Help us make Toronto greener. Take the neighbourhood outreach survey (opens in new window) to share your input by April 11.


The City continues to develop and implement innovative policies and programs and inspire the community to address climate change and make Toronto one of the most environmentally sustainable cities in the world.


The TransformTO Net Zero Strategy outlines a path to reduce community-wide greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2040.

Greening City Operations

Find out how the City is working to reduce our environmental footprint and operating costs.

Environmental Plans & Reports

Learn about the reports, plans, policies and research that are making Toronto cleaner, greener and more sustainable.

Becoming a Climate-Ready Toronto

Building Toronto's climate resilience is essential to helping our city adapt to the impacts of climate change.

District Energy

Learn how the City is using thermal energy distribution systems for multiple buildings at the neighbourhood scale.

Community Energy Planning

An infrastructure planning process that integrates local energy solutions for buildings and neighbourhoods.

About the Climate Crisis

Learn about the climate crisis, what it means for Toronto and what you can do to help.