In alignment with the City of Toronto’s Statement of Commitments and Meeting in the Middle strategy, the City dedicates 20 per cent of available housing and homelessness grant funding to local Indigenous-led organizations through the Indigenous Funding Stream.
Through this stream, the City works in collaboration with Indigenous partners to deliver initiatives for local Indigenous communities’ and explore ways to provide funding to Indigenous-led organizations to administer directly. This dedicated funding ensures that leadership on housing and homelessness priorities and grants funding allocations rests with local Indigenous communities and supports the community to meet self-identified priorities through projects and programs to help individuals and households exiting homelessness work towards continued housing stability.
The Indigenous Funding stream grants are currently administered through the Aboriginal Labour Force Development Circle (ALFDC). Projects include development of new housing units, case management, housing and follow up workers, outreach projects and housing stability supports such as food security initiatives and cultural support workers. These grants help people connect to their community using culture specific service models to provide linkages to ongoing services, supports and resources that help ensure successful housing outcomes.
For more information on available funding and opportunities, please contact or call their toll free number at 1-800-446-1629. Learn more about the Aboriginal Labour Force Development Circle (ALFDC).
Organizations currently receiving funding through the ALFDC:
Organization | Types of Projects funded |
Anduhyaun Inc. | Women’s Emergency Shelter |
Gabriel Dumont Non-Profit Homes (Metro Toronto) Inc. | Repairs and improvements to essential facilities to support provision of housing services for Indigenous community members. |
Na-Me-Res | Development and accessibility improvements |
Native Canadian Centre of Toronto | Housing services for Indigenous community members. |
Native Child and Family Services of Toronto | Housing services for Indigenous community members. |
Native Women’s Resource Centre | Direct service housing supports for Indigenous community members |
New Frontiers Aboriginal Residential Corporation | Repairs and improvements to essential facilities to support provision of housing services for Indigenous community members. |
Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre | Direct services projects including food services and support workers. |
Thunder Woman Healing Lodge Society | Direct services projects including outreach and housing supports |
Wigwamen Incorporated | Direct services and capital improvement projects including food security initiatives and cultural support services |