With an ambitious target to reduce community-wide greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2040, the City is greening its own operations.

Transforming City Buildings & Facilities

Powering buildings with renewable energy and undertaking deep retrofits to reach net zero.

Sustainable City Fleets

Transitioning the City's fleets to electric and zero emission vehicles.

Waste Management

Waste management initiatives at City-owned facilities divert waste from landfills, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save money.

Corporate Goals (2030)

  • City of Toronto corporate greenhouse gas emissions are reduced by 65 per cent over 2008 base year
  • All City Agency, Corporation and Division-owned new developments are designed and constructed to applicable Toronto Green Standard Version 4 standard achieving zero carbon emissions, beginning in 2022
  • Greenhouse gas emissions from City-owned buildings are reduced by 60 per cent from 2008 levels. By 2040, City-owned buildings reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions.
  • All City-owned facilities achieve zero waste
  • Generate and utilize 1.5 Million Gigajoules of energy from biogas 
  • Approximately 107,700 tonnes CO2e per year are reduced through Organics Processing with Renewable Energy and Landfill Gas Utilization 
  • Fifty per cent of the City-owned fleet is transitioned to zero-emissions vehicles
  • Fifty per cent of the TTC bus fleet is zero-emissions 
  • Greenhouse gas emissions from food the City of Toronto procures are reduced by 25 per cent