The City does not issue Private Transportation Company (PTC) driver licences directly to individuals. You will need to apply through a PTC for a licence prior to driving for a PTC.

  • If you have a taxicab or limousine driver licence (Vehicle-for-Hire driver licence), you will be required to be licensed as a PTC driver to operate with a PTC.
  • The PTC will apply for a PTC driver licence on your behalf. Information such as a criminal reference check and driver’s record will be shared with the City for review prior to issuing a PTC driver licence.

Your PTC will contact you directly regarding your application and licence.

You must also contact your PTC directly if you have questions about your application or any changes to your existing licence, such as contact information, vehicle change and licence cancellation.

New applicants for private transportation company driver licences need to successfully complete a third-party training program approved by the City and submit the certificate of completion, as a requirement of licence issuance. Applications for new licences are not being accepted without the certificate of training completion.

Drivers currently licensed will have to take this training program before renewing their licence in 2023. Licences will not be renewed if this training is not completed.

The new driver training focuses on improving driver awareness of Vision Zero, transporting passengers in a safe manner, driving in an urban setting, anti-racism and discrimination, and legal requirements. The certificate of completion of a City-approved training program can be used by when applying for any driver licence category and when transferring from one driver licence type to another.

Approved driver training programs

The City has approved the following driver training programs for all private transportation company drivers:

For more information on the introduction of the Driver Training Accreditation Program, please visit: Vehicle-for-Hire Bylaw Updates.

If you currently have a licence to drive for one PTC, that does not mean that you can work for any PTCs. A separate licence is required for every PTC you are driving for.

  • PTC vehicles are required to undergo a City-approved inspection and obtain a Safety Standards Certificate
  • Vehicles must be equipped with snow tires or all-weather tires from December 1 to April 30
  • The current minimum years of required driving experience for drivers is now three years
  • A PTC identifier must be displayed in the rear window of your vehicle. Your PTC will provide you with your approved PTC identifier
  • Drivers are also required to attach “Watch for Bike” notices to vehicles, securely mount all handheld devices and display notices in vehicles if a camera is being used to record passengers

Maximum Age of Vehicles

On October 12, 2023, City Council approved extending vehicle-for-hire vehicles due for replacement by March 31, 2024 by one additional year. These vehicles are now required to be replaced by March 31, 2025. On October 12, 2023, City Council also approved an exemption for zero-emission vehicles used as vehicles-for-hire from vehicle age limits. These vehicles are not required to be replaced by a specific time. These measures are to support vehicles-for-hire achieve City Council’s net zero by 2030 goal for the industry. Learn more about when vehicles-for-hire have to be replaced.

Private Transportation Companies (PTC) are responsible for submitting a valid Standard Safety Certificate (SSC) or an Annual Inspection Certificate (AIC) on behalf of PTC drivers. 

Additional requirements:

  1. SSC or AIC for accessible vehicles needs to be submitted once a year
  2. Valid SSC and AIC cannot be more than 36 days old at time of submission to the Licence and Permit Issuing Office. SSC or AIC may be submitted up to 30 days before the submission date
  3. All SSCs and AICs (hard copy) are to be kept in vehicle and produced upon request

What happens if SSC or AIC is not submitted?

Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 546-15 (C) gives the City the authority to suspend the licence of a vehicle if SSC or AIC is not provided within seven days of the “Next Submission Date” when an inspection has been required.

Cameras are not mandatory in PTCs but if installed, drivers will need to display notices in their vehicles informing passengers that they are being video recorded.

In addition to these notices, PTCs also have the option to use their app to inform passengers about cameras before they complete their requests for rides.

The PTC company is responsible for submitting the following fees annually to the City on behalf of its drivers:

  • $17.62 per driver
  • $8.32 Accessibility Fund Program fee (per application or renewal)

Learn more about the Accessibility Fund Program and how it will support the availability of accessible service and offset the higher cost of providing wheelchair accessible service.

The City shall deny an application for, or a renewal of a vehicle-for-hire driver and PTC driver licence, and no PTC shall allow a person to act as a PTC driver where the licensee or applicant has:

a) Been convicted at any time of a sexual offence against a minor or a person with a disability under any of sections 151 to 153.1 of the Criminal Code

b) Been convicted of any sexual offence under the Criminal Code in the preceding ten years

c) Been convicted of an offence under the following Criminal Code sections in the preceding five years:
i. 84 to 117.15 (Firearms and Other Weapons)
ii. 264.1 to 286.1 (Offences Against the Person)
iii. 321 to 378 (Offences Against Rights of Property)
iv. 379 to 462 (Fraudulent Transactions, Wilful and Forbidden Acts of Certain Property, Offences Relating to Currency)
v. 462.3 to 462.5 (Proceeds of Crime)

d) Been convicted at any time of an offence under the following Criminal Code sections:
i. 83.01 to 83.33 (Terrorism)
ii. 219 to 248 (Major Offences Against the Person)
iii. 267, 268, 270.01, 272, 273 (Major Assaults or Major Sexual Assaults)

e) Been convicted of an offence under the following Controlled Drugs and Substances Act sections in the preceding ten years:
i. 5 (Trafficking)
ii. 6 (Importing and exporting)
iii. 7 (Production)
iv. 7.1 (Possession for use in production or trafficking)

f) Been convicted of any offence under section 4 (Possession or obtaining) of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act in the preceding five years

g) Been convicted of five or more offences under Chapter 545 or 546 of the Toronto Municipal Code in the preceding three years

h) Any overdue by-law fines, unless the applicant provides proof that such fines have been subsequently paid.

i) Been convicted of any offence under sections 249, 252, or 253 of the Criminal Code or sections 320.13 to 320.18 (Offence Relating to Conveyances) (Motor Vehicles, Vessels, and Aircraft) in the preceding five years;

j) Accumulated nine or more demerit points on his or her driving record abstract at the time the application for a licence or renewal is made

k) Been convicted of any of the following offences under the Highway Traffic Act in the preceding five years:
i. Careless driving
ii. Racing or stunt driving
iii. Exceeding the speed limit by 50 km/hour or more
iv. Failing to stop for a school bus or when signaled or asked by a police officer
v. Failing to remain at the scene of a collision
vi. Driving while licence suspended

Despite these screening criteria, if a licence has been previously issued or renewed and the applicant’s or licensee’s record discloses no new breach of the screening criteria, the licence may be issued or renewed without the matter being referred to the Toronto Licensing Tribunal.

These screening criteria do not apply to any offence for which a licensee or applicant has been granted a criminal record suspension (i.e. a pardon) by the Parole Board of Canada.