Engineering & Construction Services – Customer Service Standards
Engineering & Construction Services provides specialized services in engineering planning, design and construction of municipal infrastructure for other City divisions, development engineering, third party review, utility mapping, property and engineering survey.
Our mission is to build safe and sustainable infrastructure that enhances the quality of life for the people of Toronto. Our vision is to be an industry leader in delivering municipal infrastructure engineering services with integrity and pride.
Construction Related Inquiry or Complaint
If you have an inquiry, complaint or concern with a specific construction project you can either:
Call or email the contact person for the project as shown in the Construction Notice or bulletin that has been delivered to local residents and businesses and is posted on the ward map
Call 311 and inquire who to contact for the project
Contact the construction inspection staff located at the project site
The inspector or the contact person will contact you within two business days and follow up on your question or complaint. They will work directly with the contractor in the field to answer your question or to resolve your complaint quickly.
Municipal Numbering
Description: Addresses issued for land, building or building entrance
Service Standard: Within five working days after receipt of application and required fees.
Street Naming
Description: Review of proposed new street or lane names, changes to street names and street spelling
Service Standard: Initial response within ten working days with estimated time to complete
Engineering Review & Approvals
Planning Applications Submitted under the Planning Act
Description: These are applications submitted under the Planning Act to obtain development approvals, and can comprise, but not limited to, proposals to: amend zoning by-laws (Zoning By-Law Amendments); subdivide property (Plan of Subdivision or Consent to Sever); develop property (Site Plan Control); or create a condominium (Plan of Condominium). The length of time to review an application and provide a response to City Planning is generally as follows:
Complex Submission
Initial Submission: 35 working days from date received by Development Engineering
Revised Submission: 25 working days from date received by Development Engineering
Routine Submission
Initial Submission: 25 working days from date received by Development Engineering
Revised Submission: 10 working days from date received by Development Engineering
Quick Submission
Initial Submission: 15 working days from date received by Development Engineering
Revised Submission: Five working days from date received by Development Engineering
Third Party & Utility Submissions
Review of Full-Stream Utility Permit Applications
Comments within 15 working days of receipt of application from Transportation Services.
Utility Mapping
Description: Provision of paper or electronic maps, for planning purposes only, showing the location of underground utilities in the right-of-way.
Service Standard: Two working days after receipt of disclaimer.
Surveyor Field Notes
Description: Field notes for land surveyors only.
Service Standard: Three days after receipt of request.
Sewer Infraction Records Search
Service Standard: Ten working days after receipt of application.
Municipal Numbering
Description: Addresses issued for land, building or building entrance.
Service Standard: Within five working days after receipt of application and required fees.
Street Naming
Description: Review of proposed new street or lane names, changes to street names and street spelling.
Service Standard: Initial response within ten working days with estimated time to complete.
Record Drawings for Municipal Infrastructure
Description: Electronic Plan and Profile drawings are available for planning purposes only. These drawings show the location of sewer and watermains in the right-of-way.
Service Standard: Two working days after receipt of disclaimer