With an ambitious target to reduce community-wide greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2040, the City is greening its own operations.
Corporate Goals (2030)
- City of Toronto corporate greenhouse gas emissions are reduced by 65 per cent over 2008 base year
- All City Agency, Corporation and Division-owned new developments are designed and constructed to applicable Toronto Green Standard Version 4 standard achieving zero carbon emissions, beginning in 2022
- Greenhouse gas emissions from City-owned buildings are reduced by 60 per cent from 2008 levels. By 2040, City-owned buildings reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions.
- All City-owned facilities achieve zero waste
- Generate and utilize 1.5 Million Gigajoules of energy from biogas
- Approximately 107,700 tonnes CO2e per year are reduced through Organics Processing with Renewable Energy and Landfill Gas Utilization
- Fifty per cent of the City-owned fleet is transitioned to zero-emissions vehicles
- Fifty per cent of the TTC bus fleet is zero-emissions
- Greenhouse gas emissions from food the City of Toronto procures are reduced by 25 per cent