of study area on Scarborough Golf Club Road from Ellesmere Road to Lawrence Avenue East. If you require more information and/or clarifications, please call Nathalie Forde at 416-392-3556.

The project area is divided into three segments.  Different changes are proposed for each segment:

A. Ellesmere Road to Lawrence Avenue East – Road reconstruction is planned for this segment between 2024-2025, using a complete street  approach.

B. Lawrence Avenue East to Confederation Drive – Improvements were approved for this segment using a ‘quick-build’ method.  Quick build projects involve making changes to the design of a road through the installation of new pavement markings and pre-fabricated materials, rather than road reconstruction.

C. Confederation Drive to Kingston Road – Improvements were approved for this segment using a ‘quick-build’ method.

Segment A – Ellesmere Road to Lawrence Avenue East

On Scarborough Golf Club Road between Ellesmere Road to Lawrence Avenue East, the following changes have been approved by City Council and will be implemented as part of the 2024-2025 construction:

  • Corner radii reductions to reduce vehicle turning speed and improve safety for pedestrians and people cycling
  • New pedestrian crossings
  • Posted speed reduction
  • New green infrastructure to capture water and increase green space
  • Accessible transit stops
  • One-way cycle tracks on both sides of the road
  • Protected intersections
  • Reducing the number of motor vehicle lanes so that the road is generally one motor vehicle lane in each direction. Existing left turn lanes will be maintained.
  • Providing one side of street parking, rather than allowing parking on both sides of the street.
  • Raised intersections at cross streets
  • Protected intersections at major intersections, including Ellesmere Road, Brimorton Drive and Lawrence Avenue East

Segment B – Lawrence Avenue East to Confederation Drive

Approved changes to Segment B include:

  • Painted corner radii reductions to reduce vehicle turning speed and improve safety for pedestrians and people cycling
  • One-way cycle tracks on both sides of the road with painted buffers and precast curb stones with bollards
  • Reducing the number of motor vehicle lanes in some sections so that the road is consistently one motor vehicle lane in each direction
  • Providing one side of street parking, rather than allowing parking on both sides of the street.

Installation of these improvements will begin at a later date after the roadwork north of Lawrence Avenue East are complete.

Segment C – Confederation Drive to Kingston Road

Approved changes to Segment C include:

  •  A protected/separated two-way cycle track installed on the west side of the street

Installation of these improvements will begin at a later date after the roadwork north of Lawrence Avenue East are complete.


Public Drop-In Event

A Public Drop-In Event was held on February 6, 2023 at the Golf Road Junior Public School to provide an opportunity to view project information panels and speak with members of the project team.

Consultation Materials

Public Consultation

A Virtual Public Meeting was held on February 10, 2022 that included a presentation and Question & Answer opportunity to speak with project staff.

Consultation Materials

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