A huge banner is draped on the front of Old City Hall. It shows a shield with a flaming sword in it, and the words 'Invest in Victory.' On the ground, several people on a platform are watched by a crowd.
7th Victory Loan campaign, City Hall
October 23, 1944
Photographer: John H. Boyd
City of Toronto Archives
Fonds 1266, Item 92936


The left side of this open booklet reads, 'Always ask for part of your change in war savings stamps.' The right side has eight war savings stamps stuck onto spaces provided.
War Savings Stamps booklet
ca. 1939-1945
City of Toronto Archives
Series 340, Subseries 8, File 58
A solider is pictured smiling and holding out a certificate. The slogan reads, 'You serve by saving. Buy war savings certificates.'
War Savings Stamps booklet
ca. 1939-1945
City of Toronto Archives
Series 340, Subseries 8, File 7


This card details the maturity value of war saving certificates, and also what they will do to help the war effort. For example, '$5 will let a soldier fight for you with 200 rounds of rifle ammunition.'
War Savings Certificates advertisement
ca. 1941-1945
City of Toronto Archives
Series 340, Subseries 8, File 73


The federal government encouraged workers to spend at least 10% of their salaries on war bonds, certificates, and stamps. War savings provided money to the war effort, but also discouraged inflation, since less money was left over to spend on scarce consumer goods. Even children were encouraged to buy war savings stamps, at 25 cents each.


Boys in casual clothes and bathing suits watch as soldiers drive along the road in a tank-like gun carrier.
Bren gun carriers, Sunnyside, “Toronto Invasion”
June 26, 1941
Photographer: John H. Boyd
City of Toronto Archives
Fonds 1266, Item 74619


The “Toronto Invasion” was an army training exercise in which troops from Borden Camp (near Barrie) had to “defend” Toronto from a plot to seize all power centres, waterworks, bridges, military headquarters, media outlets, and City Hall. The exercise took everyone by surprise, including the mayor, the chief of police, and the numerous citizens whose names were taken by the soldiers after they were not able to produce their National Registration identification cards.


A boy throws a ball at a target showing a caricature of Mussolini. Prizes are lined up in front of the boy and also hanging on the wall at his side.
CNE midway game
August 23, 1940
Photographer: John H. Boyd
City of Toronto Archives
Fonds 1266, Item 68266


The war affected everything, even games at the CNE. This boy’s target is Benito Mussolini, leader of Italy when that country was allied with Hitler’s Germany. Note how the prize dolls are dressed: military uniforms for the male dolls, and nurses’ uniforms for the female dolls.


A soldier cooks something in a small bowl on a hotplate. Two women in civilian clothes watch him. All are wearing gas masks.
Demonstration of how to make tear gas, Army Week Open House at No. 2 District Depot
July 3, 1942
Photographer: John H. Boyd
City of Toronto Archives
Fonds 1266, Item 80118


A young man with an artificial right arm and hand is planing a wooden box smooth.
Walter Gardiner, war veteran
March 8, 1946
Photographer: John H. Boyd
City of Toronto Archives
Fonds 1266, Item 102587
A large crowd holds up signs with slogans including 'Vets want jobs' and 'Make wartime factories give peacetime jobs' and '40 hour week & same pay.'
Job rally for veterans and laid-off munitions workers
September 14, 1945
Photographer: John H. Boyd
City of Toronto Archives
Fonds 1266, Item 98981


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