Provincial and federal decisions, policies and programs often have a profound effect on the City of Toronto. The Intergovernmental and Agency Relations (IAR) team works closely with the Government of Ontario and the Government of Canada to foster relationships of mutual respect and to promote ongoing consultation and cooperation needed to develop good public policy and ensure that provincial and federal initiatives benefit Toronto’s residents and businesses.
IAR also supports the City’s participation in regional, provincial, national, and international municipal organizations to advance common issues. Here are some of IAR’s activities:
- Draft or coordinate submissions to other governments on issues that affect Toronto
- Participate on committees, working groups, and other bodies to address intergovernmental priorities, such as the COVID-19 response and recovery, public transit and mobility, infrastructure, housing and homelessness, immigration, climate change and resilience
- Work with Toronto’s elected officials to participate in nongovernmental organizations like the Ontario Big City Mayors, Federation of Canadian Municipalities and Big City Mayors Caucus
- Work with the Province of Ontario through the Toronto-Ontario Cooperation and Consultation Agreement to ensure that both governments are working together to better achieve mutual objectives and more informed decision-making by exchanging input on broad policy matters of mutual interest and identifying the impacts of proposed changes in legislation, regulations, resolutions and by-laws
- Negotiate and advance key funding agreements between the City of Toronto, provincial and federal governments
- Author council and committee reports on intergovernmental issues
- Participation on tables of collaboration to achieve the funding, legislative, and program priorities of the city