A wayfinding system enables people to orient themselves and navigate from place to place with confidence. Wayfinding is more than signs – it includes the consistent use and presentation of information such as landmarks, neighbourhoods, destinations and connections that help residents and visitors navigate a city.

Image of wayfinding sign on the corner of an intersection and a map of the wayfinding system. TO360 is unified multi-modal wayfinding signage system delivered by the city and its project partners.

The Project

The Toronto 360 (“TO360”) Wayfinding project is a pedestrian wayfinding system which is a central component of the City’s ambition to make Toronto a more walkable, welcoming and understandable place for visitors and residents alike. TO360 provides consistent wayfinding information through a unified signage and mapping system delivered by the City and project partners.

Wayfinding information is communicated through a variety of touch points such as physical signage, handheld maps and digital media

Project Phases

The City launched the project in 2011 with the development of a wayfinding system strategy for Toronto.

Following the successful completion of a pilot project in the downtown core, TO360 is now being implemented across the city. With our project partners, the following deliverables are targeted for completion by the end of 2019:

  • City-wide base mapping
  • Detailed mapping to support on-street sign installations
  • 225 on-street signs
  • Updated wayfinding at 360 Bikeshare station locations
  • Toronto Visitor Map update
  • Toronto Cycle Map update

The first image is of wayfinding map near mount pleasant. The second image is a wayfinding sign with pedestrians in the background. The third image is of a lady pointing at TTC wayfinding map in a transit shelter.

Project Framework

A number of themes have been adopted through the detailed design and implementation process to ensure that system delivery is consistent with the project vision. The themes were informed by stakeholder consultation activities and by international best practices tailored to the context of Toronto.


Consistency – Consistency of wayfinding content and presentation is fundamental for effective wayfinding

Inclusivity – The wayfinding system should cater to the needs of all user types

Sustainability – Consideration of full life cycle costing and adaptability to change

Transition – Connecting places and facilitating third party input to enable people to move seamlessly from one mode, system or area to another

Local Identity – Celebrating and promoting the city and its districts. Empowering community input and participation.







Stats on the pre and post pilot project improvements to finding your way around, making informed choices, new and interesting locations or attractions, and feeling comfortable walking by foot in local areas. Signage Rating Improvements (Pre and Post Pilot Project) 61%>89% find your way around. 39%>83% make informed choices about walking. 44%>82% learn about new and interesting locations or attractions. 91%>98% feel comfortable walking by foot in local areas

The Benefits

TO360 benefits residents, visitors and businesses alike.

Wayfinding programs such as TO360 help residents and visitors orient themselves, connect places and neighbourhoods, and navigate the city with ease. They can increase confidence in walking, reduce walking times, help with route planning, and make transit connections easier.

Wayfinding makes sense for businesses as well. TO360 maps encourage exploration of the city’s many neighbourhoods and attractions, which in turn can increase visitors at key attractions and boost the local economy.

The creation of a multi-modal system is a goal of the City’s Walking Strategy. Wayfinding programmes encourage people to include walking as part of their journey, reducing pressure on the transportation infrastructure and making cites more healthy, vibrant places to live and work.

Pilot Project Evaluation

The City conducted independent pre- and post-implementation surveys of the pilot project to evaluate the benefits of TO360 for Toronto. Respondents were asked to rate wayfinding signage in the pilot area based on a number of factors. The results of the surveys were positive and paved the way for city-wide implementation.