The City Manager provided the following materials to Members of City Council at the start of the 2022-2026 Council term before the first Council and Committee meetings.
Introduction to Toronto’s Government is a webpage with a wide range of information including on Council governance, the City’s Accountability Officers, and the City’s Agencies and Corporations.
The City’s Finances and Budget webpages provide information on municipal finances and serve as a valuable background ahead of the 2023 budget process.
Toronto is Canada’s largest city with one of the most diverse populations in the world and the largest Indigenous population in Ontario. The City is committed to advancing equity, diversity and inclusion, and truth, justice and reconciliation. Read about the City’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) and more on the Indigenous Affairs Office webpage.
City Council was provided with the following summary notes on strategic issues recently addressed in the previous Council term or matters with planned reports to come forward for further Council deliberation in the 2022-2026 Council term. The notes are organized by the following themes found in Toronto’s Corporate Strategic Plan.