If you use a City fitness centre or go to classes often, memberships and multi-visit passes are available.

Check out a wide range of drop-in and registered fitness classes. There are over 40 weight/cardio rooms for self-led workouts and over 30 indoor pools offering lane swim and other aquatic fitness activities. Visit the Drop-in Fitness Map for an indoor location near you.

Fitness memberships are available for:

  • Youth (13 to 18 years)
  • Adults (19 to 59 years)
  • Older Adults (60+ years)
Features FitnessTO All Access FitnessTO Plus Swim FitnessTO
Weight Room and Cardio Room Yes Yes Yes
Lane Swim Yes Yes No
Drop-in Fitness Classes Yes No No
Drop-in Aquatic Fitness Classes Yes No No
Member Orientation Yes Yes Yes

Participants attending free centres do not need to pay to access cardio rooms or weight rooms, lane swims, group fitness drop-in classes or aquatic fitness classes.

Visit the Drop-in Fitness Map to find your nearest fitness class and times. For lane swim and aquatic fitness, visit the Drop-in Swim Map.

To purchase a membership, visit your local community centre or buy a membership online.

FitnessTO All Access

Access weight rooms, cardio rooms, pools for lane swim as well as drop-in fitness or aquatic fitness classes during regular operating hours at any City-run location*.

Prices do not include tax. Tax will be applied at the time of purchase, where applicable.
Length of Time Adult Youth and Older Adult
12 Month $274.83 $137.43
Three Month $82.22 $41.12
One Month $48.47 $24.24

FitnessTO Plus Swim

Access weight rooms, cardio rooms or pools for lane swim during regular operating hours at any City-run location*.

Prices do not include tax. Tax will be applied at the time of purchase, where applicable.
Length of Time Adult Youth and Older Adult
12 Month $219.88 $109.94
Three Month $65.76 $32.88
One Month $38.78 $19.39


Access weight rooms or cardio rooms during regular operating hours at any City-run location*.

Prices do not include tax. Tax will be applied at the time of purchase, where applicable.
Length of Time Adult Youth and Older Adult
12 Month $174.22 $87.13
Three Month $51.55 $25.77
One Month $33.07 $16.53

Conditions of Use

  • Space in drop-in programs is not guaranteed.
  • If attending registered programs for drop-in participation, you will be admitted to the class after registered participants have been accommodated and if space is available.
  • Youth must be on a City of Toronto account to purchase FitnessTO memberships.
  • Program schedules are subject to change.
  • There are no refunds for memberships or multi-visit passes.
  • There is a $13.85 replacement fee for lost or stolen passes or key tags.

Call your local centre if you have questions or want to see what options are offered.

Member Orientation

Member orientation provides an overview of fitness locations and classes. It may also include a walk-through of the facility and machines.

Purchase a single-visit or multi-visit pass to access fitness programs and services. Group fitness programs include aquatic fitness, yoga, Pilates, cardio, and more.

Fitness passes are available for:

  • Children (seven to 12 years, lane swim only)
  • Youth (13 to 18 years)
  • Adults (19 to 59 years)
  • Older Adults (60+ years)

The following pay-as-you-go drop-in options are available

  • FitnessTO All Access – Day Pass: All-day access pass for any weight room/cardio room/pool and/or drop-in class at a single location including aquatic fitness
  • FitnessTO Plus Swim – Day Pass: All-day access pass for lane swim and weight room or cardio room at a single location
  • Single Visit Fitness Class: one drop-in group fitness class, at a single location
  • 10-visit Pass – Lane Swim: 10-visit pass for lane swims at any location
  • 10-visit Pass – Aquatic Fitness: 10-visit pass for aquatic fitness classes at any location
Prices do not include tax. Tax will be applied at the time of purchase, where applicable.
Membership Type Adult Youth/Older Adult Child (7+)
FitnessTO All Access – Day Pass $15.33 $7.68 Not applicable
FitnessTO Plus Swim – Day Pass $4.30 $2.16 $2.16

Lane swim only.

Single Visit Fitness Class $10.43 $5.22 Not applicable
10-Visit Lane Swim $40.60 $20.30 $20.30
10-Visit Aquatic Fitness Class $126.60 $61.60 Not applicable

Participants attending free centres do not need to pay to access lane swims, group fitness drop-in classes including aquatic fitness, cardio rooms or the weight room.

Visit the Drop-in Fitness Map to find your nearest fitness class and times. For lane swim and aquatic fitness, visit the Drop-in Swim Map.

Memberships and multi-visit passes for lane swim and aquatic fitness will be available in the form of a key tag. There is a $13.85 replacement fee for lost or stolen key tags.

Existing printed punch cards (multi-visit passes) will be honoured until they run out.

If you plan to go to the same class each week, register for programs online. You can filter results by location and dates. Learn how to register online, get your registration start date and find out how to register in person or by phone.

Find a program on the drop-in fitness map.

Adapted Fitness – Youth

A variety of fitness programs for youth with a disability ages 13-29. These programs will require an additional registration process to become eligible to participate. Learn how to register for Adapted programs by visiting Accessible Recreation.

Aquatic Fitness and Lane Swim

Aquatic fitness is a water-based fitness class. Equipment is provided. Find your nearest aquatic fitness location and schedule or reserve a spot online by visiting Swimming and Water Play.


Cardio is suitable for all fitness levels, focusing on providing cardiovascular exercise that use large muscle groups. Classes may include music and dance movements to create an aerobic workout. Most classes will also include a muscle conditioning component. Small equipment may be used.

Programs may include:

  • Zumba®
  • HIIT: Boot Camp
  • Cardio Dance
  • Cardio Dance: Bollywood
  • Cardio Dance: Hip Hop

Drop-in: Walking/Running

Track Days and times may vary. Check with the facility you are interested in.

Children under 13 years of age must be accompanied by an adult who is responsible for their direct supervision. Strollers and walking devices are permitted.

Drop-in: Weight/Cardio Room

Access with a valid fitness membership or drop-in fee. Schedules, supervision levels and fitness equipment may vary between facilities. Please check the facility you are interested in.

Family Fitness

Classes are designed to encourage families to participate in physical activity together. Each individual must register for this class. Fees vary based on age.

Programs may include:

  • Yoga with Family
  • Fitness with Family
  • Fitness: Caregiver with Baby

Fitness – Early Child

Early child fitness classes are designed for children five years of age and younger. Classes include a warm-up, fundamental fitness movements and a cool-down.

Functional Fit

This group of programs is based on a training model which focuses on cardio and/or strength, aiming to improve every day movements through muscle control, balance, range of motion, and mobility.

Programs may include:

Muscle Conditioning

This group of programs is suitable for all fitness levels. Classes focus on muscle strengthening and endurance with no cardio component. Classes may be specific to certain areas of the body and may use equipment such as bars, stability balls, hand weights and exercise bands.

Programs may include:

  • Body Strength
  • Mobility and Strength: Chair
  • Stretch and Strength

Physical Therapy Programs – Fitness

This drop-in program is designed to ensure that individuals with disabilities can access physical therapy. Individuals will be required to provide a medical note issued by a medical practitioner with the prescribed activity stated. Applicable memberships apply. Visits are limited to 90 minutes.


Classes include exercises that focus on strengthening core muscle groups.

Required Equipment: Mat

Tai Chi

Enjoy the benefits of improved health, relief of stress and concentrated relaxation. Emphasis is on general health and fitness through the development of slow and controlled movements in a fixed sequence.

Various styles are offered which may include:

  • Qigong
  • Tai Chi

Walking Program

This group of walking programs is suitable for all fitness levels. Walking is a rewarding form of exercise. Join us for one of our many programs.

Programs may include:

  • Nordic Trail Walking
  • Outdoor Stroller Fit
  • Walk Fit

Wellness Program

This group of programs support overall health and a balanced lifestyle.

Programs may include partnerships with health practitioners and Indigenous programming.


Classes include exercises that focus on a series of postures promoting flexibility, specific breathing and relaxation techniques, while strengthening and toning muscles.

Various styles are offered, these may include:

  • Yoga/Pilates Fusion
  • Yoga: Power

Required Equipment: Mat

*Fitness memberships do not apply at Toronto Track and Field Centre (TTFC). Fitness members can access some group fitness classes (including aquatic fitness) as well as lane swim programs at Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre (TPASC), but a fitness membership will not grant access to weight room facilities as these are not managed by the City of Toronto. Visit Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre for more information.