The City is
updating the Vehicle-for-Hire Bylaw and developing a framework that balances customer service, economic impacts on drivers, impacts on public transit and congestion, and equity and accessibility. Get involved in public consultations from June 12 to 25, 2024.
A Private Transportation Company (PTC) connects passengers with drivers of private vehicles through an application.
Who Can Apply
Sole proprietorships (individuals), partnerships or corporations.
Identification Requirements
Two pieces of government-issued identification (one must be photo ID):
- Canadian Passport (photo ID)
- Driver’s Licence (photo ID)
- Canadian Birth Certificate
- Citizenship Card
- Permanent Resident Card
- SIN Card (Social Insurance Number)
- Valid Work Permit
- First and last names must match on all identification
- We do not accept Health Cards
- For sole proprietorship or individual applicants, one piece of ID must provide proof of work status
- A copy of Articles of Incorporation (certificate and articles) (Note: If there has been a change to the list of officers and directors, please provide a current Corporate Profile Report);
What To Submit
- PTC Application Form (found within the Private Transportation Company Business Licence Application Form)
- Indemnification Agreement
- Certificate of Insurance Form completed by the insurance company providing Commercial General Liability Business Insurance for $5,000,000.
- A sample or copy of the PTC identifier that will be used to identify PTC vehicles.
- Documentation confirming how criminal background checks for PTC drivers will be conducted, such as a copy of a contract with a third party or police service.
- A signed Data Sharing Agreement. It provides data sharing instructions and clarifies the role of the PTC and the City in collecting, maintaining and sharing data as required.
Additional Documents
Sole-Proprieter or Partnership
- Original Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check and two pieces of government issued ID must be provided for each person listed on the PTC Form
- A copy of the provincial business name registration
- Ontario business location/address
Partnerships must also provide
- A copy of the Partnership Agreement, a dated letter signed by both partners confirming the details of the partnership.
Additional Documents for Corporations
- PTC Application Form listing all officers and directors of the applicant and a description of the legal relationship between multiple companies if they act together as a PTC. Original criminal background check and two pieces of government issued ID must be provided for each person listed on the PTC Form
- A copy of Articles of Incorporation and, if there has been a change to the list of officers and directors, a current Corporate Profile Report.
- A copy of the provincial business name registration or signed franchise agreement
- Ontario business location/address
If no president, director or officer of the corporation is able to apply in person at the Licence and Permit Issuing Office, a designate may apply on their behalf. In addition to the items identified above, the delegate must also provide:
- An original letter advising of their signing authority on the corporation letterhead
- Two pieces of their own government issued ID
If the delegate cannot provide original government issued ID for each person listed on the PTC Application Form, then the delegate may submit notarized photocopies.
Application and Other Fees
Application Fee
Application fee of $23,484.95 needs to be paid in person by certified cheque, addressed to “Treasurer, City of Toronto Treasurer.”
Other Fees
A trip fee of $0.33 and the Accessibility Fund Program fee of $0.10 will be charged for every trip taken through the PTC.
The PTC company is also responsible for submitting the following fees annually to the City on behalf of its drivers:
- $16.94 per driver
- $7.99 Accessibility Fund Program fee (per application or renewal)
Learn more about the Accessibility Fund Program and how it will support the availability of accessible service and offset the higher cost of providing wheelchair accessible service.
Criminal Record & Judicial Matters Check
Screening Criteria
The City shall deny an application for, or a renewal, for all businesses required to be licenced under this chapter that has:
- Been convicted at any time of a sexual offence against a minor or a person with a disability under any of sections 151 to 153.1 of the Criminal Code;
- Been convicted of any sexual offence under the Criminal Code in the preceding ten years;
- Been convicted of an offence under the following Criminal Code sections in the preceding five years:
- 84 to 117.15 (Firearms and Other Weapons);
- 264.1 to 286.1 (Offences Against the Person);
- 321 to 378 (Offences Against Rights of Property);
- 379 to 462 (Fraudulent Transactions, Wilful and Forbidden Acts of Certain Property, Offences Relating to Currency);
- 462.3 to 462.5 (Proceeds of Crime).
- Been convicted at any time of an offence under the following Criminal Code sections:
- 83.01 to 83.33 (Terrorism);
- 219 to 248 (Major Offences Against the Person);
- 267, 268, 270.01, 272, 273 (Major Assaults or Major Sexual Assaults).
- Been convicted of an offence under the following Controlled Drugs and Substances Act sections in the preceding ten years:
- 5 (Trafficking);
- 6 (Importing and exporting);
- 7 (Production);
- 7.1 (Possession for use in production or trafficking).
- Been convicted of any offence under section 4 (Possession or obtaining) of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act in the preceding five years;
- Been convicted of five or more offences under Chapter 545 or 546 of the Toronto Municipal Code in the preceding three years;
- Any overdue by-law fines, unless the applicant provides proof that such fines have been subsequently paid.
Despite these screening criteria, if a licence has been previously issued or renewed and the applicant’s or licensee’s record discloses no new breach of the screening criteria, the licence may be issued or renewed without the matter being referred to the Toronto Licensing Tribunal.
These screening criteria do not apply to any offence for which a licensee or applicant has been granted a criminal record suspension (i.e. a pardon) by the Parole Board of Canada.
What Happens After You Apply
Participate in PTC data sharing test phase
Once your application and payment have been accepted, staff will coordinate a test phase with the PTC. The PTC must demonstrate its technological ability to maintain and produce records required by the City.
The Data Sharing Agreement provides information on data sharing with the City, file content and electronic formats for exchange and clarifies the role of the PTC and the City in collecting, maintaining and sharing data as required.
PTC Business Licence is issued
Once the PTC successfully passes the data sharing test phase, the City will issue a PTC business licence.
When it begins operating, the PTC will be required to share individual driver and vehicle data (vehicle information such as make, model, year, etc) files for review before individuals can provide services as PTC drivers.
When approved, PTC driver licences will be issued electronically to be distributed by the PTC to its drivers.
Safety Standards Certificate
Based on the type of vehicle being registered, companies are responsible for submitting a Standard Safety Certificate (SSC) or an Annual Inspection Certificate (AIC) on behalf of PTC drivers.
An SSC or AIC is issued following an inspection by a Motor Vehicle Inspection Station (MVIS) garage operator, licensed by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation.
The SSC or AIC cannot be more than 36 days old at time of submission.
Safety Standards Certificate Submission Dates
- Safety Standards Certificate (SSC) or Annual Inspection Certificate (AIC) needs to be submitted once a year.
- SSC or AIC can be submitted up to 30 days before the submission date, but can’t be more than 36 days old at time of submission.
- Keep a hard copy of all SSCs and AICs in the vehicle.
If SCC or AIC is not provided within seven days of its due date, your business licence can be suspended.
Licence Renewal Information