All individuals who own a limousine to be driven for money must be licensed.
Sole proprietorships (individuals), partnerships or corporations.
Two pieces of government-issued identification (one must be photo ID):
Partnerships and corporations must also provide the following:
If the president, director or officer of the corporation are unable to apply themselves, a designate may apply on their behalf. The designate must:
Applicants must provide an original Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check issued by a Canadian Police Service within 280 days prior to the application.
Applicants must provide proof of $2,000,000 in Commercial General Liability (PL/PD) insurance.
Original completed forms that are signed and stamped by the insurer must be emailed to from the insurer.
An original provincial vehicle registration, where the name and address match the applicants. For example, if the applicant is a partnership or corporation, the vehicle ownership must be registered to the partnership or corporation.
Provide a list of rates, fare or fees to be charged to customers for service. For example, rate charged for driving a passenger from Downtown Toronto to the Airport.
No owner, limousine service company or any person in its employ shall quote or charge less than the amount set out in Appendix D to Chapter 546, Limousine Tariffs to Lester B. Pearson International Airport, for trips originating within the City of Toronto and terminating at Lester B. Pearson International Airport. The Tariff Map should be signed and returned to us at the time of application and also for renewals.
Applications for new limousine owner licences need to be submitted online. You cannot apply for these licences in-person.
Please have all required documents ready to upload before starting the application, as it requires 10-15 minutes to complete and cannot be saved. Download a step by step guide on how to submit a new application. Licence application fees can be paid online or by sending a cheque.
If you have already submitted an application you may upload additional documents using your upload token.
Upload Documents for Existing Request
Walk-in services are available for plate pick-up/drop-off, vehicle registration and renewals Tuesdays and Thursdays starting at 8:30AM subject to capacity. The office is closed from 12:30PM – 1:30PM daily.
In 2025, you will need to pay a total of $1,270.71, when applying for your licence. This includes the:
CPI is calculated by the City’s Finance Division and approved by City Council. It is based on inflationary pressures for different expenditure categories. CPI applies to all licence categories.
Starting January 1, 2024, if you register a Zero-Emissions Vehicle at the time of your licence application, you can enjoy an additional 50 per cent reduction of your application fee in 2024. The reduction amount will vary every year up to and including 2029. Zero-emission vehicles used as vehicles-for-hire are also exempt from vehicle age limits and are not required to be replaced by a specific time. These measures are to support vehicles-for-hire achieve City Council’s net zero by 2030 goal for the industry.
Electric vehicles (EV) have other benefits, beyond reducing greenhouse gas emissions. They cost less to operate and don’t have tailpipe emissions, helping to reduce air pollution. Learn more about EV benefits and charging options.
An original Standard Safety Certificate (SSC) or Annual Inspection Certificate (AIC) is required as part of a complete application.
An SSC or AIC is issued following an inspection by a Motor Vehicle Inspection Station (MVIS) garage operator, licensed by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation.
The SSC or AIC cannot be more than 36 days old at time of submission.
To submit your SCC or AIC scan a copy of your SSC and/or your AIC and submit through our online renewal portal.
Find your submission date at Limousine Vehicle Inspections.
If a SCC or an AIC is not provided within seven days of its due date, your business licence can be suspended.
On October 12, 2023, City Council approved extending vehicle-for-hire vehicles due for replacement by March 31, 2024 by one additional year. These vehicles are now required to be replaced by March 31, 2025. On October 12, 2023, City Council also approved an exemption for zero-emission vehicles used as vehicles-for-hire from vehicle age limits. These vehicles are not required to be replaced by a specific time. These measures are to support vehicles-for-hire achieve City Council’s net zero by 2030 goal for the industry. Learn more about when vehicles-for-hire have to be replaced.
The vehicles
See the approved limousine vehicles list.
Cameras are not mandatory in limousines, but if installed, a notice must be attached in the limousine informing passengers that they are being video recorded.
This updated notice is available at the Licence and Permit Issuing Office, 850 Coxwell Avenue, 3rd Floor.
To register a replacement vehicle the following documents can be submitted through our online renewal portal:
Starting January 1, 2024, if you register a Zero-Emissions Vehicle, you can enjoy an additional 50 per cent reduction of your application fee in 2024. The reduction amount will vary every year up to and including 2029. Zero-emission vehicles used as vehicles-for-hire are also exempt from vehicle age limits and are not required to be replaced by a specific time. These measures are to support vehicles-for-hire achieve City Council’s net zero by 2030 goal for the industry.
Electric vehicles (EV) have other benefits, beyond reducing greenhouse gas emissions. They cost less to operate and don’t have tailpipe emissions, helping to reduce air pollution. Learn more about EV benefits and charging options.
ML&S shall deny an application for, or a renewal, for all businesses required to be licenced under this chapter that has:
Despite these screening criteria, if a licence has been previously issued or renewed and the applicant’s or licensee’s record discloses no new breach of the screening criteria, the licence may be issued or renewed without the matter being referred to the Toronto Licensing Tribunal.
These screening criteria do not apply to any offence for which a licensee or applicant has been granted a criminal record suspension (i.e. a pardon) by the Parole Board of Canada.
Your licence will expire annually on the anniversary of the date that the licence was first issued. A renewal notice, identifying any documents required to renew the licence, will be mailed to the address on file.
In 2025, you will need to pay a total of $640.92, when renewing your licence. This includes the:
CPI is calculated by the City’s Finance Division and approved by City Council. It is based on inflationary pressures for different expenditure categories. CPI applies to all licence categories.
Starting January 1, 2024, if you register a Zero-Emissions Vehicle at the time of your licence renewal, you can enjoy an additional 50 per cent reduction of your renewal fee. The reduction amount will vary every year up to and including 2029. Zero-emission vehicles used as vehicles-for-hire are also exempt from vehicle age limits and are not required to be replaced by a specific time. These measures are to support vehicles-for-hire achieve City Council’s net zero by 2030 goal for the industry.
Electric vehicles (EV) have other benefits, beyond reducing greenhouse gas emissions. They cost less to operate and don’t have tailpipe emissions, helping to reduce air pollution. Learn more about EV benefits and charging options.
Existing licensees must renew their licences online. Licence renewal fees can be paid online or by sending a cheque.
Please have all required documents ready to upload before starting the renewal, as it requires 10-15 minutes to complete and cannot be saved. Download a step by step guide on how to renew a licence or permit.
Find your outstanding business licence or permit renewal invoice.
If you fail to renew your licence according to the bylaw, your licence will be cancelled and you will have to reapply.