The City of Toronto is planning to reconstruct the road and replace the City-owned portion of substandard water services on Knox Avenue between Eastern Avenue and Lake Shore Boulevard East.
As part of the upcoming work, the City will be making improvements to increase safety and connectivity for all road users. The work includes:
The roadwork provides an opportunity to improve safety for all road users and create a connection between the existing multi-use trail on Lake Shore Boulevard East and the existing Knox Avenue contra-flow bike lane north of Eastern Avenue.
As part of the City’s Council-approved Cycling Network Plan, this project connects gaps in the existing cycling network, better connecting people to places.
The construction area, illustrated below is Knox Avenue from Easter Avenue to Lake Shore Boulevard East.
On April 7, 2022, City Council adopted agenda item IE28.7, which included the authorization to install the bikeway connection on Knox Avenue, between Eastern Avenue and Lake Shore Boulevard East.
From February 8 and 28, 2022, feedback was gathered from stakeholder meetings and emails from members of the public.
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