In Toronto, the use and sale of fireworks are regulated by the Fireworks Bylaw. Businesses temporarily selling less than 25 kg of consumer fireworks need to obtain a permit. These businesses may only sell fireworks during one or more of the following time periods:

  • Victoria Day and the seven days immediately before Victoria Day
  • Canada Day and the seven days immediately before Canada Day
  • Diwali Day and the seven days immediately before Diwali Day

Learn more about rules for vendors and fireworks use and disposal.

Sole proprietorships (individuals), partnerships or corporations.

Minimum Age

Applicants must be at least 18 years old.

Identification Requirements

Include two pieces of government-issued identification (one must be photo ID):

  • Canadian Passport
  • Driver’s Licence
  • Canadian Birth Certificate
  • Citizenship Card
  • Permanent Resident Card
  • SIN Card (Social Insurance Number)
  • Valid Work Permit


  • First and last names must match on all identification
  • We do not accept Health Cards
  • For sole proprietorship or individual applicants, one piece of ID must provide proof of work status
  • Identification is required for all officers/directors listed on the Articles of Incorporation, Corporate Profile or Federal Form 6

Business Requirements

All applicants must also provide the following:

Corporations must also provide:

  • A copy of Articles of Incorporation (certificate and articles)(Note: If there has been a change to the list of officers and directors, please provide a current Corporate Profile Report);
  • The Annual Return for Corporation Form which lists all current directors and officers of the Corporation. This must be:
    • original as copies will not be accepted
    • signed by an officer/director of the Corporation. The Form cannot be signed by a designate of the Corporation.

If a director of the corporation is unable to apply in person at the Licence and Permit Issuing Office, a designate may apply on their behalf. The designate must:

  • have an original letter advising of their signing authority on corporation letterhead, signed by a director of the corporation dated within 30 days
  • provide two pieces of identification for themselves
  • provide two pieces of identification for each officer and director of the corporation, or if original identification is not available, photocopies of the identification will also be accepted.

Insurance Requirements

Consumer fireworks include low hazard fireworks for recreation, such as fireworks showers, fountains, golden rain, lawn lights, pinwheels, Roman candles, volcanoes, sparklers and other similar devices.

Vendors selling consumer fireworks need to show proof of at least $2,000,000 in Comprehensive General Liability insurance, naming the City of Toronto as an additional insured.

The completed insurance form must be signed and stamped by the insurer.

Federal Explosives Licence

A Natural Resources Canada Authorization of Explosives licence is required if the vendor stores over 1000 kg (gross weight) of consumer fireworks at the site.

You can apply for new business licences or permits online.

Apply online

Please have all required documents ready to upload before starting the application, as it requires 10-15 minutes to complete and cannot be saved. Download a step by step guide on how to submit a new application. Licence application fees can be paid online or by sending a cheque.

Submit Application

If you have already submitted an application you may upload additional documents using your upload token.

Upload Documents for Existing Request

Apply in-person

In-person services are available at the Licence and Permit Issuing Office, 850 Coxwell Avenue, 3rd Floor.
You must bring hard copies of all application requirements. Applications will not be started unless all requirements are provided. Digital copies of documents will not be accepted.

Payment can only be made by debit, credit or cheque. Cash will not be accepted.

Walk-in Services

Walk-in services are available once a week.
Please contact for the next weekday availability.

Please note office hours:
Monday – Friday 8:30am-12:30pm and 1:30-4:00pm.
The office is closed from 12:30–1:30pm daily.


Appointment services are available. Please contact
Please arrive 10-15 mins early to check in and be on time for your appointment or you may be turned away and asked to re-book for another day and time, subject to availability.


Selling To Minors

Do not sell fireworks to minors below the age of 18.

Posting Fireworks Permit

Vendors will need a permit for each location from which they are selling fireworks. Post a copy of the current, valid permit on the front window of the store or display in a clearly visible location.

Displaying Fireworks For Sale

Fireworks for sale should be displayed in a package, a glass case or other suitable container away from inflammable objects.

All fireworks should be out of the reach of minors. Fireworks not in approved packaging must not be accessible to the public.

Display only sample fireworks in store windows and make sure those do not contain any explosive elements. Fireworks can not be displayed in a place where they are exposed to the rays of the sun or to excess heat.

Post a “No Smoking” sign in the fireworks display area and make sure that people do not smoke, ignite flammable materials, or have lighted materials in the area. Make sure an employee attends the fireworks on display.

Information For Fireworks Buyers

Vendors are required to display information about fireworks regulations and safety tips at their store. They also need to provide this information to buyers purchasing fireworks.

The City of Toronto has prepared a poster to help vendors inform buyers about fireworks rules, safety tips and proper disposal. Download, print, display and hand out this poster to buyers.

Storing Fireworks

Any fireworks not on display must be put in storage according to the requirements of the Explosives Act. Storing fireworks in vehicles is prohibited.

A Natural Resources Canada Authorization of Explosives  licence is required if the vendor stores over 1000 kg (gross weight) of consumer fireworks at the site.

Your licence will expire annually on the anniversary of the date that the licence was first issued. A renewal notice, identifying any documents required to renew the licence, will be mailed to the address on file.

The renewal fee is $694.54

Existing licensees must renew their licences online. Licence renewal fees can be paid online or by sending a cheque.

Please have all required documents ready to upload before starting the renewal, as it requires 10-15 minutes to complete and cannot be saved. Download a step by step guide on how to renew a licence or permit.

Renew Licence

Find your outstanding business licence or permit renewal invoice.

If you fail to renew your licence according to the bylaw, your licence will be cancelled and you will have to reapply.

Renewal Forms

Residents can contact 311 to submit complaints about fireworks. If there is a complaint or information about a possible violation, Bylaw Enforcement Officers investigate, educate and/or take enforcement actions.

The goal is to resolve issues and ensure that residents and business are following bylaws. Each issue is addressed on case-by-case basis to make sure reasonable, fair and appropriate actions are taken. For example, in some cases the issue may be resolved through education. In other cases, further enforcement action may be required.

If a business or resident does not comply with the Fireworks Bylaw, they are guilty of an offence. If they are issued a ticket and convicted, they may have to pay a fine for the offence set out in the table below.

Offence Bylaw Provision Fine
Sell firecrackers/prohibited fireworks 466-4C $1,000.00
Sell prohibited fireworks 466-4D $1,000.00
Sell/display fireworks/special effect pyrotechnics without permanent fireworks vendor permit 466-13D $1,000.00
Sell consumer fireworks without a fireworks vendor’s permit 466-13E $1,000.00
Sell consumer fireworks on day other than Victoria Day/Canada Day/seven-day period before Canada Day without a permanent fireworks vendor’s permit 466-13F $1,000.00
Sell fireworks without posting fireworks vendor’s permit as required 466-13I $1,000.00
Sell fireworks without complying with fireworks vendor’s permit 466-13K(1) $1,000.00
Sell fireworks from location not set out in fireworks vendor’s permit 466-13K(2) $1,000.00
Sell fireworks not included in list of authorized explosives as published by the Explosives Branch of National Resources Canada 466-13K(3) $1,000.00
Display of fireworks for sale in unsuitable container/near inflammable goods/within reach of minors/accessible to public 466-13K(4) $1,000.00
Sale of consumer fireworks in lots exceeding 25 kilograms gross weight 466-13K(5) $600.00
Sale of consumer fireworks without ensuring enough separation between lots of fireworks to prevent spreading of fire 466-13K(6) $600.00
Display fireworks with explosive content in shop window 466-13K(7) $600.00
Sell fireworks where fireworks are exposed to sun/excess heat 466-13K(8) $600.00
Sell fireworks without posting “NO SMOKING” sign in display area 466-13K(9) $1,000.00
Smoke/ignite any flammable material or possess lighted match/lighter/pipe/cigar/cigarette/open flame/spark emitting device where fireworks displayed 466-13K(9) $600.00
Sale of fireworks without ensuring fireworks on display are attended by employee 466-13K(10) $600.00
Store fireworks in vehicle 466-13K(12) $800.00
Sale of fireworks without displaying/providing information/brochures to purchasers of fireworks as required by Explosives Act or supplied by manufacturer or the City. 466-13L $400.00
Sale of fireworks to minor 466-13M $1,000.00
Sale of fireworks without instructing/ensuring compliance of employees with Chapter 466, Fireworks 466-13N $1,000.00
Sell display fireworks/special effect pyrotechnics from a temporary mobile retail outlet 466-14B $1,000.00
Own/operate a temporary mobile retail outlet without a permit 466-14C $1,000.00
Sell consumer fireworks from a temporary mobile retail outlet without a permit 466-14C $1,000.00
Store fireworks at mobile retail outlet less than 20 metres from any road 466-14F(1) $800.00
Store fireworks at mobile retail outlet less than 30 metres from any occupied building/dwelling 466-14F(2) $800.00
Store consumer fireworks at mobile retail outlet less than 30 metres from gas station/place that stores/sells explosives/highly flammable substances 466-14F(3) $800.00
Failure to maintain two unobstructed exits to temporary mobile retail outlet with public access 466-14J $1,000.00
Failure to post “NO SMOKING” signs as required at temporary mobile retail outlet 466-14K $800.00
Failure to maintain two operational fire extinguishers as required at temporary mobile retail outlet 466-14L $800.00
Failure to notify fireworks vendor’s permit issuer of change of information/documents submitted with fireworks vendor’s permit application 466-15G $400.00
Advertise/promote the sale of fireworks under a name not endorsed on the fireworks vendor’s permit 466-16B $1,000.00
Failure/refusal to comply with law enforcement officer request for document/thing/information 466-17B(3) $1,000.00
Failure to comply with an order 466-17I(1) $1,000.00