In Ontario, eviction issues are managed by the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB). Landlords must follow a series of steps to legally evict a renter and you can only be evicted for valid and specific reasons. It is important to understand if your tenancy is covered by the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) as it provides protections from evictions.
Regardless of the type of eviction notice you receive from your landlord, you do not need to leave your home immediately and you do not need to sign anything. You can only be evicted once the LTB issues a formal eviction order or you agree to move out.
Every landlord must follow a series of steps to legally evict a renter.
See the Preventing Evictions in Toronto handbook for more details.
The Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) of Ontario governs the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants in residential rental agreements. Understanding whether you fall under the coverage of the RTA is essential, as it provides protections against eviction.
It’s important to know your rights and responsibilities under the RTA to ensure a fair and lawful tenancy arrangement. For further assistance or clarification, get help from a legal representative or relevant community organizations.
In Ontario, there are seven different notices from the LTB that can lead to eviction, each with specific reasons outlined. Having noisy children, requesting repairs, joining a renter association, having a pet or the landlord’s decision to sell the property are not grounds for eviction.
If you are facing an eviction, it is crucial for you to understand these eviction notices in order to protect your rights and seek appropriate recourse if necessary. More information about these types of evictions is available from Tribunals Ontario and in the Preventing Evictions in Toronto handbook.
Recently, there has been an increase in landlords in Toronto who are using notices of eviction in “bad faith,” meaning notices that are given out dishonestly and without the intention to follow through on the terms of the notice. For example, your landlord may claim that a relative is moving in, but then rent the unit for a higher rate after you have moved out.
If you believe that your landlord has used the notice in “bad faith”, you may have one to two years to file a complaint with the LTB, depending on your circumstances. Connect with a legal aid clinic or legal representative for advice.
An N11 is a form stating that the landlord and tenant both want to end a lease. If a tenant signs the N11, they are agreeing to voluntarily move out. A tenant can stay in their unit if they refuse to sign the N11 pending a decision by the LTB.
You and your landlord can make an oral agreement to end the tenancy, but it is best to have a signed agreement in writing.
Preventing Evictions in Toronto: A Handbook for Renters is designed to help Toronto renters at risk of eviction find the resources and information they need. The more you know about your rights and available renter support services, the more you can be prepared if you find yourself facing an eviction. In addition to renter rights, you’ll also find:
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Supports are available to help you avoid eviction. Many support services are available free of charge, although some services have eligibility criteria or are only available to low-income renters.
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The information contained on this page is for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal or other professional advice or an opinion of any kind. Individuals should contact a lawyer, paralegal or legal clinic to discuss their specific legal issues. The information included in this document is current as of its original date of publication but should not be relied upon as timely as there may be changes to the law. The City of Toronto is not liable for any damages arising out of your use or reliance on any content contained on the City’s website.