The North St. Lawrence Market Redevelopment will take place in three phases with some activities happening concurrently. An overview of the phases and the timeline for each of the activities is available below. Progress updates are available throughout the project.

Design and construction of the temporary North St. Lawrence Market Building at 125 The Esplanade was completed in June 2015 and opened for business in July 2015.

Phase 2 included demolition of the existing North Market Building at 92 Front St. E., including an archaeological assessment. The assessment was comprised of the following four stages:

Stage 1: Background study and property inspection

Determined whether there was potential for archaeological sites through a review of geographical and historical information.

Stage 2: Property assessment

Conducted a field examination of the site to identify any archaeological sites or structures, and determined whether any archaeological resources found are of sufficient historical value or interest to require Stage 3 assessment.

Stage 3: Site-specific assessment

Determined the size of the archaeological site or structure, evaluated its historical value or interest and, where necessary, made recommendations to help preserve it.

Stage 4: Mitigation of development impacts

Determined and implemented strategies for conserving any archaeological sites or structures that are of historical value or interest.

  • The Stage 1 Archaeological Background Study was completed in October 2006.
  • The Stage 2 and 3 assessments were completed in September 2015; structures and artifacts from the 1831, 1951 and 1904 markets were discovered.
  • Due to these significant archaeological findings, a Stage 4 archeological assessment was required. This assessment was completed following demolition of the existing North Market building.
  • Demolition of existing North St. Lawrence Market building and the Stage 4 archaeological assessment began July 2016.

Phase 3 includes design and construction of the new North St. Lawrence Market building. The Design Development Stage of the new North Market Building has been completed. The project is currently under construction. Scheduled milestones are as follows:

  • November 2018: Construction Tender Call
  • March 2019: Construction Contract Award
  • July 2019: Contractor mobilized on site
  • Summer 2023: Construction Completion (subject to progress by the contractor)