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The new City-wide Zoning By-law 569-2013 was enacted on May 9, 2013. It has been appealed under section 34(19) of the Planning Act. Even though it is under appeal, the City's Chief Building Official and the Committee of Adjustment will apply the new By-law to applications filed after its enactment. Please consult with your advisors to determine whether the new by-law has any impact.
Amendments to By-law 569-2013 have been incorporated into this office consolidation. The original by-law and its amendments are with the City Clerk's office.
Zoning By-law No. 569-2013, as
amended (office consolidation),
is available in PDF format from the
Zoning By-law 569-2013 homepage
City of Toronto Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended (Office Consolidation)
Version Date: July 31, 2023 - Including City-wide Amendments up to April 1, 2024
Table of Contents

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Chapter 1Administration
Chapter 2Compliance with this By-law
Chapter 5Regulations Applying to all Zones
Chapter 10Residential
Chapter 15Residential Apartment
Chapter 30Commercial
Chapter 40Commercial Residential
Chapter 50Commercial Residential Employment
Chapter 60Employment Industrial
Chapter 80Institutional
Chapter 90Open Space
Chapter 100Utility and Transportation
Chapter 150Specific Use Regulations
Chapter 200Parking Space Regulations
200.5Regulations Applying to Parking Spaces
200.5.10Parking Rates Rate Exemptions
200.5.200Parking Exemptions Applying to All Zones Residential Zone Category
200.10Regulations Applying to Visitor Parking Spaces
200.15Regulations Applying to Accessible Parking Spaces
200.20Regulations Applying to Parking Spaces for Heritage Buildings
200.25Compliance with Parking Space Regulations
Chapter 220Loading Space Regulations
Chapter 230Bicycle Parking Space Regulations
Chapter 280Special Districts - Downtown
Chapter 300Special Districts - Centres
Chapter 400Special Districts - Avenues
Chapter 500Special Districts - Heritage
Chapter 600Regulations for Overlay Zones
Chapter 800Definitions
Chapter 900Site Specific Exceptions
Chapter 970Appendices
Chapter 990Zoning By-law Map
Chapter 995Overlay Maps

Chapter 200 Parking Space Regulations

200.5 Regulations Applying to Parking Spaces

200.5.1 General

(1)Application of This Section
The regulations in Section 200.5 apply to all parking spaces and drive aisles.
(2)Requirement to Provide Parking Spaces
Parking spaces must be provided collectively for each use on a lot in an amount that complies with the regulations in Chapter 200 Parking Space Regulations.
(3)Drive Aisle Width
The following are the minimum drive aisle widths:
(A)If the centreline of a parking space is at an interior angle of 70 to 90 degrees to the centreline of the drive aisle
providing vehicle access, the minimum width for that one or two lane drive aisle is 6.0 metres; [ By-law: 420-2023 ]
(B)If the centreline of a parking space is at an interior angle from 50 to less than 70 degrees to the centreline of the drive aisle providing vehicle access, the minimum width for that drive aisle is 5.5 metres for each aisle; [ By-law: 0559-2014 (OMB PL130592) ]
(C)If the centreline of a parking space is at an interior angle of less than 50 degrees from the centreline of the drive aisle providing vehicle access, the minimum width for that drive aisle is 4.0 metres for each aisle. [ By-law: 0559-2014 (OMB PL130592) ]
(4)Reduction of Drive Aisle Width for Outdoor Patios
Despite regulations 200.5.1(3)(A), (B) and (C) above, the required width of a drive aisle may be reduced for the purpose of an outdoor patio, provided the parking space that is exclusively accessed by that drive aisle is occupied by an outdoor patio. [ By-law: 1153-2023 ] Interpretation

(1)Application of Parking Space Rates in Parking Zones A and B
A lot located entirely or partly within Parking Zone A or Parking Zone B on the Parking Zone Overlay Map is subject to the following:
(A)if the buildings on the lot cover at least 50 percent of the area located within 40 metres of the lot line that abuts the street in the Parking Zone, the parking space rates for uses in that Parking Zone apply to the entire lot; and
(B)in cases other than (A) above, the applicable parking space rate for a use is the parking space requirements for uses not located in Parking Zone A or Parking Zone B. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]
(2)Parking Space Dimensions - Minimum
A parking space is subject to the following:
(A)A parking space must have the following minimum dimensions:
(i)length of 5.6 metres;
(ii)width of 2.6 metres;
(iii)vertical clearance of 2.0 metres; and
(iv)the minimum width in (ii) must be increased by 0.3 metres for each side of the parking space that is obstructed according to (D) below;
(B)For a parking space accessed by a drive aisle with a width of less than 6.0 metres, whether it is a one-way or two-way drive aisle, the minimum dimensions of a parking space are:
(i)length - 5.6 metres;
(ii)width - 2.9 metres;
(iii)vertical clearance - 2.0 metres; and
(iv)the minimum width in (ii) must be increased by 0.3 metres if one or both sides of the parking space is obstructed according to (D) below;
(C)The minimum dimensions of a parking space that is adjacent and parallel to a drive aisle from which vehicle access is provided are:
(i)length - 6.7 metres;
(ii)width - 2.6 metres;
(iii)vertical clearance - 2.0 metres; and
(iv)the minimum width in (ii) must be increased by 0.3 metres for each side of the parking space that is obstructed according to (D) below; and
(D)The side of a parking space is obstructed if any part of a fixed object such as a wall, column, bollard, fence or pipe is situated:
(i)within 0.3 metres of the side of the parking space, measured at right angles, and
(ii)more than 1.0 metre from the front or rear of the parking space.
(E)Equipment for the charging of one electric vehicle is permitted within a parking space, subject to the equipment being located in the same parking space as the vehicle to be charged and:
(i)being within 0.25 metres of two adjoining sides of the parking space which are not adjacent and parallel to a drive aisle from which vehicle access is provided, measured at right angles; or
(ii)being at least 5.35 metres from a drive aisle from which vehicle access is provided, measured at right angles, and at least 1.0 metre from the ground. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]
(3)Parking Space Dimensions - Maximum
The maximum dimensions for a parking space are:
(A)length of 6.0 metres
(B)width of 3.2 metres
(4)Vertical Clearance of a Parking Space
The minimum vertical clearance for a parking space extends over the entire length and width of the parking space, excluding a wheel stop with a height of less than 18.0 centimetres.
(5)Tandem Parking Spaces
A required parking space may not be a tandem parking space, except when it is required for a secondary suite, group home or duplex building.
(6)Tandem Parking Space Minimum Dimensions
A tandem parking space must have the following minimum dimensions:
(A)length of 5.6 metres;
(B)width of 2.6 metres;
(C)vertical clearance of 2.0 metres.
(7)Calculation of Required and Permitted Parking Spaces - Vacant Building Space
The minimum and maximum parking space rates for an area of a building that is vacant is calculated as follows:
(A)the previous use of that building or part of the building;
(B)the land use identified on the issued building permit; or
(C)if a building or part of a building has never been used, and its intended use has never been identified in a building permit, the parking space requirement is based on the permitted use in the zone that has the highest maximum parking space requirement. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]
(8)Calculation of Parking Space Requirement
If a parking space rate is expressed as a ratio of parking spaces to the gross floor area, the parking space requirement for a use is calculated by multiplying the gross floor area of the use by the applicable rate found in Table Parking Space Rates. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]
(9)Calculation of Parking Space Requirements - Rounding
If the calculation of the number of required parking spaces results in a number with a fraction, the number is rounded down to the nearest whole number, but there may not be less than one parking space.
(10)Parking Space to be Clearly Marked
All parking spaces required for a non-residential use must be clearly identified and marked.
(11)Parking Space Calculation -Gross Floor Area Exclusion
The interior floor area of that portion of a building used exclusively for heating, cooling, ventilation, electrical, fire emergency stairwells, elevator shafts, atriums, utility areas, storage areas in the basement, parking space, loading space, or a drive aisle used to access a parking space or loading space, is not included in the gross floor area for the purpose of calculating parking space requirements.
(12)Vehicle Access to Building - Non-residential and Apartment Parking Area
If an apartment building, mixed use building or a building with non-residential uses, has an area for parking two or more vehicles:
(A)the vehicle entrance and exit for a two-way driveway into and out of the building must have a minimum width of 5.5 metres;
(B)the vehicle entrance or exit for a one-way driveway into or out of the building must have a minimum width of 3.5 metres; and
(C)in (A) and (B) above, the vehicle entrance or exit to the building must be at least 6.0 metres from the lot line abutting the street.
(13)Parking Space Access
Other than stacked parking space and tandem parking spaces, all areas used for parking spaces must have driveway access to a street or lane that is direct and unobstructed, excluding a gate, moveable barrier or similar security feature. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]
(14)Electric Vehicle Infrastructure
Parking spaces must be equipped with an energized outlet, which is clearly marked and identified for electric vehicle charging, in accordance with the following:
(A)all residential parking spaces provided for dwelling units located in an apartment building, mixed use building, "multiple dwelling unit building", detached house, semi-detached house, townhouse, duplex, triplex, fourplex, or for a secondary suite or laneway suite, excluding visitor parking spaces, must include an energized outlet capable of providing Level 2 charging or higher to the parking space; and
(B)in cases other than those set out in (A) above, 25 percent of the residential and non-residential parking spaces in a building must include an energized outlet capable of providing Level 2 charging or higher. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]

200.5.10 Parking Rates General

(1)Parking Space Rates
Off street parking spaces must be provided for every building or structure erected or enlarged, in compliance with Table - Parking Space Rates below: [ By-law: 89-2022 ]



Land Use Category
Parking Rate
Resident Requirement for a Dwelling unit in an: Apartment Building, Assisted Housing or a Mixed Use Building
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Parking Zone A (PZA) at a maximum rate of:
(i) 0.3 for each bachelor dwelling unit up to
45 square metres and 1.0 for each bachelor dwelling
unit greater than 45 square metres; and
(ii) 0.5 for each one bedroom dwelling unit; and
(iii) 0.8 for each two bedroom dwelling unit; and
(iv) 1.0 for each three or more bedroom dwelling
unit; and
(B) in Parking Zone B (PZB) at a maximum rate of:
(i) 0.7 for each bachelor dwelling unit up to
45 square metres and 1.0 for each bachelor dwelling
unit greater than 45 square metres; and
(ii) 0.8 for each one bedroom dwelling unit; and
(iii) 0.9 for each two bedroom dwelling unit; and
(iv) 1.1 for each three or more bedroom dwelling
unit; and
(C) in all other areas of the City, at a maximum rate
(i) 0.8 for each bachelor dwelling unit up to
45 square metres and 1.0 for each bachelor dwelling
unit greater than 45 square metres; and
(ii) 0.9 for each one bedroom dwelling unit; and
(iii) 1.0 for each two bedroom dwelling unit; and
(iv) 1.2 for each three or more bedroom dwelling
Resident Requirement for a Dwelling Unit in a: Detached House, Semi-detached House, Townhouse, Duplex, Triplex or Fourplex
Resident Requirement for a Dwelling Unit in a Multiple Dwelling Unit Buildings
Parking spaces must be provided at a maximum rate of 1.0 for each dwelling unit.
Secondary Suite
Resident Requirement for a Dwelling Room in a Multi-tenant House
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Policy Area 1 (PA1), Policy Area 2 (PA2), Policy Area 3 (PA3) and Policy Area 4 (PA4) at a minimum rate of 0 for each dwelling room;
(B) in the shaded area on Diagram 2 of By-law 156-2023, but not included in (A) above, at a minimum rate of 0 for each dwelling room; and
(C) in all other areas of the City at a minimum rate of 0.34 for each dwelling room.
Visitor Requirement:
For a dwelling unit in an Apartment Building, a Mixed Use Building, and/or a Multiple Dwelling Unit Building
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Parking Zone A (PZA) at a minimum rate of 2.0 plus 0.01 per dwelling unit;
(B) in Parking Zone B (PZB) and in all other areas of the City, at a minimum rate of 2.0 plus 0.05 per
dwelling unit; and
(C) at a maximum rate of 1.0 per dwelling unit for the first five (5) dwelling units; and
(D) at a maximum rate of 0.1 per dwelling unit for the sixth and subsequent dwelling units.
Tier 1:
Alternative Housing, Group Home, Hospice Care Home, Nursing Home, Religious Residence, Retirement
Home, Respite Care Facility and
Seniors Community House
Parking spaces must be provided at a maximum rate of 0.5 for each bed-sitting room or dwelling unit.
Tier 2:
Adult Education School, Animal
Shelter, Art Gallery, Clinic
(medical), Community Centre, Court of Law, Day Nursery, Education Use, Hospital, Hotel, Kennel, Laboratory, Motel, Museum, Office (Excluding Medical Office), Performing Arts Studio, Post-Secondary School, Private School, Production Studio, Public School, Recreation Use, Religious Educational Use, Self-Storage Warehouse, Software Development and Processing, Vehicle Dealership, Veterinary Hospital
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Parking Zone A (PZA) at a maximum rate of 0.8 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area;
(B) in Parking Zone B (PZB) at a maximum rate of 1.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area;
(C) in all other areas of the City, at a maximum rate of 3.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor
Tier 3:
Crisis Care Shelter, Municipal
Shelter, Residential Care Home
Parking spaces must be provided at a maximum rate of 1.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor
Tier 4:
Adult Entertainment, Ambulance Depot, Amusement Arcade, Artist Studio, Billiard Hall, Bowling Alley, Bus Station, Cabaret, Cemetery, Club, Contractor's Establishment, Eating Establishment, Entertainment Place of Assembly, Financial Institution, Fire Hall, Funeral Home, Gaming Establishment, Golf Course, Grocery Store, Industrial Sales and Service,  Industrial Skills Training, Library, Manufacturing Uses, Medical Office, Nightclub, Park, Personal Service Shop, Pet Services, Place of Assembly, Place of Worship, Police
Station, Pool Hall, Railway Service and Repair Yard; Railway Station, Retail Service, Retail Store, Service Shop, Vehicle Depot, Vehicle Fuel
Station, Vehicle Repair Shop,
Vehicle Service Shop, Visitation
Centre, Warehouse, Wholesaling Use
Parking spaces must be provided:
(A) in Parking Zone A (PZA) at a maximum rate of 3.5 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area;
(B) in Parking Zone B (PZB) at a maximum rate of 4.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor area;
(C) in all other areas of the City, at a maximum rate of 6.0 for each 100 square metres of gross floor
[ By-law: 89-2022 ]
(2)Provision of Parking Spaces
Parking spaces provided for each use may not be:
(A)less than the required minimum; or
(B)greater than the permitted maximum.
(3)Parking Space Rate Ancillary Uses
A use that is ancillary has the same parking space rate as the use to which it is ancillary.
(4)Parking Space Permission for Uses with No Parking Requirement
If a use is not required to provide parking spaces by Table of this By-law, parking spaces may be provided for that use if:
(A)the use is not listed on Table; [ By-law: 1429-2017 ]
(B)the parking spaces are used by the owner, occupant or visitors to the premises; and
(C)the number of parking spaces is not:
(i)less than the required minimum for all uses on the lot by Table; and
(ii)greater than the permitted maximum or all uses on the lot by Table
(5)Parking Space Rates - Multiple Uses on a Lot
If there are multiple uses on a lot, the respective minimum and maximum parking space rates for each use on the lot apply, and the total number of required parking spaces is the cumulative minimum total for all uses and the total number of permitted parking spaces is the cumulative maximum total for all uses. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]
(7)Interpretation of Minimum and Maximum Parking Space Requirement
If Table has a minimum and maximum number of parking spaces for a use, the number of parking spaces for that use listed on the Table may not:
(A)be less than the required minimum;
(B)exceed the permitted maximum; and
(C)if a minimum is not specified for a use, no parking spaces are required. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]
(8)Multiple Dwelling Unit Buildings Parking Rates
For calculating parking space requirements, a "multiple dwelling unit building" means two or more residential buildings, other than an apartment building, on lands where the driveway access to the buildings or to a parking area, is a common element over a "Parcel of Tied Land". For the purpose of this regulation, a "Parcel of Tied Land" has the meaning given to it in section 24 of Ontario Regulation 49/01 made under the Condominium Act, 1998, S.O. 1998,c.19, as amended.
(9)Assisted Housing Parking Rates
For the purposes of calculating parking space requirements, "assisted housing" means a dwelling unit operated by a non-profit organization or private sector organization in cooperation with the City of Toronto.
(10)Alternative Housing Parking Rates
For the purpose of calculating parking space requirements, "alternative housing" means a dwelling unit or bedsitting room owned and operated by or on behalf of the City of Toronto, or by a non-profit agency in cooperation with the City of Toronto or a private sector organization in cooperation with the City of Toronto.
(11)Reduction of Parking Spaces for Outdoor Patios
Despite regulations and and Table, an outdoor patio may occupy a required parking space, subject to the following:
(A)If it is not a parking space required for a residential occupant or is a required accessible parking space; and
(B)If the number of residential visitor parking spaces reduced is not more than half the amount required by regulations and and Table, rounded down to the nearest whole number. [ By-law: 1153-2023 ] Parking Rate Exemptions

(1)Parking Space Requirements for a Lawfully Existing Building
(A) If the lawful number of parking spaces for a lawfully existing building is less than the required number of parking spaces, the lawful number of parking spaces is the minimum number of parking spaces for that lawfully existing building;
(B)If the lawful number of parking spaces for a lawfully existing building is greater than the permitted maximum number of parking spaces, the lawful number of parking spaces is the maximum number of parking spaces for that lawfully existing building;
(C)The number of lawful parking spaces for a lawfully existing building may not be reduced. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]
(2)Parking Space Requirements - Addition or Extension of a Lawfully Existing Building
Any addition or extension to a lawfully existing building referred to in regulation must provide any additional parking space required by Clause, but no greater than the permitted maximum number of parking spaces for each use, unless authorized by a Section 45 Planning Act minor variance. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]
(3)Parking Space Requirement - Change of Use in a Lawfully Existing Building
If a lawfully existing building referred to in regulation changes use:
(A)the lawfully existing number of parking spaces may not be reduced; and
(B)any additional required parking spaces required by Clause must be provided or be authorized by a Section 45 Planning Act minor variance.
(4)Lawfully Existing Parking Space Located Off-Site
If the required parking spaces for lawful uses in a lawfully existing building are lawfully located on a lot that is not the same lot as the use for which the parking spaces are required:
(A)those lawful parking spaces may be provided on another lot for that lawfully existing building, if those lawful parking spaces are not reduced; and
(B)any addition or expansion to that building must comply with the parking requirements or be authorized by a Section 45 Planning Act minor variance.
(5)Definition of Lawful
For the purposes of Clauses, and, the words lawful and lawfully highlighted in bold type, in addition to the definitions provided in Zoning By-law 569-2013, Chapter 800 Definitions, includes:
(A) buildings, structures or uses authorized or permitted on or before February 3, 2022; and
(B) buildings, structures or uses authorized after February 3, 2022 in accordance with Clauses,, and [ By-law: 89-2022 ]

200.5.200 Parking Exemptions Exemptions Applying to All Zones

(1)Electric Vehicle Infrastructure for a Lawfully Existing Building
Regulation does not apply to a lawfully existing building that was not required to provide an energized outlet. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]
(2)Electric Vehicle Infrastructure - Addition or Extension of a Lawfully Existing Building
Any addition or extension to a lawfully existing building referred to in regulation must equip any additional parking space with an energized outlet required by regulation or be authorized by a Section 45 Planning Act minor variance. [ By-law: 89-2022 ]
(3)Electric Vehicle Infrastructure - Change of Use in a Lawfully Existing Building
If a lawfully existing building referred to in regulation changes use:
(A)the lawfully existing number of parking spaces equipped with an energized outlet may not be reduced; and
(B)any additional parking spaces must be equipped with an energized outlet required by regulation or be authorized by a Section 45 Planning Act minor variance. [ By-law: 89-2022 ] Commercial Residential Zone Category

(1)Parking Rates for Common Areas and Walkways in Commercial Malls
In the Commercial Residential Zone category, internal common areas and walkways located on the first storey of an enclosed commercial retail mall are required to provide parking spaces as follows:
(A)if the interior floor area of internal common areas and walkways on the first storey services retail stores and any other use; then the parking space requirement for retail stores applies to the interior floor area of the common areas and walkways; and
(B)if the interior floor area of internal common areas and walkways on the first storey services only one use; the parking space requirement for that use applies to the interior floor area of the common areas and walkways.
(2)Parking Rates for Public Common Areas and Walkways in Office Buildings
In the Commercial Residential Zone category internal common areas and walkways located on the first storey in an office building are required to provide parking spaces as follows:
(A)if the total interior floor area of all non-office uses on the first storey is greater than the total interior floor area of all office uses on the first storey, then the parking space requirement for the non-office use applies to the common areas and walkways; and
(B)if the total interior floor area of all office uses on the first storey is greater than the total interior floor area of all non-office uses on the first storey, then the parking space requirement for an office use applies to the common areas and walkways.
(3)Parking Space Requirements for Change of Non-residential Use
If a lot in the CR zone subject to Development Standard Set 2 (SS2) has a building constructed pursuant to a building permit issued on or before March 1, 1994, and the building covers a minimum of 75% of the lot area, for a change of non-residential uses in that building:
(A)no additional parking spaces are required for a non-residential use with a higher parking space requirement; and
(B)the number of parking spaces existing on the lot on March 1, 1994 or the number of parking spaces pursuant to the building permit may not be reduced for a non-residential use with a lower parking space requirement. [ By-law: 348-2021 ]

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