The Ashbridges Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant (ABTP) is one of four sewage treatment plants operated by the City of Toronto. Located at 9 Leslie St. in Toronto’s east end, Ashbridges Bay is one of Canada’s largest, and oldest wastewater treatment plants. The plant provides sewage treatment for wastewater collected from residents and businesses that are within its servicing boundaries.

Ashbridges Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant has two committees:

  • Neighbourhood Liaison Committee (NLC)
  • Implementation & Compliance Monitoring Committee (ICMC)

Annual Compliance Report:

A Neighbourhood Liaison Committee (NLC) has been formed to provide interested residents and businesses an opportunity to discuss plant issues with City of Toronto staff. Committee members also have the opportunity to provide input on issues related to the plant that could affect the surrounding community, such as proposed changes to the facility.

Terms of Reference

Read the NLC Terms of Reference from the 1999 Mediation Agreement.

Mandate of the Committee

  • The mandate of the MTP NLC shall be to act as a public liaison committee that will:
    • review and provide input, advice, and make recommendations on plant operations, any proposed use or development of the MTP Site and any EA implementation issues that may have a direct impact on the community in the vicinity of the MTP, including the environment, recreational waters and lake quality, and including those issues set out in Resolution #9 to the MTP EA Mediation Agreement;
    • develop criteria for evaluating proposed uses or developments on the MTP Site;
    • act as a liaison facilitating two way communications between the community and the City of Toronto with respect to issues relating to the MTP; and
    • act as a liaison facilitating two way communications between the MTP NLC and the MTP EA Implementation and Compliance Monitoring Committee (ICMC) with respect to any implementation or compliance issues of concern to the community in the vicinity of the MTP.
  • The NLC may from time to time recommend modifications to its Terms of Reference that are consistent with its general purpose and where any such recommendations are accepted by City Council, these Terms of Reference shall be so modified.

Committee Membership

2.1 Membership of the MTP NLC shall include:

  • residents living near the plant
  • service area residents
  • representatives from: Citizens for a Safe Environment; The Public Committee For Safe Sewage Treatment in Metropolitan Toronto; the Lakeside Area Neighbourhood Association; Ashbridges Bay Watershed Council; and other Non- governmental Organizations based in the vicinity of the MTP
  • representatives of local businesses/developers and recreational water users
  • local political representatives

Committee Procedures and Co-Chairs

  • The NLC shall establish its own procedures, consistent with its mandate.
  • The NLC shall annually elect from among its members two volunteer co-chairs who shall be responsible for the conduct of the NLC meetings. As an interim measure, Karen Buck and Karey Shinn shall be the co-chairs until March 2000.

Committee Decision Making Method

The Committee shall use the consensus model for decision making, wherever possible. In the event that a vote is necessary, each member shall have one vote.

Committee Meetings

  • The committee will meet at least once a year, every year, for the life of the plant.
  • The committee shall establish such other meeting schedule as it considers appropriate to fulfill its mandate.
  • All meetings shall be open to the public and in a location convenient to the community.
  • Meeting dates will be set to co-ordinate with the schedule of Works and Utilities Committee.

Committee Resources

The City will provide all necessary resources to the Committee,including:

  • staff time and administrative support for preparation of minutes, recommendations and reports from the NLC;
  • senior management attendance at committee meetings;
  • status reports on relevant matters from City staff;
  • timely responses to fulfill reasonable information requests;
  • reasonable budget to fulfill mandate; and
  • meeting locations.

Reporting Structure

The Committee will report to Works and Utilities Committee, through the Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services. Copies of minutes from all meetings and any recommendations/input will go to:

  • Director of Water Pollution Control;
  • Works and Utilities Committee or other appropriate standing committee;
  • Plant Manager at the MTP;
  • the MTP EA Implementation and Compliance Monitoring Committee (ICMC); and
  • any member of the community who requests them.
  • Recommendations and input from the NLC will be integrated by City Staff into any relevant reports (departmental, committee and other).

The Committee will be provided with relevant written and/or oral feedback on its input.

Term of the Committee

The MTP Neighbourhood Liaison Committee shall be continued by the City in accordance with these Terms of Reference unless a subsequent EA Approval modifies this requirement.

Meeting Minutes:

Meeting 2017

Date: June 21, 2017
Location: Mennonite New Life Centre, 1774 Queen St. E.

Meeting 104

Date: June 17, 2013
Location: Mennonite New Life Centre,1774 Queen St. E.

For meetings prior to 2012, please contact 

The former municipality of Metropolitan Toronto submitted the Main Treatment Plant Environmental Assessment (MTP EA) to the Minister of the Environment for approval under the Environmental Assessment Act in December 1997.

The purpose of the Environmental Assessment (EA) was to establish a plan to meet future wastewater needs in the service area to the year 2011 and to improve the effectiveness of the MTP at reducing environmental impacts.

There were nine individuals or groups who requested that the Minister impose a hearing and/or mediation to address their concerns related to the EA.

Through twenty four mediation sessions, the Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant Environmental Assessment’s Mediation Agreement was developed. The City, public and non-governmental organizations reached agreements in April 1999 and signed the Mediation Agreement.

In the Mediation Agreement, provision was made for the creation of the Implementation and Compliance Monitoring Committee, more commonly known as the ICMC. The Terms of Reference for the ICMC are contained in Resolution #10 of the Mediation Agreement.

The overall purpose of the ICMC is to provide public input to the City relating to the implementation of the EA Approval. Since 2012, the ICMC has been meeting to provide information, discuss and receive comments relating to projects resulting from the approved EA Undertakings. These EA Approved Undertaking projects include a new effluent pumping station, an ultraviolet disinfection system and outfall pipe at Ashbridges Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Winter 2017-2018, construction of a new outfall will begin on the south area of the Plant property.

Read the Pre-Construction Notice.

Read other construction notices in the area.