City Council, at its meeting of February 29 and March 1 and 2, 2000, adopted a new Road Classification System to consolidate and replace the various road classification systems inherited from Toronto’s seven former municipalities. The Transportation Services Division, through its consultation with staff, Councillors and the public was able to develop the Road Classification System, which is described in the document entitled City of Toronto’s Road Classification System – Summary Document.
This document provides background information, the purpose, and development of the road classification system. It includes a brief description of each of the five road classifications. Also, the document describes the traffic operation and road operation policies in conjunction with Road Classification System and makes recommendations regarding the respective roles of Community Councils and standing committees in dealing with these policies.
Two tables are included in the document Appendix 1, entitled Road Classification Criteria is a summary of the characteristics of the different road classes and has been developed to guide the classification of roads. Table 2 – Revised Road and Traffic Operations Decision Routing identifies the mechanism for City Council to consider various traffic issues in the context of road classification. The policies, decision routing and individual road classifications which comprise the road classification system came into effect with the 2001 City Council.
Other supporting and historical documentation can be found below.
Report to Works Committee, dated January 26, 2000, titled Road Classification – Review of Outstanding Issues and Proposed Classifications (All Wards) that reviews a number of policy issues and review of proposed road classification on particular streets throughout the City of Toronto.
Appendix 1: Relevant Committee Decisions, includes both Works Committee and Community Council decisions
Appendix 2: Road Classification Reviews, contains all street sections for which City Councillors, Community Councils and others have requested reviews of classifications.
Appendix 3: Road Classification System – A Consolidated Report, is a freestanding report on the road classification system and road and traffic operation decision making.
Appendix 4: Classification of City Streets – June 2000, a listing of all City-owned streets which are classified as expressway, major and minor arterial and collector.
Report to Works Committee, dated May 10, 2000, titled Review of Specific Road Classifications that reviews a number of outstanding road classifications resulting from City Council’s decision on this matter.
Contains the report to Public Works Infrastructure Committee, dated May 2, 2007, titled Road Classification System Update that seeks approval from City Council to amend the current Road Classification System.
Appendix 1: Road Classification Criteria – a summary table of the characteristics of the different road classes and has been developed to guide the classification of roads.
Appendix 2: Recommended changes are contained in the table entitled “Road Classification Update – Table of Changes”.
Appendix 3: City Council decision, at its meeting of June 19, 20 and 22, 2007.
Appendix 4: Classification of City Streets 2007, a listing of all City-owned streets which are classified as expressway, major and minor arterial and collector.
The report “Delegation of Certain Matters to Community Councils” (Report EX2.5) as adopted by City Council at its meeting on February 5, 6, 7 and 8, 2007 and updated August 9, 2007 to reflect O. Reg. 447/07.
Appendix 1: Table 1, “Enforcement and Exemptions to City By-laws and Policies in Certain Matters”, and Table 5 “Matters Delegated to Community Councils Pending Provincial Regulations” describe the applicable decision routing.
Appendix 2: City Council decision, at its meeting of February 5, 6, 7 and 8, 2007 and updated August 9, 2007.
Contains the report to Public Works Infrastructure Committee, dated October 20, 2012, titled Road Classification System Update, that seeks approval from City Council to amend the current Road Classification System.
Appendix 1: Road Classification Criteria – a summary table of the characteristics of the different road classes.
Appendix 2: Relevant changes are contained in the table entitled “Road Classification Update – Table of Changes”.
Appendix 3: City Council decision, at its meeting of November 27, 28 and 29, 2012.
Appendix 4: Classification of City Streets 2012, a listing of all City-owned streets which are classified as expressway, major and minor arterial and collector.
Contains the report to Public Works Infrastructure Committee, dated March 26, 2018, titled Road Classification System Update, that seeks approval from City Council to amend the current Road Classification System.
Appendix 1: Road Classification Criteria – a summary table of the characteristics of the different road classes.
Appendix 2: Relevant changes are contained in the table entitled Road Classification Update – Table of Changes.
Appendix 3: City Council decision, at its meeting of April 24, 25, 26 and 27, 2018.
Appendix 4: Classification of City Streets 2018, a listing of all City-owned streets which are classified as expressway, major and minor arterial and collector.